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Reloaded's Rants

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score
Reloaded's Rants: Part One

Disclaimer: The views of this rant belong to the creator of this post (that would be me) and solely the creator. If you do not like what I have to say in the following rant... that's great. If you do like it.... that's great. I'm creating this series of endless rants because we don't talk about hardly anything on this forum... just want to get those brains working. Oh, and by the way... don't worry, they'll be some actual advice in there somewhere.

The Matrix: Reloaded

Everyday or so, I come to the forums and scan through most of the posts. After reading and critically evaluting everything that I have read in any book, post, magazine, etc... I always like to walk around during my day to see if I observe these things in action. I was reading this interesting quote by Albert Einstien the other day, and I believe that it is very applicable to this particular rant:

"He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice."

As I walk around in daily life, I have found this quote to be more and more accurate everyday and if I remember the realm of High School in any capacity, this quote is very accurate. I mean think about it, next time you go to school, just watch how everyone flocks to the popular people. Whatever the popular people like, the next big thing. I've always asked myself who decides when things are or are not cool anymore. And then all of a sudden it becomes some international rule. That quote makes me think of that funny peer pressure line, "C'mon man... everyone is doing it." Oh joy, I think to myself... because "everyone" (whoever that is) is doing something it automatically makes the activity, regardless of what it is "cool." I guess that's why the supposed "popular" people in my High School never liked me, I never really understood what "cool" meant... at least by their definition.

After some research, I think I have found the answer to my question... people have this inherent need to be accepted. I took a Intoduction Psychology class last semester and we learned about Maslov's pyramid of human needs. At the base of this pyramid is of course safety and being feed... obviously most of us (I hope) have these needs moderately satisfied. The third block of the pyramid is an interesting one... it is the need of belonging. Humans have a need to belong, to something... anything. And apparently will go to great lengths (as in willing to compromise any of their values because "everyone is doing it") to fufill this need. Upon learning this, I guess I understand why seemingly no one is an individual anymore. I wrote a post a while back Reloaded: The Series... Untouchable (shameless plug ;)) which discuss this very thing. Everyone, especially in High School, wants to belong to some particular group. The very group that has it's own lunch table in the cafeteria. The same group that wants to look down upon any other group. The "outcasts" and punks can't stand the "popular" and the "preps." Again, a concept I never understood in High School, because I sat at every table @ least once and was almost always condemned for it.

This caused me to realize why leaders in any form are so revered... because not many people have the balls to be one. If you can reach within your inner self, and suppress this need to belong so damn badly, you to will become that leader that everyone will revere... just a thought.

I enjoyed reading that post by "Da Dynamically" and all of the replys in the "Gang Bang that ***** Principle" post as I believe he put it. This post only confirm what I have believed for some time; in spite of everything this forum attempts to teach, in spite of everything other forums and countless books attempt to teach... men still place too much ****ing stock in women. And he just proved it. Had he treated the situation for what it really was... not a big ****ing deal, he would be doing what every Don Juan in that kind of situation should do... let it go. **** happens. But he decided, to play some kind of game with her and with the help of all of his "playa" friends as he put it, which allowed all of them to screw her. If Da Dynamically ever reads this post I leave this message: My friend, you did not do a damn thing special. Frankly put, you didn't do anything to this girl that she wasn't gonna do anyway. This girl was probably a slut before you "supposedly" made her one... so who really got played?

Guys ask me everyday how to get this girl or that girl... I'm still waiting for the day when a girl will walk up to me and ask me how to get a guy... it's happened but never often. That's because women really believe whole heartedly... especially in High School, that they run the show. I've had at least a hundred girls tell me in my lifetime, that they know guys like the back of their hand, and can get any guy to do whatever they want. This is sad to me, because I have seen it in person. Don't get me wrong... I love women more probably than anyone else on this site... but c'mon guys, have more sense of pride than that. Why is it that a man can face the toughest times, win the biggest wars, climb the highest mountains... all to turn into a ***** for a woman?

(Laughs out loud) I'm saying all of this, and I'm going to pick up my girlfriend in five minutes from school... Ranting done.

The Matrix: Reloaded


Senior Don Juan
May 7, 2002
Reaction score
Re: Reloaded's Rants: Part One

True, True.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Jan 21, 2002
Reaction score
exactly. matrix i wish there were more people like you. or even better more people like me :D (hehe just kiddin.....).

let me add a little.

Matrix nailed everything, but he left out one part. There is a way around this, by becoming the leader you can influence people's decisions on how they act, correct? Well one of the coolest guys I know does just that, but his influence is that those people that like him become more open. They aren't afraid to voice their own response. People say things around/to him that they would never say in other situations.

