Malibu, you misunderstood me a little over my description of vulnerable, but the fault was mine for not being more explicit in my language. I intended to convey the idea of a woman pouring her heart out to a man in an impassioned, emotively worded manner... as per all the cliched declarations of undying love so popular in romantic stories, lol.
I note you say that being confident is not incompatible with being feminine, and I think that is true to a point. It would probably be more accurate to say that some confident women behave in a manner that is not feminine, or at least, they are insufficiently feminine as to compel me to wish to give them my whole heart. What do I mean by this? Well, consider Gwynneth Paltrow's portrayal of Emma. If we can see beyond the obvious anachronistic female mannerisms of that period, there is nonethless much in the behaviour of the central character that is irresistable to many men, certainly to me. Yes, she was a beautiful woman to look at, but that only deals with lust; it was her female frailty, not in a bodily sense, but of her mind, her little insecurities and her heart's passionate wishes (remember her frantic "inaudible" prayer?) that made me almost wish to "eat" her, so desirable was she. Her example was simply a semi-palpable oasis of femininity in today's wilderness of unwomanly feminism!
To take this theme a little further, I recently dated a very confident young woman. Alright, I admit she is the one I started this thread about in the first instance, as ought to be obvious by now anyway. Now, while I found this girl very attractive physically, her confident bearing made her appear quite assertive and independent, which I find unattractive traits in a woman; it was too much like dating another guy, in that regard. So I feel that where a woman's confidence leads to assertiveness and an air of independence, a vital element of femininity is lost; not only does my head tell me those latter two qualities do not bode well for a long-term relationship, my "faculty of romance" (for want of a better term) told me how much more desirable, or rather LOVABLE, she would be were she to tone down those attributes.
To close, I do by no means unequivocably advocate women being emotional wrecks or enfeebled weaklings; I know some girls like that and they are afraid to think for themselves! All I'm saying is a girl can avoid needless unfeminine traits such as ostentatious assertiveness and airs of independence and hopefully her latent femininity will shine through! And as for the minx in question, I am quietly confident she will mend her ways... and to think she recently had the cheek to suggest she was endearing to me!