Self improvement needed.


Don Juan
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Terrebonne, QC
Alright.. so.. after being with a girl for 3 weeks, giving it my all.. having her swear she wanted to be with me forever and would never leave me or give up on me and all that.. it's gone south. Fast, hard, and in probably the worst breakup ever.

For a 3 week relationship there were some serious feelings involved (then again i was always kinda after this girl since 3 years ago)

Anyway, so it sucks, I got hurt.. she now hates me and doesn't want to talk to me, doesn't want my friendship and is now going on to **** some other guy. (can't say i'm not a bit jealous and hurt by the idea but whatever)

So basically, I was gonna come here, ask you all how to beat the ***** at her own game so i could break her like she broke me but in the end, it's really not worth it. As beautiful as she was (a definite 10... could have been a model i'm sure) and as fun as she may have been while we were together.. and as awesome as she was with creativity during phone sex (since we live far apart). There's too much bull****, too many games and i'm pretty sure i ****ed up so bad it's a lost cause (do kinda want her to come crawlin back though.. maybe i'm nuts).

The bottom line. I want some serious self improvement. I have probably some of the most unstable emotions in the world and a wicked hard time controlling them. Fiercely jealous with pretty low confidence (though the ex helped to boost the latter.. dropped it down a notch with the breakup but still up pretty high knowing i can land a girl that hot.. but i fear i'll never get someone as beautiful or more beautiful again.. i swear to god i dreamed this girl into existance)

I want to really learn how to get control over myself. you know, that whole thing about loving ones self before you can truly love someone else.

I don't want all this **** about 'oneitis' and all that lecture either. I do believe that people can find love or it'll find you. I also don't want to improve my 'game' with women... i'm sure that'll come with me feeling better about myself and all that.. and if not, i can always come back.

so help me guys.. give me pointers, tips, advice.. and if any of you genuine guys (not the players but the people who just live to be satisfied with life and yourself or whatever) live in the montreal area i dunno, i'd like to pick your brains.

Show me some of the self improvement Don Juan **** instead of all that macking married women BS.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 10, 2007
Reaction score
the best advice I can give you, if you have time for it, is to read the book of Pook. It is what have helped me the most to improve myself... and he doesn't give any Pick-Up tactics or all that crap. He believes that if you get your life together, work on yourself and put all focus on you, women will be attracted to you no matter how you approach them (as long as you don't become AFC, but you shouldn't since all the focus is on YOU)

link: it's the second link, the book of pook by gubby


Don Juan
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Terrebonne, QC
Shivastorm_88 said:
the best advice I can give you, if you have time for it, is to read the book of Pook. It is what have helped me the most to improve myself... and he doesn't give any Pick-Up tactics or all that crap. He believes that if you get your life together, work on yourself and put all focus on you, women will be attracted to you no matter how you approach them (as long as you don't become AFC, but you shouldn't since all the focus is on YOU)

link: it's the second link, the book of pook by gubby
God.. i already disbelieve alot of this.. also seems really windy for my liking. I know i have to be the prize.. but i don't have to be a male pig, or an arrogant ****head to do it. I just want to control my frustrations and anger.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Meditation, Tai Chi, Chi Kung, smoke ganja, take up an artform like making music, etc.

Dash Riprock

Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Mile High City, USA

First of all, change your screen name. If you think you are a jackass, you ARE a jackass. This is Step One. You will get dumped every time because you don't believe in YOU. Chicks can sniff this out a mile away. Confidence in a guy is arguably the #1 Factor they look for. So, become a Monk for 4-6 weeks, forget chicks for a while, and work FULL TIME on YOU:

Now, for heavy-duty self improvement:

1-Purchase the Live with Passion Cd series by Tony Robbins. ANYTHING this guy does or sells is GOLD. Listen to them daily.

2- Write out your goals and post them.

3- Write out all the top 5 things (be specific) you'd like to change about you and then a plan for each one.

4- Read dating info by Doc Love, Dave DeAngelo, Pook. Use what works for you--there's much overlap with these guys and some difference, but they're about the best I've found in terms of *real world* dating advice.

5- Start working out. If you are, do it harder. Box, do MMA, something to gain a testosterone-laced edge. This will bring out male qualities that chicks subconsciously look for.

6- Keep looking to the experts to get better. For self improvement, Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Stephen Covey, Zig Ziglar--all good. Stay away from anything too zen-like or ANYTHING from John Gray.

This is a good start. Good luck.



Don Juan
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Terrebonne, QC
Dash Riprock said:

First of all, change your screen name. If you think you are a jackass, you ARE a jackass. This is Step One. You will get dumped every time because you don't believe in YOU. Chicks can sniff this out a mile away. Confidence in a guy is arguably the #1 Factor they look for. So, become a Monk for 4-6 weeks, forget chicks for a while, and work FULL TIME on YOU:

Now, for heavy-duty self improvement:

1-Purchase the Live with Passion Cd series by Tony Robbins. ANYTHING this guy does or sells is GOLD. Listen to them daily.

2- Write out your goals and post them.

3- Write out all the top 5 things (be specific) you'd like to change about you and then a plan for each one.

4- Read dating info by Doc Love, Dave DeAngelo, Pook. Use what works for you--there's much overlap with these guys and some difference, but they're about the best I've found in terms of *real world* dating advice.

5- Start working out. If you are, do it harder. Box, do MMA, something to gain a testosterone-laced edge. This will bring out male qualities that chicks subconsciously look for.

6- Keep looking to the experts to get better. For self improvement, Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy, Stephen Covey, Zig Ziglar--all good. Stay away from anything too zen-like or ANYTHING from John Gray.

This is a good start. Good luck.

Ha, the screen name.. That was something i picked up back in college. Mainly because I say some really stupid things that tend to really offend women.. but most often it actually makes them kinda like me more. It's that whole 'never know what he's going to say or do next' thing.

I actually set up a meeting with a psychologist for monday next week.. got some personal **** from my past i feel i need to talk about, figure out, let go of.. whichever. Also decided to make contact with some old friends. People I booted from my life years ago. Not to be super pals again... but just to kinda tell them that i forgive them... that i don't have to hate them anymore. No good keeping that **** bottled inside.

Started listening to this thing about 'thinking big' which kinda touches personal life stuff.. but seems almost more business oriented. Watched 'the secret' and downloaded some other stuff.. but yeah.. I'll go take a look at some of those cd's.

I'm just tired of hurting people then beating myself up over it. i'd rather just not make the mistakes in the first place.