we all know women will contact you for attention.. if she has been polite with you as in you ask her out she replies but doesn't agree etc should you show her the same courtesy when she contacts asking how you are etc? they say you should just ignore her and not repsond - this is rude esp if she has always replied to your messages.. and by not responding you are perceived to be rude and impolite.. how many of you actually reply to these attention seeking messages?
I just feel now I will not reply and risk a blocking on whatsapp or whatever.. i know they only want to see if i'm still interested and want my attention so there's no point giving my attention.. i should risk losing them due to my impolite/rudeness but should i really give a fvck? whenever i dont reply and give them silent treatment they inevitably start sending messages to get a response like 'are you ok?' or '?' if they didn't put a ? mark at end of initial message.. then they end up blocking me .. all to get a reaction but generally it's a 'ok fvck you then your loss' attitude they give. even if she had some IL in the beginning would her blocking you be the end of it? I always thought silence was your friend to getting what you want if you play it right. but all i end up getting is blocked.
I just feel now I will not reply and risk a blocking on whatsapp or whatever.. i know they only want to see if i'm still interested and want my attention so there's no point giving my attention.. i should risk losing them due to my impolite/rudeness but should i really give a fvck? whenever i dont reply and give them silent treatment they inevitably start sending messages to get a response like 'are you ok?' or '?' if they didn't put a ? mark at end of initial message.. then they end up blocking me .. all to get a reaction but generally it's a 'ok fvck you then your loss' attitude they give. even if she had some IL in the beginning would her blocking you be the end of it? I always thought silence was your friend to getting what you want if you play it right. but all i end up getting is blocked.