Revealing too much info


Don Juan
May 12, 2014
Reaction score
So I've noticed a pattern in my past relationships..........basically the chicks drill me constantly for information, and at the start I'm pretty good at deflecting their questions with humour, but by a few months in they basically know everything about me and get bored.

Any tips on things I could say to deflect their questions?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
SlappaDaBayyys said:
So I've noticed a pattern in my past relationships..........basically the chicks drill me constantly for information, and at the start I'm pretty good at deflecting their questions with humour, but by a few months in they basically know everything about me and get bored.
I've seen variations of this question and complaint many times on this forum. But at some point, if you hang onto a chick long enough, she's going to know you pretty well. I don't think the object should be to keep her in the dark as long as you can. You should be interesting enough that she can know most things about you and not be bored.

Part of this is just being fun. I am far from being a party beast, but I have a positive attitude and a fairly quick wit, so I am generally fun to be around when I am with my girl, even after all these years. If you're a negative nancy, people will tire of you a lot more quickly. That's just one example.

But I don't think it's possible for a woman to know everything about you. Or at least I would never reveal my very innermost thoughts that no one else is privy to.

3agle 3yes

Master Don Juan
Aug 22, 2012
Reaction score
Knowing information about someone plays no role at all in whether you feel attraction for them.

So stupid questions deserve a stupid answer.

Especially if it's questions based on where you work or fact I'd question her if she just wants to know so she can stalk me.

And besides if she's genuinely attracted to you she'll find out herself.