Returning DJ, totally lost it


Sep 22, 2009
Reaction score
Hi guys. I used to post here a about 7 years ago, and it gave me good success when I was at university. So much so that I stopped needing to take tips from here and just made my own game. I even met up with one guy from here and went sarging in Dublin, I'm not sure what has happened with him though. Anyway, cue the last five or six years, I left uni and got a job and got involved in drinking heavily and regularly. Within a couple of years I'd ballooned up to 240+ lbs - the girls gave up on me and I gave up on them.

Now, I've got myself down to a good weight, and fortunately as I was piling on the weight I was still pumping iron so I've got a good muscular base too. I'm pulling in a decent wage at last, the knowledge of what to do, but...I just can't seem able to apply it. Shot confidence and totally regressed.

I feel lost, I feel like I have less confidence than I did when I was 18, and don't know where to start again. My circle of friends no longer has any girls in it, and has narrowed to people who also like a drink. I can go through a day without conversing to anyone. So the damage to my body from the drinking has been undone, but need to start this whole thing again.

Has anyone experienced this? Having success and then getting into a mess. How did you get back into the game? At least when I was originally AFC I knew quite a few people.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
Reaction score
an island
First get some new hobbies that has nothing to do with drinking. I see it all the time how people base their lives around drink and often these people have no interests or hobbies besides what happens in pubs.

When you say you have "the knowledge of what to do", what do you mean? Do you mean PUA tactics?


Don Juan
Sep 22, 2009
Reaction score
On the planet Korriban training TheHumanist in the
"How did you get back into the game?"

A little goes a long way.

Start talking to one person one day for a week and move up to two the next week and on and on as well like the first responder poster said get involved in new activities unrelated to your negative past.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Try being married for 7 years and being a complete AFC for 4 years before that after having been the man in the college. It took me a lot of work to get back in the game. You just have to jump in, your old enough and wise enough not to let any rejection get to you personally. Start following the three second rule. If you make eye contact, go talk to her in less than three seconds. leave the drinking alone for a while too, the pub holds you back. It was only when my local pub closed that my game took off, the pub with the cute waitresses and bartenders (female ones) were like a crutch, I could get female attention with out having to do anything but tip well. When it shut down I was forced to get out there and give it a try with no crutches. Good luck.


Sep 22, 2009
Reaction score
slaog said:
First get some new hobbies that has nothing to do with drinking. I see it all the time how people base their lives around drink and often these people have no interests or hobbies besides what happens in pubs.

When you say you have "the knowledge of what to do", what do you mean? Do you mean PUA tactics?
My other hobbies include the gym, rugby, walking, pool, so I do have other things beside drinking!

I'e come to the conclusion that Britain is just completely socially dysfunctional and the people here can't meet each other unless they are boozed up. If you haven't found someone by the time you leave school/uni, you're f**ked. Day game is impossible as girls consider you a freak for talking to them at all :nono: . Makes me want to just go hit the pub

It seems the only blokes that get successful here are the d**khead chavs and the feminine skinny guys in skinny jeans. Normal, decent, successful guys just don't bother - oh but watch the girls once they've hit 30 turn around from the sluts they've been for 17 years (yes my Maths is correct here) and look for a nice wage packet instead.:mad:


Don Juan
Sep 9, 2009
Reaction score
Steve, don't consider it you not having game, consider it you just went on a cold streak for a few years, you've still got it brother, and its going to come back in a big way. Just like you losing the weight wasn't over night, rebuilding your skill set is going to take some time.

Be consistent.

Make one attempt per day. Then 2, then 3 then before you know it you're not keeping a list you're seeing cute girls in the grocery store and making approaches. She blows you off, so what, plenty more where that came from.