You mustn't be thinking of "how to keep my body guessing" - that's magazine talk. Your body is kept guessing by the continually changing load (extra weight on the bar every workout, every other workout, or someway else that's progressive).
Think in terms of this: I have a 200 x 5 deadlift. If I want my back to grow, I need to make this a 300 x 5 deadlift. What is the quickest way to do this? By having 5 min rest periods one week and 1 min rest periods the next? You do an all-out set of deadlifts and then try again in one minute, what's gonna happen? What would've happened if you'd waited til you were ready again? Which method is going to allow you maximal output and efficiency?
To gain strength and size, it's important you do the lifts properly. This means going into a set having felt rested enough. Certain dynamic efforts (a la Westside) do have application in strength training but these are generally very low rep (1-3) and the weight you use will be substantially lower than your true 1-3 rep max - for this reason, it won't work too well.
The answer is, rest until you feel rested. Whether it's one minute or twenty.