

Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2002
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Finally, I had some free time to catch up with the news...

Lately I've been busy studying my @ss off to make sure that I will graduate...
In the month of August, I decided to make an experiment, to confirm some doubts that were in my head... I spent a lot, a F*CKING LOT of time with girls, a variety of them, having fun, conversations and observing their behavior. This lead me to 2 important conclusions:

1 - Girls, as anything else, become extremely boring after some time. When you break the scarcity principle you loose your value to their eyes, and they consequently get b!tchy with you...
So, for as fun as a girl is, periods of absence are extremely necessary for the health of the relationship.

To those who wonder, no, I wasn't happier than hell spending my days surrounded by females. The idea of happiness and fulfillment that comes attached to the image of lots of girls around is pure ego delusion...

More than ever, now I value my classes, my school work. I finally understood that as a MAN, I have to WORK. MEN WORK.
And my job is "Student", so I must study, learn and do good in my exams.

Seriously, nothing a girl said or did to me in August has given me greater pleasure than a 9,5 in Physics after a 1.
Work dignify us. It keeps our minds busy, as it also strengthens it.

If you do not have immediate work, try to do homeworks or school works in advance.
If you don't have any, go read a book or listen to music, or even
talk to your buddies.

Seriously, I have traded the company of a female friend by a philosophy book.
And I'm thankful for doing that, because in the moments where things went wrong and I couldn't understand the subjects, when I wanted to leave everything and sleep, I found the strength coming from within... from a quote that touched me:

" Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared to believe that something inside them was superior to circumstance. " --Bruce Barton

That's what we need to believe. That something inside us is superior to circumstances. And we are.
Just think about the thousands of young men who are living their lives lost, without even knowing that this site, this forum exists.

They're lost. We were lost. But we found the way. We're already superior to circumstances, we're DJs. We see the society with critical and revolutionaire eyes.

Together we can do something. We can change our own lives. And the first step to change the world is that... to change yourself!

2 - Women

They're strength is in their collectivity. The feminine values being pushed into us are only strong as long as they're collective.
No women can stand strong and tall by herself. I've seen this around.

When you talk to Girl X alone, she is all sweet and cutie, but when she's around her friends, she becomes the most annoying noisy b!tch around.

That's where we win. We're strong alone. We are miles apart brothers who are standing proud.
If you don't give up against their small group, they'll see that they've lost. And they'll be striken.

Let me clear this, I'm not defending that we should be on war with every single woman we meet, but we must defend ourselves.

Last Thursday, I was at the bus, playing with my friends' butterfly (a small knife).
All the b!tches were together and the started to complain that it was making a lot of noise.
Everyone who knows what a butterfly is knows that it doesn't make more noise than hit two forks against each other, yet they kept b!tching out loud and complaining to one another.

I ignored and kept playing with it, until the alpha b!tch told me to f*ck off and stop it.
I stood up, look at her, told her to f*ck off, told her to go the f*ck away from me because she was the only one bothered, then stood quiet, looking at her... she eventually gave up screaming and lost.
She was humiliated in front of her beta b!tch-friends, so she kept quiet until the moment I got out of the bus.

She's the alpha b!tch, no girl from the bus or even from school dares to disagree with her. She's feared by all girls.
But she's a big fat stupid b!tch... and my friend almost killed himself because of her...

So, I had to put her in her place. I wasn't phased by her cursing, or by her screaming. I know that I have more value, more honor, more intelligence and more everything than this stupid attention *****, so why should I be mad? Why should I waste my time arguing?

That's the beauty of the Don Juan. We're not empty. We're not lost. We're not "grip-less".
We have our family, our friends, our acquaintances, our hobbies, our books, our sports, our jobs, our ideals and our forum.

We have so f*cking much that nothing can phase us. Even when we're alone, we have more value than most of the people around us, specially girls.

They may have power, but what value do they have?
Where do they lay their psychological strength upon?
Who are they?

That's what makes me confident that this revolution is going to happen and we're going to win.

Women are only strong, smart and dominant in collective states. And when they outnumber the alpha males in the situation.

