Dear sosuave bros,
Well this is story…(if will smith popped into your head then you are cool =P).
No this is a story that I need some advice and tips on. I’ll make it as clear as
I can and some constructive feedback would be much appreciated.
My Background – I’ve been only gaming for about 7 months and then I stopped for 6 months. In my 7 months I went from being a total newbie who struggled to hug a girl, who had never kissed a girl to pulling the first girl I made out with. Now that was the only one I had ever pulled in a club environment but to me that was a massive step…rock on those little victories!
Anyway I went on a study exchange in Vancouver with which I went to game for the first month or so. I then decided not to game because of other values that where more important to me at the time which I’ll not go into.
However I met a girl at some sports game who then became part of my social circle and I gamed her from the get go. She loved it, I then pulled her back to my place but it was a bit awkward when she told me that she was in a 5 year relationship when we were both sitting by my bed lol.
Nothing happened beyond that. We kept in touch, we would hang out and stuff. It was odd because she really liked me and I tried multiple times to get with this girl but each time she would physically stop me and say no. She said that it was very hard for her not to give in to me.
Anyway, we grew closer and then there was the point where she had to leave to go back to her home country. She held a party at our place and then we went to a club, I was the last person she said goodbye to and we were alone in my flat so I escalated, we were making out etc. After making out she stopped me and said she really really wanted to continue but said that it was her values that was stopping her’. Which is of course her boyfriend. We never hooked up properly.
So she cut contact when she was away back home but we did call each other occasionally. I wanted to get in a relationship with this girl so expressed it and then of course she shot me down telling me that she didn’t ‘love me’. This did break my heart and for a week I was out (yes, I am wiping away the tears as I write this lol). Everybody has to have their heart broken once and that was mine.
After this her boyfriend (due to nothing of me) broke up with her because of the distance I guess. And then we kept in contact again.
I then went back to my home but still she lives about 2000km away from me. But we called most days and we skyped, texted all the time etc. I talked about flying to her place since it was cheap and I could do it, she was for the idea then backed out. We skyped again and then she said we should stop contact and the fact that she had lost her relationship has meant that she doesn’t think about what she does with other people. What we were doing was in the relationship category (communicating all the time) which she specifically didn’t want. So we stopped communicating.
The thing is that in a month or so we will be crossing each other’s path again since the fact the fact that we are in the same social circle of people who went abroad.
I reinitiated contact last week, we skyped for 10 mins and in that skype she specifically said that she ‘didn’t want to be in the same room with me alone’. We haven’t been in contact since. I then sent her a message saying that I appreciate the time we had together (which we did have a kick as time) and that I apologized for some things that I did that hurt her and then left it at that.
The thing is that I really like this girl. We’ve got great chemistry when it’s
going good and we share very similar work ethics (she’s not one of these watch Netflix all day people). And she’s got a cool personality and way at looking at life.
I’m **** at this stuff. I need some tips. What would you do? Move on? Work on yourself and then when you meet up see where **** is at and then go from there?
Well this is story…(if will smith popped into your head then you are cool =P).
No this is a story that I need some advice and tips on. I’ll make it as clear as
I can and some constructive feedback would be much appreciated.
My Background – I’ve been only gaming for about 7 months and then I stopped for 6 months. In my 7 months I went from being a total newbie who struggled to hug a girl, who had never kissed a girl to pulling the first girl I made out with. Now that was the only one I had ever pulled in a club environment but to me that was a massive step…rock on those little victories!
Anyway I went on a study exchange in Vancouver with which I went to game for the first month or so. I then decided not to game because of other values that where more important to me at the time which I’ll not go into.
However I met a girl at some sports game who then became part of my social circle and I gamed her from the get go. She loved it, I then pulled her back to my place but it was a bit awkward when she told me that she was in a 5 year relationship when we were both sitting by my bed lol.
Nothing happened beyond that. We kept in touch, we would hang out and stuff. It was odd because she really liked me and I tried multiple times to get with this girl but each time she would physically stop me and say no. She said that it was very hard for her not to give in to me.
Anyway, we grew closer and then there was the point where she had to leave to go back to her home country. She held a party at our place and then we went to a club, I was the last person she said goodbye to and we were alone in my flat so I escalated, we were making out etc. After making out she stopped me and said she really really wanted to continue but said that it was her values that was stopping her’. Which is of course her boyfriend. We never hooked up properly.
So she cut contact when she was away back home but we did call each other occasionally. I wanted to get in a relationship with this girl so expressed it and then of course she shot me down telling me that she didn’t ‘love me’. This did break my heart and for a week I was out (yes, I am wiping away the tears as I write this lol). Everybody has to have their heart broken once and that was mine.
After this her boyfriend (due to nothing of me) broke up with her because of the distance I guess. And then we kept in contact again.
I then went back to my home but still she lives about 2000km away from me. But we called most days and we skyped, texted all the time etc. I talked about flying to her place since it was cheap and I could do it, she was for the idea then backed out. We skyped again and then she said we should stop contact and the fact that she had lost her relationship has meant that she doesn’t think about what she does with other people. What we were doing was in the relationship category (communicating all the time) which she specifically didn’t want. So we stopped communicating.
The thing is that in a month or so we will be crossing each other’s path again since the fact the fact that we are in the same social circle of people who went abroad.
I reinitiated contact last week, we skyped for 10 mins and in that skype she specifically said that she ‘didn’t want to be in the same room with me alone’. We haven’t been in contact since. I then sent her a message saying that I appreciate the time we had together (which we did have a kick as time) and that I apologized for some things that I did that hurt her and then left it at that.
The thing is that I really like this girl. We’ve got great chemistry when it’s
going good and we share very similar work ethics (she’s not one of these watch Netflix all day people). And she’s got a cool personality and way at looking at life.
I’m **** at this stuff. I need some tips. What would you do? Move on? Work on yourself and then when you meet up see where **** is at and then go from there?