Reminder about the facts of life


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2014
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I´ve been thinking about the meaning of this all for a long time. I think I´m finally coming to terms with the facts of life. I may seem cynical to you, but now I just accept how women are and life is in general. The following points have helped me to find a peace of mind. Please ignore grammatical errors.

1. Happiness won´t last
I knew already as a child that health isn´t the most important thing in life. Some disabled people were happier than me. So I tried to be happy, but was so only temporarily. I was always in a pursuit of something that would bring me joy as a result. Nothing brought me long lasting happiness. I was happy with my ex-wife for 3 years. I thought it would have lasted forever. I bought my dream apartment. Now I´m searching for the next. I could go on, but you get the idea. Long lasting happiness is possible, but it is NOT achievable. It comes from acceptance. How you react to random moments of life determines your happiness. Stop achieving, start accepting!

2. Everything is temporary
You must prepare to lose everything, because some day you will. Life is pretty much winning and losing. Mostly losing, even for Charlie Sheen. If you want to be happy, put your focus on experience, not on results. If you want to learn something, you must learn by doing. Then you gain experience and experience is living. Even the bad experience. Experience will make you skilled for future, but that´s not the point. The point is to live. The meaning of life is to live! You take nothing with you from here, so the results mean nothing.

3. It´s all about your journey (and some tail on the side)
Your path isn´t written in the stars, it´s random even if you take action and try to steer the boat. It doesn´t matter what you have achieved at the end. Don´t listen to society. If you are into young girls, date them. Who cares if you are 40 and she´s 18. We all want young and fresh. Some are honest about it. Do what you want! Don´t let anything or anyone to control you. Respect the law though. Go into LTR with a BPD teen and experience it. Be the first who can manage it! If you can´t, post here about your therapy sessions. I was rather with my BPD girl for a year than with my boring ex for the rest of my life. (BPD girls are dangerous drugs I don´t seriously recommend.)

4. Love isn´t your key to happiness.
Women will never love you. Men value love, but it doesnt exist between a man and a woman. Love is unconditional. You are conditional to women. Fall in "love" for experience, but don´t expect it to make you happy for good. Only God and your parents love you unconditionally. So call your mother today. Eventually only God´s left. Even God who loves you unconditionally, could cast you into hell, if you had been a bad boy. There´s no more to be said about love.

5. In big picture your life is meaningless
Unless you are Nikola Tesla or equivalent. For you, your life is priceless. Small things can make a huge impact. But you don´t need to do anything! That said, more you do more you experience and live life! Donate, do some charity work, fly to Malawi and hug starving kids. Still you aren´t happy because your trophy wife **cks your neighbour and your own kids hate your guts. Happiness isn´t love, people, work or anything considered as a result. It´s coming to terms with the facts of life. It´s gonna end and I can´t be in charge of everything. That´s difficult for men to accept, because we naturally want to control. Especially women. That´s a road to disaster. Don´t let anyone control you AND don´t let yourself to control anyone!

6. What happens, happens for NO reason.

Life is random. That´s why it´s full of opportunities. React to those random moments with acceptance in order to make the best out of them. Time is the only actually valuable thing in your life. You have only one time.
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Senior Don Juan
Apr 4, 2011
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Your post is pretty sad and depressing. I listened to the this audio book:
The Psychology of Achievement by Brian Tracy. I'm not even finished with it, but it is one of the best I ever listened too. Changed my whole attitude. Check it out. It was recommended by David Deangelo. I'm going to eventually read all of the ones he recommends. Life changing stuff.

El Payaso

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2014
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I wouldn't necessarily call all of them "facts" but these are some very good mantras to live by. To the guy above me, they might be sad and depressing but it is the reality. Those who learn to accept the reality will cope very well with life.

I especially like #2: If you want to be happy, put your focus on experience, not on results. Always look at anything that happens to you and trying to see what you learned from it instead of moping about how you got screwed over. That's something I've been doing a lot lately in my life.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2013
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This is not a very uplifting post. Sounds like your down in the dumps and came up with some fvcked up view of life. Or maybe I'm just optimistic? However, I believe this list is more .... um... un-emo?

1. Life has its ups and downs
Nothing is constant, everything changes. Life without hardships would be no life at all so it is best we except and handle them the best we can. Having a positive outlook on life can help as well. Happiness is indeed obtainable by pursuing your passions, doing what you you want to do, and enjoying life as a whole. The "Live for the moment" quote is cliche' but is good advice. Don't forget to experience life, don't be all work and no play.

2. Life is Ever-Changing
As I said before, nothing in life is constant. Be aware of change, and prepare yourself for what is possible. In a relationship with the most wonderful woman ever? Enjoy it. But be aware of the possibility it may come to an end. That doesn't mean block yourself off, or be cold and emotionless, it simply to means be aware of possiblities. Life is not colorful rainbows and butterscotch fields, it is possible something may go wrong, and in that event, you should be mentally prepared to handle whatever life throws at you efficiently.

3. It aint about where you're going, its about how you got there
When your life is over, it sums up to about three things:

-Your memories & shared Experiences
-The way your life affected others
-Your accomplishments

Experience life and don't pass up on opportunities. There's alot of things in life you can't control but there are two things you'll always have control over, the way you react towards things thrown at you, and the decsions you make. if there's something you want to do, do it. You may not get a second chance. Live Life.

4. Women are mere compliments to our Lifes
The day you begin to believe that youll be happy if you have "insert girl of choice". Is the day you accept never being happy. Our life's in theirselves be enough to make us happy, having a woman around only enhances the awesomeness because you now have someone to share it with. Woman exist to enhance our life's, use them for no more than that purpose.

5. In the end Life is meant to be Lived & and Enjoyed
Your life is all the experiences you had. All the hardships you endured. All of your successes and all of your failings. The crazy parties, and those depressing nights. Life is short so in the meantime have a hell of a time while your here. Chase those goals, pursue your passions, grab those risks, improve yourself, so when the time comes, you can say " Man, I had a helleva time"

6. Life IS Random

Sh1t Happens
And when it does, there's usuaully nothing you can do. Accept this fact, and embrace it. Focus your energy on the things you can control and worry about that. Life deals out the cards, you job is to play the best hand with what you got.

Life isn't sh1tty, its the most beautiful thing we got. Cherish it.