Resetting attitude..


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
Hard to believe I even have to ask this as I used to know better, but I've been off lately. So there was this chick, posted about her before. She works at a local bar, she literally spent 2 months trying to get my attention flirting etc. I never did ANYTHING. Finally it seemed she was over it. Nope she starts coming around again. However I totally passed all power on to her, and its OBVIOUS. Plus I can't seem to take her off the pedestal I put her on, I have never let a girl intimidate me and now sadly I admit I am completely. Funny how i could make a golden situation turn out this way. Any tips on how to change my thinking. I also freeze every time.


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2011
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On a higher level
Just Go for it man. You have virtually nothing to lose. VERY slowly gravitate towards her and gauge her response. Don't show her too much that you're interested and you'll have the power in the relationship therefore you will not have anything to be afraid of. You being intimidated (in my book) equates to either being afraid of rejection or not feeling you're worthy or capable of maintaining such a specimen.

I think you should at least explore her as an option.

IF however things get overwhelming THEN you can pull out and go about your business.

Just remember it's not everyday that a girl falls into your lap, if that were the case sosuave might not have visitors


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
Seriously it has to be one of those 2 things. I never had this problem until the last year for whatever reason. I went in last night, she was working. Wow, she is completely done with me. I tried hard to get her to talk, she wouldn't even stop, when I left she kept her back turned to knowing I was leaving.
Sucks considering just a week ago she was completely friendly and would be happy to see me, but I keep just not doing anything. If I am thinking like this I can only imagine what goes through a chicks head when dealing with someone who acts like me.
I put her up on a pedestal and acted like she was something different and that killed me. I generally do very well at getting the interest of women, but lately it does not translate into success. I do things that leave me scratching my head thinking "wtf is wrong with me!?"


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2011
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On a higher level
From what I see she might be playing hard to get OR maybe you just misread the signs. Whichever way, you need to NEXT her and move on. But don't beat yourself up, I know what it's like to get women's interest and not being able to capitalize on it. One thing you can do is the next time you find a girl that's interested in you, do what you usually do to pursue her, only this time pinpoint the moment that she starts losing interest. Evaluate your and her actions and decide if it was your action (or lack thereof) that led to her withdrawal. If you did (or didn't do) something right or wrong, acknowledge it and use this info in your interactions with future women (pretty much trial and error).

Some advice:

1) Be more confident - never let a woman smell your fear, doubt, uncertainty or intimidation.

2) Be spontaneous - try not to project your nerves too much

3) Relax - everyone fumbles, so you might as well use your failures as motivation.

4) Improve your self-worth - In order to get women off that pedestal, you have to see yourself as being at least on the same level as them. So be ALPHA, improve your look, your attitude, your ambitions. Know that you're the sh*t.

5) Have fun - this is important - Know that with or without women you can be happy. That's why they call it GAME...cause it's suppose to be enjoyable.



Don Juan
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
Perfectly said:

"Some advice:

1) Be more confident - never let a woman smell your fear, doubt, uncertainty or intimidation.

2) Be spontaneous - try not to project your nerves too much

3) Relax - everyone fumbles, so you might as well use your failures as motivation.

4) Improve your self-worth - In order to get women off that pedestal, you have to see yourself as being at least on the same level as them. So be ALPHA, improve your look, your attitude, your ambitions. Know that you're the sh*t.

5) Have fun - this is important - Know that with or without women you can be happy. That's why they call it GAME...cause it's suppose to be enjoyable.
This was an eye opener and definitely a kick in the ass. Sucks though it has to be with such a hot chick. I think misread signs, since her signs were VERY clear. She had even come up to me and told me that I was "her man of mystery". It has been a roller coaster, 1 time I see her and she is flirting hard core wants to talk to me, I do nothing, usually leave without saying bye. Next time I see her she is a b%$#. Was actually there last night, made the call that it will be my last time, it was so awkward, she couldnt try any harder to act like I wasn't there. Only time I've ever seen that behavior is when you make a girl feel rejected/or she knows you have no balls OR she has another guy. Best thing is to just avoid the situation and start over and follow these 5 points with other girls.
Girls are painful though, I just got a text from a chick who completely blew me off a month ago. I met her out and she seemed really into me, even had wanted to go to my place (friends stopped it). Talked to her a couple days later, she was very eager to hang out, a day later, super flaky, went on for a few days. Left it alone. 1 month later "i hope you remember me!!, we need hang!!". I wish this **** was simpler.


Don Juan
Dec 28, 2009
Reaction score
Sounds a lot like a girl I was hanging with.

She eyed me for about a month when I'd do door @ a club - then I finally asked her name, grabbed the number. Took her out a few times, 2nd base etc.

Flash forward a few weeks - I'm doing door, her and her friend won't even walk down the same side of the street to head to a bar that's..on the same street I'm on...yea...oh, and I'd already chatted with her friend some 30mins previous.

I didn't creep her out, I didn't beg - I've played it well after TRUSTING MY GUT on the last night I was at her place. I was right.


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2007
Reaction score
The thing I always forget is how attention based most women are. I assume if they like me then it just will happen. I always kick myself for putting them on a pedestal or giving too much credit. Honestly when i then see them with another option, I'm like "really!!?OMG i so had that". Game wins more than anything.


Don Juan
Jun 4, 2011
Reaction score
On a higher level
Women are annoyingly fickle. They are consistently inconsistent in their actions. Which is why I think these two things are very important:

1) Take opportunities as they come - women sabotage their relationships before they even begin so it's important to take advantage of openings that you get with women. If a woman shows interest in you and you don't throw her a bone chances are she'll find a guy that will. Don't give women time to rationalize whether she wants you or not. learn this: LOGICS KILLS ATTRACTION

2) Be firm (no pun intended) - Women are drama queens and if you aren't firm and let them know that you don't tolerate bullsh*t they'll take you for a ride (a roller coaster ride not the good kind)

Either way it's better to just ignore those attention and validation seeking b*tches. Find women who are actually REAL PEOPLE