roommate dilemma: pt.2


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2008
Reaction score
I really, REALLY want to **** my roommate now. She's driving me nuts! She won't keep her hands off me, and I'm becoming more and more awkward. Not good.

I've written about this before, so in short:

I've known her for about 8 years, but didn't become interested in her until 3 years ago. We messed around a little, but she always told me I was just a "friend", despite making out with me a bunch of times, and getting jealous if I talked to other girls. A year and a half ago we had sex ONCE, but because we were so drunk/high/tired/stupid when it happened, it was ****ing bad. Which begat an awkward aftermath. A couple days later she told me she wanted to continue being "friends", because it "wasn't the right time". Or something. I said "No way, Jose!", and a bunch of stuff happened after that. We ended up not talking for a year.

Recently we decided it would be smart if we lived together.

As far as the roommate aspect, I couldn't ask for better. As far as me wanting a rematch, we have a problem.

Tonight, for instance. We were sitting around talking to the other roommates, and the topic of them being a little quieter when they have sex came up. Again, she brought up how she's not getting any, and hasn't for like the last 4 or 5 months. While she was talking to them, she was gripping my finger in her hand. She turns almost everything she says into some sort of sexual double entendre.

Me: I fixed the curtain rod, but I could't get the screw all the way in.
Her: You have a problem with that, don't you?
Me: :confused:
Her: Getting screws all the way in.
Me: :rolleyes:

And she doesn't stop with the touching. Grabbing my arm. Putting her feet on my lap. Pinching my cheeks. Grabbing my fingers. Smacking my leg. Yup. I keep catching her looking at me too.

But tonight ended much like every other night recently, with me barely reciprocating, then zoning out in contemplation as she tells me that she's going to bed.

If we weren't roommates, I'd be all over this. I tried spinning more plates, but I just don't want anyone else. Last friday I went out with these two South American girls. One was hot. The other, not as hot, but entertaining. I spent the entire night thinking about my roommate, and ended up getting stupid drunk.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
Are you saying that she slept with your other roommate?

edit: I just read the last reply in your other thread and I think you should run as far away as you can from this broad, even move out of her house.

You need options my friend.


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
mistake by the lake
you two decided it would be smart if you moved in together??? WRONG.

not so smart. listen,

you said you guys "shagged" before and it was horrible. it was a storm aftermath following this event and didnt talk for a year.

now you are contemplating on doing this again?? and you live together now so there is nowhere to run if this hits the fan.

mac is right, you need options. and dont take that as a stab. but this would ileviate this feeling you have.

both you and your roomate are feeling the same way. she doesnt want YOU. she wants to get laid. and you just happen to be the Penis in the next room. dont sabotage your relationship and other relationships that may potentially happen if you bring someone to the house.


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2008
Reaction score
Guys! I KNOW this is a bad idea. But like most bad ideas, it's just too difficult to resist.

How do I do it? I've been talking to other girls, some from the past, some new, and I'm not interested. It feels like I'm forcing myself to get her off of my mind, because basically I am.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
Ok, I'm awfully similar to you. So my only advice will be to game her like any other women. Use social proof, make her jealous, let her know that your going on other dates, remember you are the prize.

Make her come to you, however you need to be a man when your around her, be affirmative, be strong, be manly, take control.

When you do make the move, take control, lead etc...