So I took this girl on a date after chatting with her a bit. As a RAFC I tried my best not to be too "nice". We had already talked about sex topics before going out so I had that going for me. I did loads of kino on her and we had more talk about sex during the date which went really well. I didn't suplicate yet I gave her plenty of hints that I was attracted to her with sexual inuendo. Took her back home and gave her a little kiss on the lips. She then got real close and told me in a sexy voice what a great time she had and how sweet I was to her as she gazed right into my eyes. Right after that she literaly stuck her tongue down my throat and we made out pretty passionatly for a few minutes before she went inside.
So is this a case where a women saying your "Sweet" isnt a bad thing, as in "you're a nice guy"?
So is this a case where a women saying your "Sweet" isnt a bad thing, as in "you're a nice guy"?
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