You can make people more open and less biased when they're around you, even if you cant make it permanent. How? Do it yourself. Show them that you're not afraid to take a different stand on something. Even if it means going against what everyone thinks is the only way to go.

As a matter of fact, I think I partially got a guy to give up drinking regularly. How? Just by simply saying I didnt like how the typical 'party' was just a bunch of idiots getting drunk. How did me expressing my views about it work? Because he looked up to me in a way, I was a 'leader' to him.

Think about it, everyone has people they look up to. Everyone wants to be able to define "the best" or "perfect" or "what I need to be". A lot of times people tend to take those leader-type people and make them their definition of "perfect". If that person does something, they will accept it and strive to do the same. But what if that person isn't perfect? Everyone has flaws. This is where things start to go bad. Everyone thinks "this guy" is cool, and he does xxxx so they accept it and try doing it themselves.

Once you gain peoples admiration, you are the example. Why do you think adults always tell kids to "be a good example"? Because younger kids look up to older kids more than you could imagine. If the older kids start doing bad stuff, the younger ones most definitely will try.

I loved it Matrix.

You never fail to amaze me.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo Ney York baby!
Hey everybody ;)!

So true buddy, so true.

Mack Of All Trades

Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2002
Reaction score
Great inspiration matrix.

We are so alike in our thinking, it boggles my mind.

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score
War and more

Disclaimer: The views of this rant belong to the creator of this post (that would be me) and solely the creator. If you do not like what I have to say in the following rant... that's great. If you do like it.... that's great. I'm creating this series of endless rants because we don't talk about hardly anything on this forum... just want to get those brains working. Oh, and by the way... don't worry, they'll be some actual advice in there somewhere.

So, yesterday America officially declared war on Iraq and began striking... don't worry, I'm not about to go on some tangent on whether this war is right or wrong.. cause frankly I could care either way. All I'm going to say on the topic is that I believe that America should not spend all of this time helping other people, when are struggling ourselves. However, this whole situation has gotten me thinking:

"Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."

Mahatma Gandhi

I keep reading that part to myself over and over again. I think that you guys should repeat that to yourselves everyday until it becomes ingrained in your head. If you see a girl you want to approach... then do it. "Live as if your were to die tomorrow." If you want to ace that test tomorrow, then open that book and study your ass off. "Live as if your were to die tomorrow." If you want to become the best football player on the planet... practice your ass off and do your absolute best everytime. "Live as if your were to die tomorrow." All to often, especially people our age, think that we are immortal. We think that if we put something off today that we will always have time to do it tomorrow. I bet those 13 kids @ Columbine High School thought the same thing too...

Tomorrow is not promise to any of us... so make everyday that you live the best one that you ever had.

Another thing... although there's all kinds of crazy **** going on in the world right now... don't let this **** stop you. You can either do two things right now... be afraid of life, or face that ***** head on. I choose to face it head on. America is on a Code Orange right now... do you think I care? I'm going out to party my ass off today and tomorrow. Granted, I could be worried and stay glued to ABC all weekend, but why? What is that gonna do for me, except make me all the more afraid? I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna spend my television time watching March Madness.

I have a Political Science test to cram for so I'll make this quick: If there was any kind of motivation to get rid of your fears... I think now would be the time. The world is so full of uncertainty and all of these events that are going on right now we cannot do anything about... hell most of you can't even vote yet. So any time that you get the fear to do something over this weekend I want you to think about the quote I posted above and do it... rather than wanting to do it... you never know, the next wasted oppurtunity may be your last...

"One thing you can't recycle is wasted time."


The Matrix: Reloaded


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
matrix, u are a senior as well, right?

i love the way u look at life, it would be awesome for all of us to meet up and hang around. may be in a couple years?

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score
Freshman in college... and sure, I would like to meet a good amount of you people. I may take a road trip around America one day, so whenever I do... I may come to a town near you!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 19, 2003
Reaction score
Buffalo Ney York baby!

Originally posted by The Matrix: Reloaded
Freshman in college... and sure, I would like to meet a good amount of you people. I may take a road trip around America one day, so whenever I do... I may come to a town near you!
Lol, last thing I need is you in a bath robe knocking on my door... my neighbors are suspicius enough as it is :rolleyes: !


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
so how do u compare college to high school? harder/easier to pick up girls? and in general?

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score
Disclaimer: The views of this rant belong to the creator of this post (that would be me) and solely the creator. If you do not like what I have to say in the following rant... that's great. If you do like it.... that's great. I'm creating this series of endless rants because we don't talk about hardly anything on this forum... just want to get those brains working. Oh, and by the way... don't worry, they'll be some actual advice in there somewhere.

