Any of you folk out there got examples of how a guy (it could be yourself), even an AFC, got laid/in a LTR without really making any DJ moves at all, but purely by being in the right place at the right time and a chick took a shine to him? Here's a couple:
My AFC buddy hadn't been to a nightclub or with a woman for almost four years till he joined up with me, a mutual female friend and some of her (female) work colleagues, none of whom I was interested in, recently (largely 6's and lower). I've been going to clubs for around 4 years, but with another set of friends, and have not once in that time got a number, used kino or anything (this site has saved me basically, my game was all wrong). My buddy's confident and outgoing, but still the kind of guy who puts women on a pedestal, and even chased our female friend off (she's in a serious LTR) by trying to get her to go with him. As it turns out, one of the work colleague chicks liked my buddy, (purely on face value, they didn't speak on the night) and asked our female friend to put him in touch with her. She did, they met up, and have declared their love for each other after just 3 weeks, meeting the parents, having sex on a 2nd date - and basically everytime they meet up - going to each other's places, etc. And to think he wasn't even invited till I suggested he come along...
Same with my younger bro. He usually gets up around midday, spends most of his time on the computer, goes to college a few days a week, and he's got at least two women after him, phoning up, going out etc. Guess it might just be his 'could care' attitude.
My AFC buddy hadn't been to a nightclub or with a woman for almost four years till he joined up with me, a mutual female friend and some of her (female) work colleagues, none of whom I was interested in, recently (largely 6's and lower). I've been going to clubs for around 4 years, but with another set of friends, and have not once in that time got a number, used kino or anything (this site has saved me basically, my game was all wrong). My buddy's confident and outgoing, but still the kind of guy who puts women on a pedestal, and even chased our female friend off (she's in a serious LTR) by trying to get her to go with him. As it turns out, one of the work colleague chicks liked my buddy, (purely on face value, they didn't speak on the night) and asked our female friend to put him in touch with her. She did, they met up, and have declared their love for each other after just 3 weeks, meeting the parents, having sex on a 2nd date - and basically everytime they meet up - going to each other's places, etc. And to think he wasn't even invited till I suggested he come along...
Same with my younger bro. He usually gets up around midday, spends most of his time on the computer, goes to college a few days a week, and he's got at least two women after him, phoning up, going out etc. Guess it might just be his 'could care' attitude.