A partially developed plan violently executed is superior to being late with a perfect plan. ~ General Patton [from SunTzu for Success]
That means, GET MOVING!
While you're contemplating your next move, someone else has taken one!
While you're posting on a concern, someone else took action!
While you're muddling over the downside, someone else is seeking the solution!
Focus on where you want to do, not on what you fear. ~ Anthony Robbins
I'm a big proponent of NLP, Hypnosis, Autosuggestion, and Affirmations because...
They enable you to constantly REPROGRAM your brain toward success thinking.
They DEPROGRAM the hypnosis of AFC-ness and replace it with positive commands.
They give you the USERS manual to the program. Yes, it's that powerful.
You see, the battle of approaching or not approaching, the battle of success or failure, the battle of wealth or poverty is waged in the mind, not in the world. Your actions are the direct result of your thinking, and your thinking is the direct result of your beliefs. Change your beliefs, change your world. Belief is what separates one man from embracing humanity, and another man from slaughtering millions of innocent people. Belief is what separates one man from approaching that cutie at the mall, or at the gas tank, or at work. BELIEF.
What are some beliefs, that seem to remain UNPROGRAMMED?
It's my life and it's ending one minute a time. I promise to make the most of it.
Life is a dance, each emotion, be fear, anxiety, nervousness, ecstasy, passion, happiness, or tranquility is equally enjoyable.
Women like me, and if they don't readily accept me, then I already know she's not worthy me time.
I'm a catch and my time is valuable. I can be spending that with friends, family, sports, hobbies, work, or lifting, but I CHOOSE to spend it with (this) woman.
A girl is a girl is a girl. She's no different than any other woman I've met, and shouldn't be treated as such because she hasn't earned that right. And any woman who did earn that right, wouldn't expect to be treated as a queen anyway.
Too often I hear how hard approaching is. It isn't. It really isn't. You first need that belief. And, in the oft chance you score there, what then? To the boards to scrub up on dating? Or to the boards to learn the next step? What fun is dating, or life, if I said
"Here, here's the manual to life. Open it whenever you have a question, and there shall be an answer. You never have to think again."
Well, what if I told you, you already have that manual, and it's NOT online?
IT'S in your brain. It's a built-in manual. It comes preprogrammed. It IS the computer responsible for EVERY other computer. There's two ways to reprogram it.
1. Through reprogramming, by installing new programs.
2. Through experience, the program will admit to the new actions.
You see, through ACTION you realize approaching ISN'T that bad, right? Your preconceived notion of fear is diminished, so your FIGHT or FLIGHT instincts drop off and you REPROGRAM yourself to KNOW approaching doesn't hurt, that you don't need special lines, and that you know all you need. AND...through constant reprogramming through READING and other aforementioned techniques, you constantly UPGRADE the system.
Now, when a person is RESULTS Oriented, automatically, you set expectations. You expect something to happen in a visual pattern. Well, when you visualize a negative, can't you also visual the positive? Can't you visualize the OPPOSITE of bad, which is good? Why the negative? Why NOT the positive? You deserve that, right?
I want you to stop placing so much ONEITIS on that cute girl across from you and treat it like ANY OTHER human interaction. Believe life gives you all you need to succeed and do it. Go forth and experience. Stop worrying about what you should be saying, and YOU WILL SAY THE RIGHT THING.
I'm not here to motivate, I'm here to state that the battle of his war, the battle you wage is not in life, but in your mind. Life is but a perception of reality, there exists no reality but what you create. That is constructed of what you believe in [faith]. That in turn directs ALL actions.
You want success. Adopt successful mental thinking and beliefs.
You want women. Adopt the beliefs of men.
You want wealth. Adopt the beliefs of the rich and wealthy and successful.
You want happiness. Adopt the beliefs of those chill enough to handle the worst situations.
