See Cold approaches don't work in Aus


May 22, 2004
Reaction score
In Uranus
See it's harder here in Australia. Did a little field experiment this evening on cold approaches. I'll keep it short and sweet.

Girl #1. Finished my workout and she was standing outside having a smoke(??, WTF) She looked at me as I walked to my car and passed her saying, "hey, good workout?" Smiles and all.

Her.. "yeah... why?"
"I'm new to this gym just wondering what you thought of it"

"Yeah it's ok I guess, bit too busy, well I gotta be somewhere now sorry, bye"

Then squashed her half smoked cigarette out. This hoe was an 8 I'd say.

Girl #2: Outside subway SMS'ing on her phone, we lock eyes so I just walk up and say "Hey there how you doing?"

Her "Hi", doesn't smile or answer my question and gets back to her mobile phone. Another cute blonde HB8.

Girl 3: Taking out my garbage and this fat lardass ***** walks by, HB3 TOPS.
"Hi how's it going there?" HUGE smile on my dial.

Her, looking bewildered, "yeah, uh, hi" then looks down to the ground and steps up her pace.

Last approach. Girl #4. Had to go to the gas station to buys some cigarettes and this HB7 is pumpin fuel for her car, a smile at her and get a response, a young punani about 17. I do my usual hi how you doing. This one was actually talking to me for like 3 minutes. Then when I finished off the convo saying i gotta go but I'd like to catch up and asked for the digitis, she let out a short laugh, went red, and said "no I don't think so. sorry. I have a boyfriend anyway." That last one hurt the most. **** it, I was in one of those I don't give a fvck moods. Now I feel battered. Damn, couldn't even get a fat heffer to open up. haha.

Yeah moral is, if you're an Aussie, fvck off cold approaches. You'll look stupid.
May 17, 2004
Reaction score
cold approaches are tough everywhere dude, ... unless you live in a 4 people horsetown ...
I have had the same experiences as you and I keep doing them anyway... they are FUN ... I dont feel stupid and hopefully you feel empowered to do that know how many guys do the thing you do? not more than the number of fingers you got in your right hand...
have confidence in what you do and why ur doing it

xi phi pi

Don Juan
Jun 9, 2004
Reaction score
Hey Willy, didn't you have posts earlier about how getting women was so easy? What happened?


New Member
Sep 6, 2004
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Being experienced with literally hundreds of cold approaches (and many successes) I can say that your one day with a total of four approaches is hardly a conclusive study that cold approaches don’t work. Try for one week doing 10-20 approaches per day and then come back here and say that they don’t work. My guess is that if you improve your conversational skills and do this amount of approaches you will not only get numbers but will get laid. Success with women takes effort. The guys who are willing to accept this are going to be the guys who get that warm hole we love so much."Hey there how you doing?" is not really the best starter to use to start a convo with a girl. Good Luck.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2004
Reaction score
Miami are you in looks department? It's also important to wear something not treataning to women..( no black shirts with stupid slogans )
Try to make an eye contact with a smile first and see if she returns the smile. Then go say hello....Maybe use opinion openers?..ask her opinion about something...current even or anything around you.
Pay attention to your body language! crossed arms or legs....hands out of open.
Keep eye conatct!..and smile!
This should do it. Go get out there again and see the difference!

jonny football hero

Master Don Juan
Jun 1, 2003
Reaction score
!Robin Hood country, Uk!
So what? least you tried....better than doing **** all.......

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
Haha. At what point do you stop doing the same thing in order to expect different results? There are people who will get a positive response from all 4 women you approached.

Like somebody posted above, you need a lot more approaches so you can start recognzing what works and what doesn't.


