Scared of approaching College Girls on campus


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2008
Reaction score
Guys I am 24 and I see alot of hot girls on campus walking around but none of them ever end up in my class.

I go to a commuter school, so there are no greek life. I also dont have a dorm that people live in together that makes it easier to meet people.

What am I supposed to do, to approach these woman that I see on campus.

I have lots of hangups about my looks, my race, and what I just have to say in general.

All the things that hold me back from approaching women on campus

1. I am brown skinned and white girls will hold that against me
2. I am skinny and girls in general will hold that against me
3. I dont speak clearly and people have a hard time understanding what I have to say
4. I am not as interesting and unique like the people that I have seen around me, and they wont like what I have to say.

How am I supposed to approach women on campus and talk to them, when I feel all these limiting beliefs.

I am scared of approaching a woman for example sitting by herself on a bench.

She might think I am a creep or a loser, or she may not find me funny.

How do you break this wall down

joe henny

Senior Don Juan
Aug 23, 2010
Reaction score
Grow some balls and be a man. I used to be shy when I was 16 and my uncle taught me a secret on why he was so good with women. Talk to everyone. Start getting used to talkin g to strangers. Like guys you see out if they're in your area jus say whatsup after awhile youll get used to it and start talking to females as well.

Also look at what you wrote. Ask your self would you wanna date some one like the person you described yourself as? You need to have a positive image and be confident in yourself as a man before you even decide to step to a woman. Women love confidence.

You also need to ask yourself what are you afraid of? Is she gonna kill you for saying hi? How can you as a man be aFRAID OF A CREATURE that you are easily twice as strong and twice as big as? Your afraid of rejection. You need to realize that every women is not gonna like you. I have met women who can't stand me but it dont bother me Im still here stroking. You need to realize as easily as these women come into your life is as easy as they can go and you can attract more so dont fear rejection it happens to the best of us.


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2008
Reaction score
Thats some good advice man. Thanks.

My next question is that you said I should talk to anyone. What does that mean?

Because I see people everywhere, where and when is it a good time to approach them?

I see a girl sitting by herself on a bench, Im not going to ask what I should say to her because I have to develop that quick witt on my own.

But talking to a woman sitting by herself on a bench is that okay?

Meaning is it as crazy as shouting to a girl across the street "hey you have a nice ass"

My biggest problem is not knowing what is normal and what isnt normal.

Like if you see two hot girls walking by its really not a good idea to say "hey baby you got a nice ass" even though I want to.

Im not sure where and when its okay to approach a woman on a college campus.

I know in class is fair game. I know at a party its fair game, I know in a club its good. In sports is good.


Senior Don Juan
May 13, 2010
Reaction score
hey baby you got a nice ass might work at a club or something maybe who knows.
Start slow, say hello, to some people. then grow your conversational skills from there, it wont happen overnight, or in a month, it may take a while, but keep trying.
also dont be ashamed of who you are, if you're "brown skinned"; then that's what you are. you're not less of a human because of it.
people get tans to try to get brown, you got it naturally.
go after what you want before you're an old man wishing you could relive your youth.


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2003
Reaction score
harkkam08 said:
Guys I am 24 and I see alot of hot girls on campus walking around but none of them ever end up in my class.

I go to a commuter school, so there are no greek life. I also dont have a dorm that people live in together that makes it easier to meet people.

What am I supposed to do, to approach these woman that I see on campus.

I went to a commuter school for a few years. Women on these campuses do tend to have a closed-minded mentality were they are less likely than girls are more traditional college communities to be open to random approaches. They are also more likely to have a boyfriend who they have been with since high school who's some loser who's failing out of trade school. Luckily, in my case, I was already a seasoned DJ so I could pick up on glances and other invitations from random girls in class or walking around. But I mainly met girls through building my social circle and being more outgoing and adventurous.

What I would recommend to you would be to join some student organizations, either things you are already interested or things you could see yourself getting into. Really what you should focus on is what you find interesting, and hopefully there are also women that are involved with the same thing. Make sure not to make it obvious that you're there just to pick up chicks so you don't become "that guy".

You could also consider picking up a job on campus that will give you a social circle where you can meet more girls.

Beyond those two options, you could perhaps work on going to a more traditional college.

I have lots of hangups about my looks, my race, and what I just have to say in general.

