I was the DD so i couldnt drink alot last night. My friends were completley blasted at around 1:30. After i couldnt get a word out of them, i decided to hit up dance floor. Let me tell you, after going 0/12 the last time i went out, i finally scored with the first girl i sent my eyes on. I went up to her and told her to let me get his dance with her. And to my suprise, she said YES! My streak was broken. I danced with her for 2 songs then i tried to signal her friend that was dancing with her to dance behind me but she gave me the no go. Then the chick started to dance with another guy but was still looking at me, so i decided to hit it up from the front. But she gave me the hell no look so i just went back to my friends. All in all, it was a good night.