So, I guess I may as well produce another rant, seeing as someone asked me question. Before I get into my rambling I will say this to you Oxide: I went into college with the high expectations of girls finally growing up once they got of HS... didn't go as I planned. It's still too easy. And from what I have noticed, many of the girls in college (I've had to start talking to girls in the Grad school it's so bad) still act like High School girls. Perhaps it's just me, because I am a fairly mature guy... but for the most part women still have the same tactics that they use in HS. Yawn... been there done that, got the free t-shirt, and the free condoms.

But now the good side... man, there's soooo many hot girls. Also, girls have a lot less reservations than they do in HS, and aren't so pressing to get into a relationship, so you could date 3 or 4 girls and for the most part they would not care. Also... they step up the game a bit. College girls for the most part are much more intelligent, so you will probably have to step up the game a bit, the sweet nothings just aren't as effective anymore.

Now on to my ranting. This may be my most controversial rant yet, because I have observed somethings that bother me a great deal. There are three things that are starting to upset me about our current generation:

  • People are far too conservative
  • People no longer take responsibility for their lives or actions
  • People are far too sensitive nowadays

1. What's with this? Day by day it seems like everyone is just losing their fortitude. Everyone is all about "security" nowadays. We have airport security, stadium security, Homeland security. After September 11th, you would think people would start going for the gusto because they realized that life is uncertain... but what do we turn and do instead? Start protecting ourselves, walking the straight and narrow, doing all of the prudent things that society "expects" of us. If you read all of my rants all of them have one reoccurring theme... take a risk. Ever since September 11th, I decided to live life with more gusto, not crawl into a shell.

"Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people."

George Bernard Shaw

You see what Shaw is talking about? Unreasonable people make progress in this world. Because when society tells them to go right... they go up. You, and this world cannot progress if you keep following what people tell you is "the right thing to do." Just like I was talking about in my first rant who invented these rules? Who said I had to live life "traditionally?" What's traditional... I don't understand. Let fear of failure take a backseat guys and live a little.

2. This is the worse to me, but it seems like it's becoming more and more prevalent to me. I want to throw a person out of a window everytime I hear these words, "I can't help it." or here's another one, "That's just how I am." Does that make any sense. People have become so weak that we can't even take responsibility for our own actions anymore... myself included. I was so pissed @ myself for doing that lately. Realize this: if you don't take responsibility for your life and actions... someone else controls you, it's that simple. And then people want to act like we cannot control our instincts... people although humans are animals we are evolved an intelligent enough be able to override our instincts. But it makes sense to blame things on everything else... why? Cause that's the easy way. Well guess what... being great is not easy. That's why you're great... if being great was easy then everyone would be great. Although you cannot control everything in life, take control of the things that you have control over.

3. What's with this overwhelming lack of self-confidence nowadays? I mean man... why is everyone taking things so seriously? People are getting pissed @ everything nowadays. I mean granted their are some respectable gripes, like women not being able to play at the Masters, but it seems like people have become so pampered that we piss and moan about everything. C'mon people... living in this country is the best, so act like it. Emimen makes gay jokes and GLAAD (Gay and Lesbian Association Against Defemation) wants to protest for his "hate speech." Hate speech? Since when did something become "hate speech." It's one thing if he was hanging homosexuals from trees or something now that's hate... but to make some comment and then say... "I'm just playing" is not hate speech, it's just making fun of something. I have no idea why people think that they are too above being made fun of... almost everything in life can be made fun of so... get over yourself.

I used to be like that... people would call me skinny and pick on me all the time and I would go home and cry in my pillow. And then I realized something... the more I took offense to what people were saying, the more they did it. So then I learned to live with my flaws. Frankly, I love being skinny. No offense to you muscular guys, but it does nothing for me... I just don't like it. But the thing that bothers me about that is that, most people start hitting the gym, not because they want to be healthy... it's because they care too much about what people think. Bah... that's crap to me. Everyone is becoming soooo sensitive. The main reason why Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold decided to murder 11 students, 2 teachers and then themselves in the Columbine Massacre was because people picked on them... do you believe that? People have started to take themselves so seriously that they are willing to kill someone over a joke or an opinion? So what if people think you are something... someone will always have something bad to say about you because that's the easy thing to do... it's hard to find the good in everyone.

"Success always occurs in private, and failure in full view."