Work on getting over them.

All the things that hold me back from approaching women on campus

1. I am brown skinned and white girls will hold that against me

I'm brown skinned too and I've hooked up with plenty of white girls. I believe it's a bit easier to get with girls my (your) own race, but you're pedestalizing these white girls. What I've observed is that it turns off many average suburban white girls when you seem "foreign" or "alien" so you will want to work on being more Americanized. It will really help you if you are well-spoken and (somewhat) fashionably dressed. Think of how Americanized Harold and Kumar act in their movies (especially Kumar). That's roughly what to shoot for.

I also think that it's important for you to be aware that there are a fair amount (I'd say maybe 10-20 percent, but I grew up in a racist fucking state) of white girls who honestly do not care what race you are, as long as you are a cool guy. Be aware that there are also women out there that will only be interested in you because you are exotic and "taboo".

2. I am skinny and girls in general will hold that against me

Better than being fat, right? You could probably work on developing an athletic soccer player type of build, which women almost universally find attractive. Talk to the Health and Fitness Forum guys on here.

3. I dont speak clearly and people have a hard time understanding what I have to say

This is something you WILL have to work on. Not sure what the best route for that would be, but it would probably be worth your while to take a speech course (might be some cute girls in it; women love taking communications classes).

I don't know if you are foreign, but if you are you should check and see if there are any ESL or speaking workshops offered by your campus to help you work on speaking English more clearly and naturally. My school offered these types of workshops and tutoring for free, but not very many people were aware of these programs.

4. I am not as interesting and unique like the people that I have seen around me, and they wont like what I have to say.

How could you possibly know how "interesting and unique" these other people are than you? I bet any money that you have more interesting hobbies and interests than your average hot bimbo that you meet on campus who's life revolves around partying, "meeting hot guyz" and watching MTV. Young women's hobbies, for the most part, are vapid and boring.

One of my good friends, who is a natural, explains that most of the women in his life were drawn to him due to his lifestyle. He skateboards, snowboards, climbs mountains, and generally stays active like that. He tells me that women need a man who can bring excitement and new opportunities into their lives.

What do you have to offer women that would make them excited to be with you? The opportunities are limited only by your drives and creativity.

How am I supposed to approach women on campus and talk to them, when I feel all these limiting beliefs.

Eliminate the limiting beliefs through acknowledging reality and then putting in hard work to make yourself a more desirable man.

I am scared of approaching a woman for example sitting by herself on a bench.

She might think I am a creep or a loser, or she may not find me funny.

How do you break this wall down

Don't worry about it man. There are plenty of fish in the sea. We have all had to take our hard knocks and failures to become the men we are today.
Replies in green.


Don Juan
Apr 25, 2008
Reaction score
Harkkam 08
I feel your pain. I also struggle mightily at my school. I will be 25 in the very near future and I feel that I need to sh#t or get off the pot. I really liked what Terran2k about going after what you want before you're an old man wishing you could relive your youth. I need to take this philosophy to heart.
I go to a relatively small school, about 15,000 students. So one of many problems I have is what to do if I see someone who has rejected me. Do I say hi, try to avoid them, act like nothing happened, or what. The chances of me running into one of them is pretty great.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 2, 2006
Reaction score
harkkam08 said:
Guys I am 24 and I see alot of hot girls on campus walking around but none of them ever end up in my class.

I go to a commuter school, so there are no greek life. I also dont have a dorm that people live in together that makes it easier to meet people.

What am I supposed to do, to approach these woman that I see on campus.

I have lots of hangups about my looks, my race, and what I just have to say in general.

All the things that hold me back from approaching women on campus

1. I am brown skinned and white girls will hold that against me
2. I am skinny and girls in general will hold that against me
3. I dont speak clearly and people have a hard time understanding what I have to say
4. I am not as interesting and unique like the people that I have seen around me, and they wont like what I have to say.

How am I supposed to approach women on campus and talk to them, when I feel all these limiting beliefs.

I am scared of approaching a woman for example sitting by herself on a bench.

She might think I am a creep or a loser, or she may not find me funny.

How do you break this wall down

Your thought patterns are very very NEGATIVE.

