sell me on older women...

Tao of Steve

Don Juan
Nov 17, 2002
Reaction score
OK men - many of you have been suggesting that older women are where it is at. i am in my early 30's. i find young girls VERY ####, attractive, appealing. I just can't get excited about women in their 30's, especially ########.

For those who prefer older women, what is it about them that do it for you?


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
how timely...long azz story, but maybe worth it.

last night i just dropped a fvck buddy suggestion on a 38 year old that i met online and have been flipping emails back and forth with. she's hot and has a smokin' bod and sexy as hell. we've seen each other in person and we definitely have some great chemistry.

she's a single mommy of one 6 year old. she has her act together. she works full time and is very devoted to her daughter. she basically "works" 6:00am to 10:00pm and doesn't have the time or energy to dvck around. her marriage of 10 years was not very good, but she tried to hang on because of her daughter. finally she dumped the chump two years ago. she's only been with four guys, including her ex, in the last 15 years. the very few men she's dated since, have been "losers" and she's frustrated. her nightly Pocket Rocket ain't cutting it--she told me so.

she's also very religous, but definitely wants to be a "bad girl" in bed. she is definitely very sexually frustrated. BUT...she can't (won't) sleep around because of her daughter. i totally respect this.

when i dropped the idea on her (in the midst of some good sex talk), she hesitated, but then laughed and said, "yeah, that's what i want". i knew it.

we talked about it then and there and sort of outlined the "rules" and "expectations". we were on exactly the same page. a commitment, but not a strong one. we "negotiated" that perhaps once per week we should see each other and once more talk on the phone (although we agreed to talk after 10:00pm whenever we felt like it). we have our own lives. we never drop by each other's place unannounced. i would never meet her daughter unless we got serious. we also discussed what we would do if one of us got more attached. she told me she was concerned about this because she gets attached easily. i told her that we would just have to be very honest about the situation and re-evaluate it from time to time.

she also wants this situation to be "exclusive". right now, i'm not opposed to that myself. i am positive that she will not be fvcking other dudes. she doesn't have the time and she just can't do this because of her daughter. she was concerned about me, though. i told her that if i fvcked someone else, i'd tell her. i would! then we would talk about it and see where we stand.

basically, we were negotiating, debating, the situation. all cards were laid on the table--NO BULLSHYT!!!

she wants a guy that is successful and has his act together. she wants to be seduced. she told me flat out that this guy should make at least $75,000 per year, but she's not a gold digger. she told me that she took care of her loser husband for 10 years and got nothing in return. she also takes care of her daughter. she told me that she wants someone to finally take care of HER. you almost never hear a woman say this. i appreciated that honesty.

she's 38, blonde, 5'3, 130lbs but carries it well. she is damn sexy. she told me she has a perfectly smooth kitty and backside. she has nipple rings and a couple of hidden tats. she wants to be spanked, but never has. i asked her if she's ever been blindfolded and tied up, and she hasn't, but is hip to it. she said she never swallowed, but wants to. she asked if she should call me "Professor" in bed.

basically, she wants to go nuts and experiment with the right man. she will be a WILD FVCK, i'm positive of it.

flat out bro, she wants dvck and wants it bad. she wants to be a slut in bed, but really can't. she wants good convo with a real man, but she can't really get this either. she wants to be appreciated. she wants a male confident. basically she wants a quality man that she can fvck on a regular basis with no real strings or commitment or clingyness. there's one guy (24) who is calling her 3-4 times per week and she doesn't have the heart to tell him to get lost--what a chump.

neither of us are sure about doing this. BUT, the foundation has been laid so to speak. i am going to suggest that we test the waters, then see if we want to move forward. if not, we part ways with a smile.

this is a totally different FB situation than with a twenty something, in that we laid all of the cards on the table and talked at length about the advantages and disadvantages. further, we both are experienced enough in life to at least discuss it like adults.

in this situation, throw all of the DJ games and strategies out the window. there are a lot of mid-thirties hot babes out there, in their sexual prime, that want this exact same situation. their clock is ticking and they know it.

the only question is, can you both handle it? the adultness and honesty of the dialog was very refreshing.

have i sold you?


hey PRL, yes this is the same chick that i posted that email exchange on a while back and you said, "why deal with the drama". i mentioned in that post that i suspected that she wanted an FB. i was right!

Falcon Eye

Don Juan
Oct 16, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by TooColdUlrick
how timely...long azz story, but maybe worth it.

last night i just dropped a fvck buddy suggestion on a 38 year old that i met online and have been flipping emails back and forth with. she's hot and has a smokin' bod and sexy as hell. we've seen each other in person and we definitely have some great chemistry.

she's a single mommy of one 6 year old. she has her act together. she works full time and is very devoted to her daughter. she basically "works" 6:00am to 10:00pm and doesn't have the time or energy to dvck around. her marriage of 10 years was not very good, but she tried to hang on because of her daughter. finally she dumped the chump two years ago. she's only been with four guys, including her ex, in the last 15 years. the very few men she's dated since, have been "losers" and she's frustrated. her nightly Pocket Rocket ain't cutting it--she told me so.

she's also very religous, but definitely wants to be a "bad girl" in bed. she is definitely very sexually frustrated. BUT...she can't (won't) sleep around because of her daughter. i totally respect this.

when i dropped the idea on her (in the midst of some good sex talk), she hesitated, but then laughed and said, "yeah, that's what i want". i knew it.