I'm here to say, go talk to the girl like a normal person. With an agenda, you're screwed. With an outcome, you can't have fun, because you'll be applying pressure to a direction. Women don't like that. To them, it's a dance, it's a romancing. They like surprises [even if they say they don't]. They want to be think you too met haphazardly [think random stranger]. The more miraculous it is, the more sucess you'll have. Go with the moment.
The best situation I can highlight occurred in 2002. I was on a business trip in Houston, TX with over 150 associates. I had just had a major fight with an X of mine who'd slept with a friend, and was totally bummed. Reserved to making the most of my life, I socialized and drank with my friends. Now, amidst 150 GUYS, there's little expectation of meeting a woman, and even if 5 surface, that's 30:1. The competition would be quite stiff.
Day 2 rolled around, and I was partying at the beautiful bar. Sometime in the night time, around 10, I felt a tug on my shirt. A cute latino american girl said "I like your accent." Being from Boston, I guess my accent won over some hearts. Not to mention was this beauty a spitting image of J.Lo with the ass to go with it, but she had a friend. I had no preconcieved notions about what would come of it, and being nearly 1700 miles from home, I had no expectation I'd even see her the next day. Well, we partied a bit, she met my associates, and chilled. Bar closes, and she casually mentions 'For the hell of it' exchanging numbers.
Day 3, I invite her back for the company cookout (very posh). She arrives at 10 again and brings her friend to meet my friends. We party until late and end up in the hottub outside my room until 6 am. I got 1 hour of asleep before I had to wake for my last meetings. I left that day without saying goodbye. What happened thereafter?
Believe it or not, we dated long distance, San Antonio to Boston for 9 months, faithfully seeing each other for once a month and even went to Muai Hawaii for a whole week. I had the delight of visiting a state I never would otherwise have, meeting awesome people, and having mind blowing sex with an unbelievable girl. In the long-run, because nobody was moving, it didn't work out and ended last summer of 2003. But was it worth it? Hell yeah.
So can you place expectations on an encounter?
F No.
What you can do is enjoy the moment for what it is, free yourself of those shackles, and stop treating life as a live or die situation every time you make a move. Just make it and evaluate later. You'll be so happy you did make a move, you won't care about the outcome.
That means, GET MOVING!
While you're contemplating your next move, someone else has taken one!
While you're posting on a concern, someone else took action!
While you're muddling over the downside, someone else is seeking the solution!
Focus on where you want to do, not on what you fear. ~ Anthony Robbins
I'm a big proponent of NLP, Hypnosis, Autosuggestion, and Affirmations because...
They enable you to constantly REPROGRAM your brain toward success thinking.
They DEPROGRAM the hypnosis of AFC-ness and replace it with positive commands.
They give you the USERS manual to the program. Yes, it's that powerful.
You see, the battle of approaching or not approaching, the battle of success or failure, the battle of wealth or poverty is waged in the mind, not in the world. Your actions are the direct result of your thinking, and your thinking is the direct result of your beliefs. Change your beliefs, change your world. Belief is what separates one man from embracing humanity, and another man from slaughtering millions of innocent people. Belief is what separates one man from approaching that cutie at the mall, or at the gas tank, or at work. BELIEF.
What are some beliefs, that seem to remain UNPROGRAMMED?
It's my life and it's ending one minute a time. I promise to make the most of it.
Life is a dance, each emotion, be fear, anxiety, nervousness, ecstasy, passion, happiness, or tranquility is equally enjoyable.
Women like me, and if they don't readily accept me, then I already know she's not worthy me time.
I'm a catch and my time is valuable. I can be spending that with friends, family, sports, hobbies, work, or lifting, but I CHOOSE to spend it with (this) woman.
A girl is a girl is a girl. She's no different than any other woman I've met, and shouldn't be treated as such because she hasn't earned that right. And any woman who did earn that right, wouldn't expect to be treated as a queen anyway.
Too often I hear how hard approaching is. It isn't. It really isn't. You first need that belief. And, in the oft chance you score there, what then? To the boards to scrub up on dating? Or to the boards to learn the next step? What fun is dating, or life, if I said
"Here, here's the manual to life. Open it whenever you have a question, and there shall be an answer. You never have to think again."