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2004
Reaction score
Queens Ny
I'm from Ny and it is straight up stuck up ***** city. I've had my share or two of these women and I finally got the point after getting shot down a few times.
I could give you an excuse for every reason why you were shot down..........Or maybe you thought you were..........
The opener for the girl at the gym was great.... You caught her interest and had a small convo. But just because you didn't get her # didn't mean you were succesful. There are other times when you'll probably see her so don't sweat it. You should have gotten her name so next time when you saw her in the gym you couldve popped up and said hey -----. Women love it when you pay attention to them and that couldve been an ice breaker. But don't give up you'll have another chance. Also she shouldnt be classified as a hoe because she didn't have time to talk to you.
Girl 2 in the train station........ Duh couldn't you see she was on her cell phone. Hi is just a hi. Answer to how she's doing "we'lll cant you see I'm on my cell phone". If you waited a minute maybe she wouldve got off and talked to you, or maybe she was just being polite...... You set your self up for that one.
Girl 3 The fat lardass ***** next to never gets approached by guys so when you did it was a complete surprise to her and freaked her out completely. I guarantee you she's sitting at home saying to herself "damn my fat ass ****ed up, I never get approached so the only time I did I ****ed it up".. Oh well, I'm sure you wouldn't want her apart of you repitoure anyway.
Girl4 the young one , was just another one you have to throw your hands in the air and say oh well....


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
I'm going to have to agree with BigWillyStyle here.

From personal experience, Aussie girls have a very high initial b1tch shield. Either that or they just act incredibly aloof. Once you get through that though they are quite receptive.

They just don't expect to be spoken to because CAs rarely happen here. It's not because they think you don't have's because they are caught unawares.

Despite this I'm still doing's going to be extra fvckin hard, but maybe I can finally prove that cold approaches work in Australia.

Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
It's not because they think you don't have's because they are caught unawares.


it can be done, i do it.

i just choose my hunting ground

1. thursday night / late night shopping go to the biggest mall / shopping centre in your area

the chicks here after 5pm are LOOKING FOR GUYS

2. i am into cars, so i go where all the cars go, in Newcastle all the nice cars park up on the foreshore sometimes you get 500 cars and walking up and down you get the hot b*tches checking out the scene. as there as so many nice cars it is a MAGNET for hot b*tches and they flock in.

3. *****es on their way home from clubs or walking between clubs. they are all dressed up and waiting for some guy to do something about it. ( b*tches inside clubs are a different story as they just want to have fun dancing for the most part )

4. Parties

i can't be bothered typing other places

now i think that you can meet women anywhere and anytime BUT... as i have said above their are places where b*tches go to GET PICKED UP

i make the contacts on thursday/friday/saturday that i pimp with the rest of the week, one on one ( isolate )

Lost In Translation


Quote: Don Juanabbe
What are you Vanilla-bloody-Ice?

Quote: Player_Supreme
“ But if a ho wants to just be friends then don't waste your time. And I'm a debase character so your hooking up with her friend in front of her was sweet to my ears. “

Quote: PuertoRican_Lover
“First off - she is just another hor who has opened her legs to another man - you are no one special - and there are no "Greatest" to hors - you are just the next pimp in line!!! “

Quote: squirrels
“ You NEVER pay as a supplicative or bargaining measure, though. The reward that she gets for her affection is YOUR affection. The reward she gets for her sex is YOUR sex. The second you start buying her stuff to keep her around, keep her entertained in your presence,'re compensating for not having what it takes to seduce the woman, and that's totally unacceptable. “


Don Juan
Sep 12, 2004
Reaction score
Yeh chicks in Aus are hard on the street

I think you go better on trains and mallls ,they feel more secure aswell.

I think to approach chick on street in Aus you need good ice breaker, like bringing her attention to something on her self or close to her.
lets face it, a hot chick wont want something bad on her face.

"Oh my god.... Don't Move" :) , and slowly keep EC and smile as you approach, then pretend to pick something of her face, but get your nails to gently slide over her face (can be very sexual tease the nails)
At this point she will know your just f$ckin around because the smile and stupid way you do it will give it away.

Maybe you can do good coin trick and keep something behind your fingers so you can show her what you picked of her face.
Or just quickly pretend to drop whats on her face and start stamping on it.

I haven't done it this way before, but i have used the kino touch on girls like this one on first time meeting chick and worked pretty well.

Not saying everyone will respond good to this, but if she doesn't. Least you become more closer to your ****y side :)

As we say nothing to lose ay ??


Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2004
Reaction score
Australia (mainly Melbourne/Adelaide) is like Friendly Capital of the world! Cold approaches should be easier!

In America they murder each other on the streets, so people would probably be afraid of cold approaches. But in Australia, there's no excuses for it.

Besides, you only did 4 approaches. Do 400 and see how you go.