we talked about it then and there and sort of outlined the "rules" and "expectations". we were on exactly the same page. a commitment, but not a strong one. we "negotiated" that perhaps once per week we should see each other and once more talk on the phone (although we agreed to talk after 10:00pm whenever we felt like it). we have our own lives. we never drop by each other's place unannounced. i would never meet her daughter unless we got serious. we also discussed what we would do if one of us got more attached. she told me she was concerned about this because she gets attached easily. i told her that we would just have to be very honest about the situation and re-evaluate it from time to time.

she also wants this situation to be "exclusive". right now, i'm not opposed to that myself. i am positive that she will not be fvcking other dudes. she doesn't have the time and she just can't do this because of her daughter. she was concerned about me, though. i told her that if i fvcked someone else, i'd tell her. i would! then we would talk about it and see where we stand.

basically, we were negotiating, debating, the situation. all cards were laid on the table--NO BULLSHYT!!!

she wants a guy that is successful and has his act together. she wants to be seduced. she told me flat out that this guy should make at least $75,000 per year, but she's not a gold digger. she told me that she took care of her loser husband for 10 years and got nothing in return. she also takes care of her daughter. she told me that she wants someone to finally take care of HER. you almost never hear a woman say this. i appreciated that honesty.

she's 38, blonde, 5'3, 130lbs but carries it well. she is damn sexy. she told me she has a perfectly smooth kitty and backside. she has nipple rings and a couple of hidden tats. she wants to be spanked, but never has. i asked her if she's ever been blindfolded and tied up, and she hasn't, but is hip to it. she said she never swallowed, but wants to. she asked if she should call me "Professor" in bed.

basically, she wants to go nuts and experiment with the right man. she will be a WILD FVCK, i'm positive of it.

flat out bro, she wants dvck and wants it bad. she wants to be a slut in bed, but really can't. she wants good convo with a real man, but she can't really get this either. she wants to be appreciated. she wants a male confident. basically she wants a quality man that she can fvck on a regular basis with no real strings or commitment or clingyness. there's one guy (24) who is calling her 3-4 times per week and she doesn't have the heart to tell him to get lost--what a chump.

neither of us are sure about doing this. BUT, the foundation has been laid so to speak. i am going to suggest that we test the waters, then see if we want to move forward. if not, we part ways with a smile.

this is a totally different FB situation than with a twenty something, in that we laid all of the cards on the table and talked at length about the advantages and disadvantages. further, we both are experienced enough in life to at least discuss it like adults.

in this situation, throw all of the DJ games and strategies out the window. there are a lot of mid-thirties hot babes out there, in their sexual prime, that want this exact same situation. their clock is ticking and they know it.

the only question is, can you both handle it? the adultness and honesty of the dialog was very refreshing.

have i sold you?


hey PRL, yes this is the same chick that i posted that email exchange on a while back and you said, "why deal with the drama". i mentioned in that post that i suspected that she wanted an FB. i was right!

Hey great stuff, my advise is to get her ASAP and give her one of the best goings over she's ever gotten. :D Let us know how she takes her first spanking. I've said for a long time now that one of the best thrills of being a man is having a woman over your knees getting her ass warmed up! You'd be surprise what filt can come out of a woman's mouth while she's being spanked.:D :D
Apr 3, 2003
Reaction score

I just spent one minute on the main page and immediately came here. Thanks for shedding some lite on this board. If I had read one more "I've got oneitis" I was ready to shyt my pants.

If you need some help with this one hit me up. I'll be happy to give her a good shagging


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Re: TooColdUlrich!!!

Originally posted by Player_Supreme
I just spent one minute on the main page and immediately came here. Thanks for shedding some lite on this board. If I had read one more "I've got oneitis" I was ready to shyt my pants.

If you need some help with this one hit me up. I'll be happy to give her a good shagging
actually, i might need some help! i've shied away from the single mommy thing AND from the mid-thirties chicks. i guess it's all in my own mind.

agreed. the oneitis's are nausiating. as are the, "jeepers, does she like me" posts. it just goes to show ya how stupid most of the stuff on the main board is :)


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score

there's no question whatsoever that the sex in this demo is easy to come by. but i've concluded that the price is probably too high--for me anyway.

Tao of Steve

Don Juan
Nov 17, 2002
Reaction score
For me, one of the main things is that it is very difficult for me to become sexually aroused or attracted to women in their late 20's - 30's.

i just dont feel attraction to them. they may have more in common with me, be more interesting, better partners etc, but it is the lack of attraction.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by TooColdUlrick

there's no question whatsoever that the sex in this demo is easy to come by. but i've concluded that the price is probably too high--for me anyway.
what is the price to which you refer?


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Crank_It_Up
what is the price to which you refer?
in no particular order...

1. sloppy bodies. yeah, there are some tight ones, BUT....

2. corrupted. sure, some aren't but a lot are bitter, hostile, man-haters. especially the ones who were once hot betties back in the day and had AFC's drooling all over them. they still think it should be this way, but they fail to realize they are living in the past and they are no longer the highly desired betty they once were--but still act as though they are.

3. BAGGAGE. especially the single (divorced) mommies. you're playing third string. 1) the kid(s); 2) the ex; 3) YOU.

i have always said this: women have the advantage when they are in their twenties. men have the advantage in their thirties and beyond. this is PAY BACK!!!

a while back i put a personal online. basically, i said i'm looking for a "mid-twenties, smart, fun, enthusiastic, gal-pal, to hang with". i was bombarded with mid-thirties chicks, most of whom replied with a "**** you, are looking for a bimbo with nothing to offer...I'M FUN...really, really, really, i am." totally bitter responses and uncalled for assaults.

it's just way too much trouble. i don't want a chick that will drag me down. i'll next them in a heartbeat.

of course, these are generalizations, but they're 'generally' true:)