Sammo's Realisation thread.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
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Realisation # 1 - Self improvement

My first main realisation was of this mind set. This is where it all come's from if you ask me. After some lectures, some good advice, and some time, it hit me. I awoke one morning and wanted to improve. I couldn't stand the thought of not growing as a person.

Every second I spent not improving I felt was a second wasted. If someone doesn't improve and grow as a person then they fail to have any real depth and/or character. I am almost constantly learning or improving, it is a great feeling when you learn something new and put it in too practise and you can see for your self if it really works.

Remember, there are millions of experiences out there that can shape the person that you are, you can't possibly experience them all. But in my oppinion it is important to experience as many as possible so you can live life to it's fullest.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
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Realisation # 2 - Becoming a leader (Part 1)

My second realisation is about how to make people look up to you as a person and think of you as a leader. Recently I have noticed that people have been looking up to me, and girls at my school have been looking at me in a different light.

This happened by accident. Alot of things you learn while becoming a DJ is pretty much an extension of my first realisation. Improve yourself to a better build, improve your humour, improve your C&F, improve your charisma, improve your confidence, improve your social skills, and you will naturally become a leader.

There is no trick. It's really simple. To be a leader you need people to look at you as a leader. Leader's a good people, depending what they lead they may be smart, humourous, charasmatic, etc. If you can't lead yourself then how can you lead others?

There will be a second part to this realisation once i have learnt more about becoming a leader.

DJ Girevik

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2002
Reaction score
Vista, CA
Just as a reminder, remember to have fun in all you do. You don't want to stress yourself out over it and get disenchanted ;)


Senior Don Juan
Apr 11, 2003
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One thing I wanted to throw in. Never appoint yourself as a leader. If you ever do, then you will never be a leader. A true leader is one who is appointed by otheres to be a leader. Before ever becoming a leader, you must first learn to be a great follower. One must first, listen, learn, follow, practice, then grow... the rest will fall into place.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Realisation # 3 - Patience

This realisation is about the importance of patience.

I found that to become anything noteworthy, you have to mix hard work with patience. Let me compare going to the gym with becoming a DJ. You can't just simply hop on a bench press machine and bench 300lb you have to slowly work at it and it takes years to improve your muscles and power. Thats the same as being a DJ you can't just simply go out and decide to be "funny" today, you have to take it one step at a time, and that means alot of steps and a very long time. Think of each muscle as a type of skill and there are different workouts/exercises to workout each muscle, some work better then others. The only difference is there is no steroids in the DJ world, there are no shortcuts.