Retaliate Help Me


Don Juan
Oct 11, 2003
Reaction score
Dallas Texas
Ok I read here that its bad to retaliate against a woman for rejecting you. I of course would never do that. My situation is very different and I wonder what have you guys done in a situation like this.

I met this girl last year and we messed around. Then all of a sudden she cut contact with me. I am about 100 percent sure it was because of her over sized friend. Now to this day her over sized friend will toy with me by making comments about the woman that I was messing around with.

Now it's the fat bitachs turn to be fuxked with!! What can I do, and would you guys do the same thing? She is messing with my life and NOBODY is going to mess with my life like she has.

The only thing I can think of is to take her out on a date about a hour away from here and leave her axx there. I am sure she would go out with me because she is desperate for a boyfriend and that may even be why she screwed things up between me and this other woman because she was Jealous.


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
Reaction score
Why bother? It's obvious this chick has a low self-esteem and will never be able approached by a guy half your caliber, so why bother? Be the big man, ignore them both and move on with your life. These vindicative games are beneath you.
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
Don't waste your time man, forget about her. There's nothing you can do to get back at her, unless you fvck her and dump her. But if she's unattractive then you better take a vomit-bag with ya. Anything you do to mess with her head will just make things worse. Just ignore the biatch.


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2003
Reaction score
From my personal experience, low self-esteem girls are a big problem if you are into one of them.

There was this girl that was interested in me, but her friends made her stop thinking about me. Then, one of her fat, ugly friends approached me, but I rejected her. The ugly one still wants me today, but I keep rejecting her.

Leave the low self-esteem girl and get something better for you.