Rules that supercede otheres...LONG POST

Young Juan

Senior Don Juan
Jun 4, 2001
Reaction score
Ahwatukee, AZ
What's up my brethren??

Haven't been on this site in a while, a good six months at least, some new names, and a couple of older ones on here still droppin jewels....


I've been out doing my 'field studies', and have learned alot. But what I've found to be a most valueable piece of information is something that I saw on T.V. I know a couple of you guys have seen the commercial on ESPN, where there's a guy and he's rambling, but he does say. "There are rules of probability that supercede all other rules, meaning if you call heads 100 times in 100 different seasons, one of those times it's gonna have to be heads."

I saw this commercial the othere day, but I've been doing what I'm about to explain to you for a good 3 weeks.

A little background information. I live in Anch, Alaska and there is horrible male to female ratio here. I don't know it exactly but it's alot of guys, to one girl. This makes DJing a bit harder. But then u have to filter out all those guys that won't even talk to most girls and the numbers get alot better. We only have one club here for people my age (18-20) so just imagine the sausagefest. I see the same dymes and the same pennies, week in and week out.

Saying that, a couple of weekends ago I was at the club, and before we went in, my friend (a little tipsy at the time), commented "man, we need some new girls to hang with, I'm tired of seein the same one everytime we have a party. Tonights mission is to dance with nobody we know, and get every girl u dance with phone #". At first I wussed out a little, giving myself some wuss excuse, but near the middle of the night, one friend has two #s, the other has 3#, I have none. The clubs were neveer really my pickup spot, as the music was too loud. My friend told me, "stop bein a pvssy, lets all put 5 dollars down and whoever get the most LEGIT #s from this point on gets $15" I put $5 down, and started thinkin about the $15 dollars. From that point on, I figured, if she'll dance with me, she must not have a problem with me. So every girl I danced with I attempted to get thier number, and I got 5 numbers that night, and I probably talked with 10-12 girls.

Out of those 5, I have 3 of them that I have fun with regularly.

Now the moral of this story???

Out of those 10-12 girls, not all of them may have been attracted to me, not all of them may have been single, and not all of the may have been comfortable with giving thier # out to someone at the club. Not everyone's gonna like me, point blank. But how am I gonna find out who does and who doesn't if I don't ask??

That night, I had $5 to lose and alot more to gain. By talking to as many girls as I could in order to win this wager, I got more #s than ever before beacuse I talked to more girls than ever before. At first I was a little b!tchmade tryin to talk over the music, but after I got my first rejection and first number, things got easier. I knew there was gonna be either of two outcomes every time. I erased the thoughts of "what if" and replaced them with "when this". By talking to more girls, I had more chances to get more #s.

An as for the quote I mentioned earlier, I've changed it some to apply to my situation...but of course the numbers are a lil exxagerated..

"There are rules of probability that supercede all other rules. If I talk to 100 hundred females, on 100 different occasions, one of those times she'll respond in my favor"

- Young J.


Don Juan
Dec 11, 2002
Reaction score
Hell yeah, that's the spirit! :D

Mack Of All Trades

Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2002
Reaction score
Great motivational tool.

Young Juan

Senior Don Juan
Jun 4, 2001
Reaction score
Ahwatukee, AZ
uppin for those that haven't seen this yet....


Master Don Juan
Oct 7, 2000
Reaction score
Originally posted by Young Juan
I knew there was gonna be either of two outcomes every time. I erased the thoughts of "what if" and replaced them with "when this". By talking to more girls, I had more chances to get more #s.
Exactly! Everyone should remember this. Good post.