Screw it


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2006
Reaction score
Screw ****y + funny, screw kino, screw everything. Nothing works for me. I put my ass on the line the my friend who is the BIGGEST FKUCKING AFC EVER, and he gets all the chicks all the time, especially if I want them. Dam I've never known a bigger afc. Damn he gets everyone I show the slightest interest in.

What the hell? My faith is waning. I'm at my lowest ebb. Nothing works. I wish I could start anew in another country like Australia, or England. Fkuck it.

Please help a brother out in his time of weakness...


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2006
Reaction score
Time to take a hard look at how women would actually perceive you in the way you come off.

Be brutally honest.

A few things to consider:

- Acting nervy
- Desperate
- Seeking validation
- Making them feel wary/scared of you

Describe how your friend manages to get these chicks.

The Muscly Jerk


Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2005
Reaction score
Newmarket, Ontario
Rooney said:
Screw ****y + funny, screw kino, screw everything. Nothing works for me. I put my ass on the line the my friend who is the BIGGEST FKUCKING AFC EVER, and he gets all the chicks all the time, especially if I want them. Dam I've never known a bigger afc. Damn he gets everyone I show the slightest interest in.

What the hell? My faith is waning. I'm at my lowest ebb. Nothing works. I wish I could start anew in another country like Australia, or England. Fkuck it.

Please help a brother out in his time of weakness...

Well. you said it. nothing works for you.


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2006
Reaction score
Be brutally honest.

A few things to consider:

- Acting nervy
- Desperate
- Seeking validation
- Making them feel wary/scared of you

Describe how your friend manages to get these chicks.
This guy is all of them. Well a least the first 3. More so than me. Like I said hes the biggest afc I know. And he has got 2 hot chicks goin for him. What gives!?

If anything I'm only the first one. And only slightly. And I've got ****.

art of

Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
Well I think a big part of the problem is how your going about it. For instance, you said you tried being ****y & funny. This is one of the terms I have a serious problem with on this site. It's not really a tip or method. It's not like you can read a post and say to your self "OHHHH girls like funny guys, thats what I'll do!!!"

Being funny is part who you hang out with, part how quick thinking you are, and most of all it's all about not trying. The moment you think to yourself "it's time to say something funny!" is the moment you blurt out something even you don't understand.

The second part of this, being ****y, is another thing that is much harder to achieve than people think. Girls are excellent BS detectors, especially when it comes to confidence. If you talk a big game, you better believe it because if you don't you're just going to look like a fool.

As for using kino, are you using it at appropriate times? Are you sure you're reading her moods and reactions well? Is it possible that the times you used kino the girl was uncomfortable with it?
A big part of successfully using kino to you're advantage is making her more comfortable with you. If you go about it the wrong way it can be counter productive. I suggest reading some posts about this from people who can explain it better than I can.

You're friend might make a lot of mistakes, but he might have a few things you don't. Calling him an AFC might be a stretch considering it sounds like he is pretty successful. He could be better looking, more confident, more opitimistic, have more social proof (matters a lot in high school), or is just more fun to be around. Because we don't know either of you it's hard to say exactly what it is.

I guess what I'm saying boils down to this. It sounds like you're trying to use the tips and tricks so much that they are coming out forced. Think of them as training exercises to improve your comfort and confidence rather than surefire keys to a girl. You're friend isn't trying, and its helping him. If you manage to fix some of you're problems my guess is you'll manage to pass him in the future, but until then don't get mad and never let a girl ruin your friendship


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2006
Reaction score
You dont see the full story. This guy was talkina bout sliting his wrists just because this girl he had seen like 3 times didnt say hello to him. Yes, he does try. Hes a pessimist.

He says "im fat and ugly" to girls and he is serious when he sais it. He believes it. But then they go "aww no your not lets get together". WTF?

I am, well I was but I'm not feeling a the moment geniely ****y and funny. All my mates said I was funny and I made peopel laugh. I though I could do anything, but then for a year I didn't get any and not I feel like my confidence is slowly draining away.