Returning to the forum after 3 years to share useful information


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2004
Reaction score
Queens Ny
I can say that I am so thankful for this forum. it has helped me grow into a man that I dreamed of being. It's kinda weird saying this because I almost feel like I'm listing to someone elses story as I write this... But anyway I took some advice from this forum a few year back and it literally changed my life.
It said that a good way to meet women is to take a salsa dancing class. Well I followed that advice and MAN let me tell you my world has done a complete 180 degree turn. Before I was a quiet skinny jokester kind of guy with some confidence but I didn't really didn't get to tap into my inner Dj. Yes I was the oppitimy of the phrase AFC.
So anyway I decided to take a couple of salsa dance classes and learn some fundamentals of body movement, timing, partnerwork and styling. Within a few months I started to notice that I was pretty good at dancing and I wasn't the only one noticing that as well. I would have all sorts of women, SUPER HOT, hot, decent, ugly, young, old, fat, skinny, tall, short, indian, black,white asian etc Levatating towards me. They loved my sytle and how I expressed myself while I danced. Now let me tell you this!!! I have seen the ugliest fattest dude in this club dancing with a smoking hot chicks. They loved him. I was like wtf?? But then at that moment I realized they liked him for how he lead them into the turns, spins, how he smiled at them (I'm trying to make a point here so Please bear with me) Salsa is very sensual and sexy with a lot of non verbal communication. It's perfectly okay to touch her perfectly sculptured body. Why? BECAUSE Its okay. And if you really get good with your leading you could even lighy brush against her breast, or ass (BUT REMEMBER LIGHTLY) gently on purpose or course, but by mistake. Just make a light surprised look and say sorry. ITS PERFECTLY OKAY!!!!!!! But make sure you know what your doing and you present yourself as a good leader. Because if your not a good leader on the dance floor you probably cant be a leader else where. Once people start to see you and the skills you've aquired, You'll be in DEMAND!!!!! And thats the best and easiest way to build rapport with a Salsera. Go out to the clubs get to know people especially the Dj, dance with as many chicks as possible. Or even invite a female friend of yours that doesn't dance salsa. You'll look like the man cause most likely she cant dance anyway. Once other women see that. CHECKMATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And even if you're a shy AFC. You'll be forced to get some confidence because most likely women will be coming to you to ask you for a dance. Then you'll say to youself, I need to get my **** together. And once again the ball will start rolling. Another way to build rapport with a Salsera is to love dancing as much as she does. As long as your decent and she sees you skills progress and your spending time with her. ITS INEVITABLE.. YOU WILL HAVE HER!!!!!!!! GUARANTEED. How do I know.... Been there done that.
So in conclusion-----
I personally vouch for this myself because I read "taking a salsa class" on this forum about 3 years ago and I never came back on the forum since. My life has changed so much for the better so I think it's my Civic duty as a member of the DJ forum to pass on the information.

Check out youtube for some videos. You'll be amazed. Check out "Micah Boon salsa" "Magna gopal salsa" Shaka brown salsa". Hopefully you'll be inspired and amazed.--------------------- I was. Thanks to the Dj forum


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
Good tip. I can clearly see that working.

Personally I wouldn't join a Salsa class and learn something which doesn't interest me. She has to come into MY world. Not the other way around. So I'd recommend finding your own interests and developing a lifestyle around those interests, and make it interesting enough to draw people in.
May 23, 2006
Reaction score
Thought of joining dance school back in December 2005. That idea was scrapped and never re-opened since. It's good to know that this is still out there and has worked for you. My mom disapproves of the idea of dancing and I'm not really totally into that stuff. But I still like the concept because it deals with touch issues and if you invest on being a good dancer, you'd have a nice exposure to women in that context. So, just enjoying dancing and having fun becomes a game in itself if you just work it.