self body image/esteem issues


Don Juan
Apr 9, 2007
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So I'm a pretty good looking guy who has a lot of self image issues. Some days I'll look at myself in the mirror and think I look really hot, while other days I can't stand howI look.

Anways, what my problem is in particular is the way people judge me. Girls see me, as one put it, "too wholesome looking". I'm seen as the cute, safe kid, but I want to change that image. I'm not doing this to get girls, but to show who I really am to the world. People assume things about me because of the way I look. Like just last wekend I was at a party and one of my friends from high school was surprised I drink at all even though I've been downing the alcohol this entire year. I feel like I'm labeled as this wholesome kid, but I'm really not. I want to be seen as an edgy, sexy guy also. What's the best way to get girls to stop viewing me as a cute guy who is safe, and start being "hot" to them. One thing I've noticed is that this year I've become a lot more comfortable with my body. I've worked out and have a six pack, so I've had my shirt off in my hall and dorm a lot this year (I guess to try and get girls to see my abs), when in the past that was something I never thought of doing.


New Member
Apr 3, 2007
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New Jersey
Shave your head into a mohawk if your looking for a tougher bad boy image. Worked for me.


Don Juan
Apr 13, 2007
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september_road said:
So I'm a pretty good looking guy who has a lot of self image issues. Some days I'll look at myself in the mirror and think I look really hot, while other days I can't stand howI look.
Jesus are you me?! I do that all the time, in fact I usually look at myself in the day and hate my looks, and yet think I am good-looking at night...

Anyway, if you want to stop being the cute safe kid... Stop ACTING like it... It sounds to me as though you already have, but keep it up long enough until that image fades.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2006
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I've been telling girls for many years now that guys don't care very much about their looks, I thought only girls cared about how they looked as it is required for them to be very pretty if they want a guy to go out with them, I thought guys were far more concerned with making money and that type of thing, being a rock star or a sports champion.


Don Juan
Jul 2, 2002
Reaction score
My advice would be to work with it dude. It can either be something that you despise or another weapon in your arsenal.

If you've got the wholesome cute guy look, when you do things that aren't good and holy people will stand up and pay attention.
Not only that but chicks who notice this wont be able to peg you... they'll see you as a mystery...:up:

So use your looks as a tool and let your attitude mold with it. :rock: