Thats the thing, not everyone in the world is civilized. There are a lot of jealous, crazy, pyscho people just looking for a reason to hit someone.
I really haven't been in a serious fight, so I guess im kind of scared of the unknown.
Im most scared of getting in trouble with the police, then going to jail and getting raped.
I am scared of getting my face messed up. I am a good looking guy.
Like one time I was in a club, I was kind of drunk, I accidently bumped into some guy, and he pushed me. He was with his friends, and I didn't want to get jumped, so I just didnt do anything. I did feel like crap though afterwards, wishing I might have done something.
Also 1 time I was at this club, and I saw this girl outside.
I asked her if she was cold and her stocky boyfriend got in my face and was staring at me hard. She told him "its ok its ok, lets go" and I said to him, "I was just asking her if she was cold" he kept staring at me though. I was with a few friends, so I started staring back at him hard and my friends convinved me to walk away. He looked like he was ready to swing.
Damn this sucks....