I want you to stop and think carefully about this.
The world exists HOW YOU PERCIEVE it.
If a man who is short, fat, balding, whatever...BUT CARRIES HIMSELF LIKE A MILLION DOLLARS...and another guy tall handsome cool whatever, but slumping and walking like a loser, are in the same room, who will be liked more? Answer: the first guy.

Work on your thoughs. Everytime you think something bad STOP and REPLACE that thought with a more, constructive, positive thought.

joe henny

Senior Don Juan
Aug 23, 2010
Reaction score
harkkam08 said:
Thats some good advice man. Thanks.

My next question is that you said I should talk to anyone. What does that mean?

Because I see people everywhere, where and when is it a good time to approach them?

I see a girl sitting by herself on a bench, Im not going to ask what I should say to her because I have to develop that quick witt on my own.

But talking to a woman sitting by herself on a bench is that okay?

Meaning is it as crazy as shouting to a girl across the street "hey you have a nice ass"

My biggest problem is not knowing what is normal and what isnt normal.

Like if you see two hot girls walking by its really not a good idea to say "hey baby you got a nice ass" even though I want to.

Im not sure where and when its okay to approach a woman on a college campus.

I know in class is fair game. I know at a party its fair game, I know in a club its good. In sports is good.

General rule try saying hello to people you see in general. If you make eye contact with a girl just be a man and say. "excuse me your very beautiful you caught my eye so i wanted to introduce myself im ___" Or "I saw you making eye contact you look so familar do i know you?" Or just hey. Eventually youll think of your own openers. Its really just common sense your just thinking too much.

The game is more about flow over thinkings for nerds, and women hate nerds. Just be confident man. Also you should prob check out people on you tube like; Player Supreme, Tariq Nasheed, David Wygant, Gurltalkktv(how to approach females). These four guys have improved my game greatly, and yes theyre mostly black but its because the majority of black men know the game. You can PM me if you have any other questions.


Don Juan
Jun 30, 2010
Reaction score
joe henny said:
Grow some balls and be a man. I used to be shy when I was 16 and my uncle taught me a secret on why he was so good with women. Talk to everyone. Start getting used to talkin g to strangers. Like guys you see out if they're in your area jus say whatsup after awhile youll get used to it and start talking to females as well.

Also look at what you wrote. Ask your self would you wanna date some one like the person you described yourself as? You need to have a positive image and be confident in yourself as a man before you even decide to step to a woman. Women love confidence.

You also need to ask yourself what are you afraid of? Is she gonna kill you for saying hi? How can you as a man be aFRAID OF A CREATURE that you are easily twice as strong and twice as big as? Your afraid of rejection. You need to realize that every women is not gonna like you. I have met women who can't stand me but it dont bother me Im still here stroking. You need to realize as easily as these women come into your life is as easy as they can go and you can attract more so dont fear rejection it happens to the best of us.
I ****in' hate how sexist quotes and phrases, what is so "man" or "manly" about taking initiative? taking charge?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2009
Reaction score
If you're Indian you secretly lust for leggy blondes. You want to get with the hot white sorority slvts.

The Indian playas I know who have success with non-Indian girls act either really white or really black. Unlike the white frat boy/black thug/Latin lover, Indians don't (yet) have a sexually attractive stereotype to conform to - and FOBs really fvck it up for the Westernized guys.

IMO the best advice for any Indian guy looking to hook up with white girls - downplay your ethnicity. Don't mention it, don't acknowledge it, don't bring up anything remotely related to Indians - especially in the first 30 minutes of a cold approach. Your goal at the onset is to crush all her stereotypes and prejudices towards Indian guys.

And you're fvcked if have an Indian accent. Accents are the biggest game-killer. Even Indian-American girls won't hook up with an Indian guy with an accent. Stick to FOBs.

Also helps if you have white friends and white hobbies. A Korean buddy of mine's hooked up with a few white girls - he's got a deep surfer dude voice, no accent, conventional "white suburban dude" interests (plays guitar, into rock music like Oasis and the Beatles, hobbies like fishing, skiing etc.) Basically a banana - white dude in yellow skin. Ditto for Indians. Guys like this with game shouldn't have problems with white girls.

Basically be a white guy with a dark tan.

Or go after "open-minded" liberal chicks. Say you want some affirmative action on your d*ck.


Don Juan
Oct 4, 2006
Reaction score
spinaroonie said:
If you're Indian you secretly lust for leggy blondes. You want to get with the hot white sorority slvts.