Well, what if I told you, you already have that manual, and it's NOT online?
IT'S in your brain. It's a built-in manual. It comes preprogrammed. It IS the computer responsible for EVERY other computer. There's two ways to reprogram it.
1. Through reprogramming, by installing new programs.
2. Through experience, the program will admit to the new actions.
You see, through ACTION you realize approaching ISN'T that bad, right? Your preconceived notion of fear is diminished, so your FIGHT or FLIGHT instincts drop off and you REPROGRAM yourself to KNOW approaching doesn't hurt, that you don't need special lines, and that you know all you need. AND...through constant reprogramming through READING and other aforementioned techniques, you constantly UPGRADE the system.
Now, when a person is RESULTS Oriented, automatically, you set expectations. You expect something to happen in a visual pattern. Well, when you visualize a negative, can't you also visual the positive? Can't you visualize the OPPOSITE of bad, which is good? Why the negative? Why NOT the positive? You deserve that, right?
I want you to stop placing so much ONEITIS on that cute girl across from you and treat it like ANY OTHER human interaction. Believe life gives you all you need to succeed and do it. Go forth and experience. Stop worrying about what you should be saying, and YOU WILL SAY THE RIGHT THING.
I'm not here to motivate, I'm here to state that the battle of his war, the battle you wage is not in life, but in your mind. Life is but a perception of reality, there exists no reality but what you create. That is constructed of what you believe in [faith]. That in turn directs ALL actions.
You want success. Adopt successful mental thinking and beliefs.
You want women. Adopt the beliefs of men.
You want wealth. Adopt the beliefs of the rich and wealthy and successful.
You want happiness. Adopt the beliefs of those chill enough to handle the worst situations.
I'm here to say, go talk to the girl like a normal person. With an agenda, you're screwed. With an outcome, you can't have fun, because you'll be applying pressure to a direction. Women don't like that. To them, it's a dance, it's a romancing. They like surprises [even if they say they don't]. They want to be think you too met haphazardly [think random stranger]. The more miraculous it is, the more sucess you'll have. Go with the moment.
The best situation I can highlight occurred in 2002. I was on a business trip in Houston, TX with over 150 associates. I had just had a major fight with an X of mine who'd slept with a friend, and was totally bummed. Reserved to making the most of my life, I socialized and drank with my friends. Now, amidst 150 GUYS, there's little expectation of meeting a woman, and even if 5 surface, that's 30:1. The competition would be quite stiff.
Day 2 rolled around, and I was partying at the beautiful bar. Sometime in the night time, around 10, I felt a tug on my shirt. A cute latino american girl said "I like your accent." Being from Boston, I guess my accent won over some hearts. Not to mention was this beauty a spitting image of J.Lo with the ass to go with it, but she had a friend. I had no preconcieved notions about what would come of it, and being nearly 1700 miles from home, I had no expectation I'd even see her the next day. Well, we partied a bit, she met my associates, and chilled. Bar closes, and she casually mentions 'For the hell of it' exchanging numbers.
Day 3, I invite her back for the company cookout (very posh). She arrives at 10 again and brings her friend to meet my friends. We party until late and end up in the hottub outside my room until 6 am. I got 1 hour of asleep before I had to wake for my last meetings. I left that day without saying goodbye. What happened thereafter?
Believe it or not, we dated long distance, San Antonio to Boston for 9 months, faithfully seeing each other for once a month and even went to Muai Hawaii for a whole week. I had the delight of visiting a state I never would otherwise have, meeting awesome people, and having mind blowing sex with an unbelievable girl. In the long-run, because nobody was moving, it didn't work out and ended last summer of 2003. But was it worth it? Hell yeah.
So can you place expectations on an encounter?
F No.
What you can do is enjoy the moment for what it is, free yourself of those shackles, and stop treating life as a live or die situation every time you make a move. Just make it and evaluate later. You'll be so happy you did make a move, you won't care about the outcome.