Self Improvment


Don Juan
Jan 20, 2006
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So... a lot of us are here because we want to improve upon ourselves. But what exactly are you here to improve upon?

That's what I struggled to figure out when I first joined. I lurked a lot, read over the bible a lot, and posted a few threads. The first step in improving upon yourself is discovering exactly what you need to improve on. And never ever ever say that something about you can not be improved upon.

Lemme give you a little background upon myself, as an example.

Last year I didn't own a single pair of jeans, and I mainly wore some old t-shirts, or some hoodies. I really never cared about what I wore, or what people thought of my image. But, I began to realize where I was on the social ladder. I sat with the nerds at lunch, talked about video games, and I really wanted to change that. I started about half-way through last year, and I wish that I would have a long time ago.

I made an old thread about all the of the things I wanted to improve upon myself, and put it in my wallet. The list included many things....

I wanted to improve my grades. (I had a 2.8 GPA)

I wanted to lose weight (I weight 261 when I started)

I wanted to dress nicer (You read about that above)

I wanted to be more desirable, so I became more active in school activities, and I did what I wanted to do. (I played in the band)

I was really lazy.(I never moved.)

I didn't really have a hobby. (other than video games.)

And, I had one friend that was a girl. (Like an HB6)

You know what I did? I knew what I had to improve upon, and I did it.

I got my first report card for this semester, and I had 2 A+'s, and 6 A's. 4.2 GPA.

I now weigh 218 pounds. I lost 43 pounds by simply walking everyday. I honestly didn't change my diet, except I don't eat when I play video games.

I got a job so I could afford some nicer clothes, now I've almost got too many nice clothes, I've got a few shirts in my closet that I haven't worn yet.

I was lazy, but now I walk all the time. I get up and do things with my friends, I play on my schools golf team, and I really enjoy myself.

I got a hobby, it's called making music, and a lot of people have taken interest in my stuff. I make a lot of technoish stuff, and a lot of my friends have taken a huge interest in what I make, and it's really cool.

So, before you can improve, write down every flaw you wish to improve upon, and write a solution you can use to solve them. It may sound simple, but before you can improve, you have to have the desire to improve. And, it isn't to get the girl, it's for YOU. You're improving upon yourself so when you look at yourself in the mirror, you like what you see, and enjoy your life.

I don't know if this will help anyone, but I really wish I would have known something that simple when I was a freshman, and not half way through my junior year.
Sep 18, 2006
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somewhere warm and rainy
bravo good post

i did something like this the second i found the site

i gotta reprint the sheet with the stuff i wanna fix

another thing i think is a good thing to go along with this is wat i call a cheat sheet

just copy and paste the advice u find really cool and put it in word print it put in ur binder(thats where i keep mine) ur wallet or brief case


Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
This is a great idea. My only problem is that I tend to let people see my wallet alot(they ask to see it, I don't care because I've never had anything I wouldn't want them to see in it) I guess I should stop doing that anyway, I can start putting phone numbers in it again.

Anyway, thank you for the great idea.