Self Motivation Mentality


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2002
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Self Motivation? What comes in mind when you hear those words? Do you think of moving on? Maybe being happy 24/7? Well, those answers my friend are good but not Great.

Self motivation comes from Don Juans who are really committed and has the bases of the LEADERSHIP! Who has a high moral character. You don't get self motivation in one day, H*ll no, you get it through experience. If you can't motivate yourself then you can become nothing but a follower, whether you have the happiest day of your life or the worst possible day you can think of self motivation can provide you with the same feeling everyday. Lets say for instance you have a big test on friday and you go to the library to study. While going to the library you met a chick named Sue who you have interest in. You have a conversation but it ends sour. Now think about it, if you couldn't motivate yourself then are you going to study well? Now if you have self motivation then it'll become a different story. You could pursuade yourself in less then a min. that your main focus is in your studies not a girl that just gave you bullsh!t.

We can all learn to achieve self motivation. First off you need to STOP BEING A CHUMP who can't decide what to do after a sour conversation with a girl you want. Put your mind together about where you are headed in life and follow that path no matter what. Always take few min. of each day to think about what you did today and how it could be better. Go through your flaws and fix them. Whatever you do don't just stand there wishing you can do something about it but TAKE ACTION!

Well soon your going to be asking yourself, "this is really hard to achieve, because it makes no sense to hide what your feeling." That's not correct you should never think that way. Ever heard of the saying, "Don't frown because you don't know who's falling in love with your smile."

Self motivation is Attractive. It builds character and gives a person a their unique charisma. Now you understand why girls fall head over heel's for Vin Deisel, Eminem, DMX, James Bond, etc. etc. etc.

Learn to motivate yourself and You can find that it can help you GREATLY and upgrade your life in everywhich way.

- PEACE Don Juan