Seriously, they were 5 and I was One. No girl and most of the guys from my school would dare to fight with them. And I won.

Why? Because true value always win. These ladies are used to be surrounded by stupid, empty-headed submissive men, who only think about pus$y all day-long and submit to their desires in order to get some.

They get a lot of men but still they're bitter, sour and b!tchy.

Unfortunately, I'm surrounded by submissive friends. With one exception, all of them submit to the girls they want to f*ck. They're all macho around the naive, innocent girls and they're dogs around the alpha b!tches, waiting for them to throw the wood stick.

But I am not. And as you know better than me, we can't be.

In my last post, I said that we need to be good to other people.
Now, after one week, I've had my way enlightened.

We must be good to good people. To people who are good to us without wanting anything back.
We're smart enought to recognize the amorals.

To the rest, we must be evil. We must be pragmatic, machiavellian, manipulative and amoral.

Along the road, we will recognize the good people, I hope.
Some will recognize us, and join us.

While others, "we can lead the horse to the water but we can't make it drink the water."

What matters now is us, DJs. Together we're strong, and we will get our places back, places which should have never been taken away from us.

We're the future of the world. We're the men who will set the ground for the new generation of men, who will put the male population back to where it belongs, with self-improvement, intelligence, education and sweat, a lot of sweat.

Dear revolutionaires, we can't turn back now.

The man who has the power to bring a smile to a girls face has the power to bring tears to her eyes.
If it is necessary to bring tears to their eyes, to crush their esteem and to destroy their self-confidence, we will.

If it is necessary to step on the d!ck of the puss!fied men all around us that don't want to see the truth, we will too.

I wish everyone fortune to identify along the road, the sincere, ingenous, GOOD people, be them girls or guys who are only willing to help you. Let us never be unfair with them.

For all of you my brothers, I wish a lot of determination, intelligence and luck.

Together we'll make it.


jonny football hero

Master Don Juan
Jun 1, 2003
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!Robin Hood country, Uk!
i am so with you dude. Every guy I know submits to women they want to fvck they stop becoming themselves
"i'll carry that for you" etc.......

be nice to people on the way up, you'll see them on your way down.


Don Juan
Aug 23, 2003
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BBB, I completely agree.. We must fight evil with evil.. That's why I am FOR capital punishment!

And, btw, I want everybody to read the following:
If you give someone something without anything in return, this someone will think that he somehow tricked you into giving him whatever you gave him and not that you with your own mind and heart gave it freely to him. And when he returns to ask for more and you don't want to give him or can't at the moment give him, he will always think that you're jerk/stupid/assh0le/whatever.
(sorry for the slobbery-written paragraph, but I couldn't translate it better from my language)

People are cruel and stupid. We should be cruel, but smart!!!

Superman X

Apr 20, 2003
Reaction score
Somebody put this in the Bible right now. Great job BBB.

I have to admit, when I first saw your posts I thought they were gay because they said to "wake up early and watch the sunshine" and "eat more non-industrialized foods" and crap like that. I was like, what kind of pvssy does that?

But now I'm coming to see that your posts show the way not only to be truly happy, but to be a real man.

I salute you. :D



Don Juan
Feb 24, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Superman X
I have to admit, when I first saw your posts I thought they were gay because they said to "wake up early and watch the sunshine" and "eat more non-industrialized foods" and crap like that. I was like, what kind of pvssy does that?

I enjoy watching the sunset (not so much the sunrise because it requires getting up early). These are the types of things that we take for granted.


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
BBB...We are not worthy...Are you really Pook?

Dig the Funk

Don Juan
Jul 31, 2003
Reaction score
I like yer posts BBB, especially since they manage to articulate that which manages to grab the minds but escape the tongues of fellow Juanitos. That being said, to all other DJs: let's not go off into the deep end! I mean, we tend to distill the sermons of our preachers into manageable little chunks to be whipped out of our masculinity belts for use on the nearest doable female. I'm just hoping some misguided dude goes out slappin chicks around cause he doesn't comprehend a good post.

EEEEdit: That would be DOESN'T go out slappin chicks. Little slip there.....whew.