I have some serious road rash, on my knee and bellow on my calf, then on my elbow. Then cuts on my leg, a splint on my foot, hip, shoulder and neck. Bruces all over my side as well.
At first, a day after the accident I cleaned road rash with alcohol wipe from first aid kit, then put oitment on it, and put some tape on parts I could. This have helped a lot, because in less than 24 hours the big swell I had on my elbow is now gone, and I just have smooth red wound, same on the knee.
How to treat this stuff every morning, what to put on it, and how to dress it? I have road rash, cuts, bruces, and splints. Tell me what to do with all of those.
How often to take shower?
How long until road rash goes away? How long until I can walk straight and there is no more pain in foot, hip, elbow, neck, and my whole side basically.
Any special diet to help me recover faster?
At first, a day after the accident I cleaned road rash with alcohol wipe from first aid kit, then put oitment on it, and put some tape on parts I could. This have helped a lot, because in less than 24 hours the big swell I had on my elbow is now gone, and I just have smooth red wound, same on the knee.
How to treat this stuff every morning, what to put on it, and how to dress it? I have road rash, cuts, bruces, and splints. Tell me what to do with all of those.
How often to take shower?
How long until road rash goes away? How long until I can walk straight and there is no more pain in foot, hip, elbow, neck, and my whole side basically.
Any special diet to help me recover faster?