The Indian playas I know who have success with non-Indian girls act either really white or really black. Unlike the white frat boy/black thug/Latin lover, Indians don't (yet) have a sexually attractive stereotype to conform to - and FOBs really fvck it up for the Westernized guys.

IMO the best advice for any Indian guy looking to hook up with white girls - downplay your ethnicity. Don't mention it, don't acknowledge it, don't bring up anything remotely related to Indians - especially in the first 30 minutes of a cold approach. Your goal at the onset is to crush all her stereotypes and prejudices towards Indian guys.

And you're fvcked if have an Indian accent. Accents are the biggest game-killer. Even Indian-American girls won't hook up with an Indian guy with an accent. Stick to FOBs.

Also helps if you have white friends and white hobbies. A Korean buddy of mine's hooked up with a few white girls - he's got a deep surfer dude voice, no accent, conventional "white suburban dude" interests (plays guitar, into rock music like Oasis and the Beatles, hobbies like fishing, skiing etc.) Basically a banana - white dude in yellow skin. Ditto for Indians. Guys like this with game shouldn't have problems with white girls.

Basically be a white guy with a dark tan.

Or go after "open-minded" liberal chicks. Say you want some affirmative action on your d*ck.
I can not begin to tell you how strongly disagree with you! The fact that you put "white" girls AND "white" guys on a pedastool completely disregards the basics of DJing.

To the OP. I strongly suggest you do not take spinaroonie's advice, he is not only racist, but idiotically convinced in thinking that people who are not of Caucasian descent are lesser beings. I suggest you work on improving yourself before you try and talk to girls.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2009
Reaction score
Dude, are you Indian? In the US? Otherwise STFU. Indian guys in America get a bad rap. None of the stereotypes associated with Indians are sexy.

You honestly believe if OP introduced himself with "Hello, I am Pardeep Ramalamasingh. I study Computer Science, pleased to meet you." in a Kwik-E Mart accent, a hot blonde sorority slvt will give him the time of day?

If I'm a nerd into nerdy stuff, am I going to talk about comic books and video games during a pickup? There's nothing inherently wrong with these activities, it's the sort of guys that are ASSOCIATED with these activities that's the issue - guys who don't get girls. Since she doesn't know enough about you yet, she'll typecast you with all the other guys normally into these activities. Ergo, you don't talk about nerdy stuff like this in the first half-hour of a pickup.

Your aim during a pickup is to actively DISSOCIATE from anything that will harm you in anyway. And if you're an Indian guy, that includes all the negative stereotypes associated with Indian dudes. If an Indian dude starts talking about curry, tech support and elephants while trying to pickup a white girl, she's going to lump you in with all the other dorky smelly sexless Indian guys - since that is the prevailing PERCEPTION of Indian men.

This is why online dating is a huge uphill battle for Indian and Asian guys - she's already framed you in the context of all the negative stereotypes before you've ever had a chance to open your mouth and shatter them.

I'm not asking OP to disown his heritage - be proud of it, that's Alpha. But only "bring out the Indian" once you've established enough rapport with the girl that she KNOWS you're cool and not her perception of a typical Indian guy.


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2009
Reaction score
U.S. East
harkkam08 said:
All the things that hold me back from approaching women on campus

1. I am brown skinned and white girls will hold that against me
My best friend is brown skinned, short and balding and gets laid.
2. I am skinny and girls in general will hold that against me
I am skinny and that doesn't stop me from getting laid.
3. I dont speak clearly and people have a hard time understanding what I have to say
Is this because of an accent? Or because of stuttering words? Either way there are ways out of both I can help you out with.
4. I am not as interesting and unique like the people that I have seen around me, and they wont like what I have to say.
Why not? You are probably just putting yourself down... A lot of people lead boring lives and can get laid. And if you thought you were not interesting or unique then why don't you take steps to rectify this?
How am I supposed to approach women on campus and talk to them, when I feel all these limiting beliefs.

I am scared of approaching a woman for example sitting by herself on a bench.

She might think I am a creep or a loser, or she may not find me funny.

How do you break this wall down
It seems a lot of your problems are from approach anxiety, caring a lot about what a girl would think and nervousness from talking to a girl. I'd recommend doing the Don Juan Bootcamp because it addresses all of these problems step-by-step on a week to week basis. The only way you can get rid of all your fears is by embracing them. Batman was afraid of bats but then came to embody and conquer his fear :p .

