remain friends with oneitis ?


Don Juan
Apr 10, 2008
Reaction score
I had (have) oneitis for this girl for some time now ,
when she first moved in i was fat and hairy , but now i worked out hard and lost alot of weight and everyone says i look great and chicks really notice me now. she saw me again and she said wow you look great , and i said thanks you look kinda tired hope your feeling allright.
Ive always been confident but i did make some afc moves with her so i could never go further then a couple of kisses while she had a boyfriend.

2 months ago i decided to let go and move on i see there alot of fish in the sea , but then i heard she might like her current roommate and yeah those afc feelings came back creeping into me and i did soemthing stupid.

I asked her to come over for lunch to show her my "awesome" cooking skills.
well she didnt asnwer to the sms so later that night i sent her a message on msn. simple her im gonna be making lunch you better be here by then or il have to send the food through regular mail and thats alot of work.

she again didnt answer.
next day of said lunch i called her around 2 hours before the time.
no answer went straight to not available woman.
i saw her online on msn and i wrote
"hey u coming over today or should i invite someone else?"
no answer ten mins later
"an answer would be appriciated."
still no asnwer

i got pissed , because ive known this chick for 6 months , we used to live together for 3 months.

so i ended up writing ehr a message on facebook saying.

i dont liek to be treated as a random person whos bothering you.
why couldnt you just be a grown up and say no i cant i have other plans or something , it doesnt take that long to write no sorry i cant.

im really tired of this now
i know im a good guy
and i dont deserve this
im sooooo tired of this

and i cut all contact with her.

two days later she writes she was busy etc etc and has some bad things goign for her.

i didnt respond.

but now two weeks later yesterday she sent me a message asking if i was still grumpy at her.

still no respond from me.

today she writes on msn
hey are you not talking to me now
dont hate me
i hope you are happy

and i basicly wrote

look i just wanna have a nice week and talking about this will ruin my good lets just wait to next week and see whats what.

i gotta go.

dont have to say wow afc moves , i know that bastard is still inside me im working on killing him.

but i guess what im wondering can you truly remain friends with an oneitis.

ive been thinking about just talking to her to tell her how she wronged me and that we should just cut our relationship what ever it may be from now on and forget each other. because i dont wanna become that guy again.


Mar 8, 2008
Reaction score
Dude, every word you wrote struck a cord in me, I will definitely read this one day. For now, however, I'll just answer your question.

No, you can't. You'll just end up hurting yourself more and, god forbid, you may even embarrass yourself by writing some gay poetry or something like that. Drop her as a friend, it's for the best


Don Juan
Jul 31, 2006
Reaction score
if a girl doesn't respect you, don't respect her either!

don't remain friends with her...

you're hurting yourself by doing this...

if she wants your company she has to offer something too... not play hard to get like that...

respect yourself, and be with someone that respects you!


Senior Don Juan
Jun 27, 2008
Reaction score
Yep, I did this with the girl who I thought was "the one" and I havent had that hard of a time, probably because shes a terrible kisser lol. And I improved my body image, and am able to get with girls way hotter than her. Just keep working out, eating right, and getting other girls.