RSD VS other schools for newbies


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2009
Reaction score
Do you think its good to start out learning routines and tactics or just start studyng the deep stuff that RSD teaches?

Daddy The Pimp

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
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Since you're a newbie , i would be glad to help you avoid all the sh1t that this community puts you through.

There is so much unnecessary stuff around here that will fvck you up in the future.

Tell me your goals , how bad do you want the success and how far are you willing to get to achieve your goals. Are you ready for 20 approaches a week ?

If you answer these questions i would help you more. But starting with inner game (RSD) is always a good way of succeeding.


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2009
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Well at the moment im not in a situation to be doing cold approaches that many times a day and i cant get into clubs.
im not that socialy skilled , im ok though


Don Juan
Aug 26, 2009
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something that has helped me FAR more than a lot of the seduction community stuff is simply "learning to be happy sitting in a room, with only myself as company".

Basically, until I was happy simply being myself, completely expressed, rather than holding back around other people, it didn't matter how much theory I knew, how many routines I had internalised, I would never be able to really get out there and be comfortable with another human being, let alone a hot woman (who to this day, STILL scare the **** out of me haha).

Really, I'm just re-iterating the same advice that has come before me in this thread: inner game is a much faster route to your own fulfillment: the same fulfillment so many men seek between the sheets with an attractive woman. Take it from my own experience - she will never be able to fulfill you.


Don Juan
Sep 13, 2008
Reaction score
focus on inner game first. that was my biggest mistake. Only after reading the mystry method and all that other junk did I realize the only way to ever talk to a woman straight and be happy is to work on my inner game.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
I agree focus on your inner game, there is tons of junk out there
However to RSD credit, they do have some great inner game mindsets which I myself have utlized (abduance, postive mentality) and some of our best gamers are RSD guys (DTP, Snowplow, Horholic) who have helped me personally.

I was fortuante to talk to these guys in my journey last year, in terms of having a postive mindset (snowplow especialy) these guys are reminciest of what the board use to preach in it's prime (before the bitter afc's/wanna be DJ's started preaching all women are slvts rheortic)

Focusing on yourself, your being, your goals can be the best thing you can do. Rsd though is nice, their forums are hands down a plethora of game enthusasits. Once you get past the Tolle b.s., and some of the guru "worship" they have guys who talk theory but they back it up with field experince, this is something that I would love to see here more of. More guys posting field reports on stuff they field tested. In Rsd it's actually encouraged to go out in the field


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2005
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If you've gotten so desperate that you're willing to pay men of dubious nature, it's probably time to think about spending a little of that $$ on psychological help for esteem/self-concept issues instead. I haven't met any of the particular people so I won't pass specific judgement on them, but kid if you think those guys have the answers to your problems, you're just prolonging your recovery to a healthy life which naturally includes intimacy.

Basically, my take is that thinking some random dude is going to give you the magic bullet that avoids your need to address the funk of depression, low self concept, or whatever is your actual root problem is delusional. Furthermore, believing that some kind of trick or something other than a willingness to engage others and show your true personality is needed is also delusional and is perhaps the reason you're not already dating a beautiful and successful woman.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
everywomanshero said:
If you've gotten so desperate that you're willing to pay men of dubious nature, it's probably time to think about spending a little of that $$ on psychological help for esteem/self-concept issues instead. I haven't met any of the particular people so I won't pass specific judgement on them, but kid if you think those guys have the answers to your problems, you're just prolonging your recovery to a healthy life which naturally includes intimacy.

Basically, my take is that thinking some random dude is going to give you the magic bullet that avoids your need to address the funk of depression, low self concept, or whatever is your actual root problem is delusional. Furthermore, believing that some kind of trick or something other than a willingness to engage others and show your true personality is needed is also delusional and is perhaps the reason you're not already dating a beautiful and successful woman.

You know what I actually agree with what you saying, but then he wasn't asking about "paying" a guru (which I highly don't recommend doing myself, even if it is Tyler Durden, $3g's for a bootcamp is a rip off) he was asking if RSD was better compared to tactics and technqiues.

Personally I think the best "tactic" is going out on the field, reading the basics (the bible/field reports) and finding your own way. If you still strulggling maybe finding guys who are better then you and learning. I live in a small town but there tons of community guys here to my surprise, and even then there also "natural" guys who are just as good or even better. But if you already have some good social skills all you need is to push your self and in time you will see results if not you may need to get some social skills first.

Just my 02. cents


Don Juan
Nov 23, 2009
Reaction score
i started out with neil straus the game been playing for 3 years 18 and now im 21
routines are cool just play ur sets and go out on the field and playyy
RSD is good too but but i banged more girls from mystery method and styles