Here is the link:

joe henny

Senior Don Juan
Aug 23, 2010
Reaction score
initiatorhater06 said:
I ****in' hate how sexist quotes and phrases, what is so "man" or "manly" about taking initiative? taking charge?
Thats what a male does. He takes charge. 9 times out of 10 the man approaches a woman that's what he is supposed to do, and it's been happening for years. How is that sexist telling a male to do what a male does? Approach a female he wants to mate with.


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2008
Reaction score
I dont have an accent and I dont fit the stereotype at all, lol. I'm planning to go to Law school, so my written english and what not is just fine.

Its just white girls intimidate me, I feel like I'll be rejected for the color of my skin for no reason at all.

I dress just fine, jeans and holister or american eagle, I play the guitar and listen to classic rock and 60's music.

So its not that Im not american enough or what not. I was born and raised here.

Its just white girls scare the crap out of me and I cant figure out why. I can approach asian girls, spanish chicks, with less anxiety than when I try and talk to white girls.

Plus in college aside from class, and organizations and what not, there really isn't much for me to actually meet new people.

All I have left is cold approaches. I wish I went to a more traditional school, I would have rushed a frat.

I've been to a couple of frat parties and its so much easier to meet new people.

Its just I grew up in Queens, NY and I feel intimidated by white guys and girls.

I have a hard time talking to white guys as well because I've seen racist people in my life. And I know its unfair for me to label people I havent met as racist but Im scared to try and talk to them in case they are.

I dont want to have to deal with being rejected over the color of nationality that I am. Even though all the white guys and girls I've talked to have been friendlier than I thought they would be.

Its this fear because on TV, and just the news you see these crazy people who shoot people of different races because of hate. So its like you see all these people around you and you have no idea who is friendly and open and who is racist.

So i just dont talk out of fear to white guys or girls. Aside from that I also feel like even though I do a lot of various things, I cant seem to relate to white culture.

Growing up in Queens has given me this certain demeanor and way of thinking that you can say is rough around the edges. I hung around lots of people who sold dope, were in gangs, went to prison...etc.

When I try and talk to white guys, the ones who are dressed up well and wearing polo shirts and have nice hair, scare the crap out of me. There called "bro's" if you know what I mean.

They might say "Yeah starbucks, they just never get anything right" and my response would be like "Yeah they kinda suck, 4 bucks for*t" and that usually doesnt generate more conversation. The other white guys in the group might say "Yeah its just a scam to get into my money"

Its essentially saying the same thing I did, but its more expressive and more intelligent you can say. Its just that in the moment I cant think of things that have that quality.

I hope somebody knows what I'm getting at.


Senior Don Juan
Jul 5, 2010
Reaction score
harkkam08 said:
I dont want to have to deal with being rejected over the color of nationality that I am. Even though all the white guys and girls I've talked to have been friendlier than I thought they would be.
You know what? These are all excuses. Its all in your head. Most people are not racist. Its the same thing as saying I'm too short, I'm too ugly, I'm too shy, blah blah blah

There is more good in the world than there is bad and you cannot walk around assuming every white person is going to hate you based on color. You can't walk around intimidated by polo wearing frat boys. Even if they made those comments, it doesn't make them racist. It makes them insensitive, sure, but they don't want to kill you because your Indian.

When I go to Dunkin Donuts, the indians that take my order f*k it up all the time and I get mad, but that doesn't make me racist. We all know that English is their second language and they have a tough time, but people just get pissed sometimes and frustrated at the language barrier. Nothing to do with racism.

Dress nice, work out, and keep your head high. Most indian guys I know are like you actually, siking yourself out before you even have a chance to game a chick. One of my best friends in college is indian, and he is a complete AFC with no confidence. He is scared to go out to clubs because of what happened last time we went. I was approaching chicks, he stood there and couldn't do a thing. He probably thinks the same way you do.

How do you know she's racist? Because some random douches made some comments once? How do you know what she likes? You don't, so that makes you just as bad as the people that made those comments. You are stereotyping whites and labeling them racists when you in fact have no evidence of it. That is not fair.

