Master Don Juan
Not my own words but when i did it, hella effictive.
Rest-Pause Technique
The rest pause technique is great in achieving that unbearable burn people sometimes have a hard time getting. The idea is very simple, at the end of your set, you hold the weight, either locked out in some cases or just resting on the machine, until you have enough energy to pump out a few more reps. With the chest for example, you would bench press until you could just bring the bar back to the top.
Then you could lockout your arms and catch your breath and let your arms stabilize (as mine tend to shake uncontrollably at the end of a set for chest) pause there several seconds until you recover and do another rep, pause and continue doing this until you just can't do it anymore. In terms of great technique's for building muscle, I believe this one takes a very close second, right behind drop setting, as it is a very close relative to the idea.
Rest-Pause Technique
The rest pause technique is great in achieving that unbearable burn people sometimes have a hard time getting. The idea is very simple, at the end of your set, you hold the weight, either locked out in some cases or just resting on the machine, until you have enough energy to pump out a few more reps. With the chest for example, you would bench press until you could just bring the bar back to the top.
Then you could lockout your arms and catch your breath and let your arms stabilize (as mine tend to shake uncontrollably at the end of a set for chest) pause there several seconds until you recover and do another rep, pause and continue doing this until you just can't do it anymore. In terms of great technique's for building muscle, I believe this one takes a very close second, right behind drop setting, as it is a very close relative to the idea.