This friday night, put good clubwear on, look your best, and watch The Matrix
then go to the club. Listen to the quotes in that movie, they are important


Don Juan
Feb 16, 2010
Reaction score
Don't listen to these guys. I'm asian, and I thought I was in the same boat as you. I was skinny, I had no confidence, and I put white girls up on a pedestal. I thought that my race would always come back to control whatever I did. So you know what I ended up doing? I worked on what I could change.

No, you can never change your race. But if some b!tch is gonna reject you just for that, then you're too good for her sorry ass anyways. Focus on making yourself more attractive in other ways. For example, freshman year of high school I was 5'3 and barely pushing 105. I started lifting, joined football and track, and got my lazy ass into shape. Now I'm 5'11, 170, and doing cross country. I'm getting a real six pack, not the skinny guy one. And I have real muscle. You might not realize this, but it helped my second point tremendously.

No longer do I have to worry about how I look in the morning. I know that as long as I have some standard of what I'm gonna wear, I'm gonna look better than 90% of the guys out there. This gives you natural confidence, and I'm no longer that shy kid that wouldn't say a single word but get an A in every class. In fact, if anything, I'm too loud now and it feels good not having to live up to anyone else.

Now lastly, America isn't nearly as racist as you try to make it out to be. B!tchy racist girls are out there, but they're far and few between. Virtually anyone born in the last three decades was raised with an open mind, in schools that perhaps overemphasized diversity. Yeah, people will give you crap for your skin. But its in good taste. Joke around and have fun with it. You have an ice breaker that not many people have.

The point i'm trying to get across is just work on improving yourself and the rewards will come. B!tching at the computer screen won't do anything.


Don Juan
Jun 3, 2008
Reaction score
is your school in nyc? its not like you live in arkansas or something. race doesnt matter in ny. dont be scared of white people. if anything they are probably scared of you. just be friendly to them and you will get along fine.

Just a Shot Away

Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
September 9th, 2010
spinaroonie said:
Tip for any Asian guy trying to hook up with white girls - downplay your ethnicity. Don't mention it, don't acknowledge it, don't bring up anything remotely related to Asians
Just a Shot Away said:
OP, IGNORE THIS GUY AT ALL COSTS. This is terrible advice. He has no clue what he's talking about. He thinks that white guys somehow have an advantage in the game over other races. Completely false.
spinaroonie said:
Dude, are you Asian? In the US? Otherwise STFU. Asians guys in America get a bad rap. None of the stereotypes associated with Asians are sexy.
September 14th, 2010
spinaroonie said:
IMO the best advice for any Indian guy looking to hook up with white girls - downplay your ethnicity. Don't mention it, don't acknowledge it, don't bring up anything remotely related to Indians
Elky said:
To the OP. I strongly suggest you do not take spinaroonie's advice, he is not only racist, but idiotically convinced in thinking that people who are not of Caucasian descent are lesser beings.
spinaroonie said:
Dude, are you Indian? In the US? Otherwise STFU. Indian guys in America get a bad rap. None of the stereotypes associated with Indians are sexy.

Deja vu, anybody? You're like a broken record, man. Except I think I'd rather listen to a broken record of Justin Beiber than hear you talk about "STFU....downplay your ethnicity...bad rap...don't mention anything about being <insert race here>" one more time. Just stay away from threads associated with race. You're too far gone to have any worthwhile contribution.


Master Don Juan
Sep 15, 2009
Reaction score
U.S. East
Harkkam I was born and raised in Brooklyn and practically live in Queens as well. I've seen drug dealers, guns blah blah. If you have gone through these things like you really claim... why are you afraid of white girls?

"Plus in college aside from class, and organizations and what not, there really isn't much for me to actually meet new people."

Average college students have 4-6 classes each with a minimum of around 25 students. That's over 100 people from class alone excluding clubs. Clubs will get you in touch with people from all grades. Let's say you join two big clubs that have at least 25 people each. That's 150 people. And you don't have to do anything except go to class and clubs. Next semester you meet 100 more people from other classes.

Being from NY there are a million fraternity parties at any given time from all the schools and universities. You don't need to be in a fraternity to actually go up and party/connect with people.

All I see in this post and your original post is you making any excuse that you can. So what if you grew up rough in Queens? So did I, and my best friend (the brown skinny balding kid lived there all his life) and we can get white girls.

White girls aren't like some legendary Pokemon or something. It's a skin color.