What Anon was saying there is that hardly anyone points out successful things... but everyone notices a failure. Notice, I'm talking about words here... but if people are trying to things to you just because of the way you are (like that guy that was brutally attacked because he was a homosexual in this rural town) that's wrong... and that should not be condoned. I'm not talking about hate crimes. What I am talking about is people getting upset because they are different... don't take it personal. Realize that society does not like deviation... they like things in nice little neat orders that can be categorized... that's why they are things like demographics. So, anytime you are different you can expect society to attack you... don't get unnerved, it means that you are doing something right. If people aren't attacking you, that means that you are like them... you're regular. No one talks about regular people. So stop complaining... if you're different and people are "picking of you" embrace it... and like it.

"He who controls the past commands the future. He who commands the future conquers the past."

George Orwell

There is no spoon...

Da Game

Senior Don Juan
Feb 3, 2003
Reaction score
WA State
Dude, awesome post. Keep em coming.

One of the posts above the rant also was a minor revelation to me... The popular people, the leaders, etc. are always the ones who are willing to express their opinions. It's that simple. I even noticed it myself in the way I act around different people. I'm gonna have to start being more vocal in the future. :)

Good stuff.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
another brilliant post. yes, the general idea is that leaders do not emerge as someone who is "just like someone else". leaders make themselves. One interesting piece i've read recently stated that in a group, a leader is the person who is left after every single member of the group has been "voted off". so 1 by 1 people get rejected until 1 person stays. that person is the leader.

The Antichrist_Star

Master Don Juan
Sep 9, 2002
Reaction score
Disclaimer: The views of this rant belong to the creator of this post (that would be me) and solely the creator. If you do not like what I have to say in the following rant... that's great. If you do like it.... that's great. I'm creating this series of endless rants because we don't talk about hardly anything on this forum... just want to get those brains working. Oh, and by the way... don't worry, they'll be some actual advice in there somewhere.

Yeah... I'm bringing this out from the woodworks in light of some of the posts that I have been seeing lately. I want to share an interesting story with you guys. You see, there's this guy that I used to know up until about a couple of months ago. The reason as to why I do not know him any longer is because he died around 8 months ago. One thing that he asked me to do for him however, was to share his story with some people... so they could remember him, even though they may not have known him. So... here's his story:

Life had it's ups as well as it's downs for this guy that I knew. In ten years, he had attended eight different schools, so many of the friends that he would make would always disappear by the following year. In the sixth grade, he attended the school to which he would stay the longest. This guy that I knew, had a rather interesting personality. He was a really nice guy... I mean really nice. He was so nice to everyone, to the point that I could not even stand it. He would spend his money just to share his candy with others. His motto was, "If he did not have enough to share... he would not get any @ all." Obviously, in the society that we live in, no one could never be as nice as this guy. I mean... people would treat him like he was half of a human, and it never stopped him from being completely nice to them... it was sad to see in my opinion.

He was a fairly quiet guy, and really shy too... until you got to know him really. He was actually really funny in my opinion. In spite, of the things that people did to him, and in spite of the fact that he still remained a complete doormat for all of his peers... he always seemed to keep an interesting humor about himself. He was one of those kinds of guys that always ended up getting the girl that he pined over since they were kids... except we all know that things like that do not happen in real life. The ladies weren't too friendly to him either, but in spite of that... he still was nice to them. He would do girls homework... girls that never talked to him, unless they wanted their homework done. He was so supplicating to women that it was ridiculous. A lot of girls liked him... he was such the nicest guy, and they would be his closest friend, and even though he always wanted to be their companions in secret... he had no problems being their friend who would listen to all of their boy problems. He would tell them that they were beautiful and along with some witticisms and nice words, the nice guy would patch them back up, and back to their jerk boyfriends.

Although he never understood why the women were not falling for him... he still kept at it. He still remained that nice guy, and I watched year by year... he still came up with nothing. It was a really sad thing to see to... he would pour his heart out to a girl, I remember when he wrote a letter once... he stayed up literally all night he told me... and then he said that when the girl finished reading it, he watched her throw it into a sewer. It was really sad to hear all of the stories that he had with women. One after another... they all broke his heart. It seemed like the nicer he became to them... the more they only used him or pushed him away. Again... a sad sight to see.

His other peers were not any kinder... especially the males. Unfortunately for my friend, the girls that he liked, always had boyfriends two times his size, and they never liked the fact that he was their girlfriend's best friend. He told me this one story, about his birthday. Apparently, like eight guys almost all of them twice his size, jumped him for his birthday. He told me that he remembered a lot of guys hitting him from everywhere and then he blacked out for a second. He then told me that when he came to, he bursted out crying in front of everyone and no one helped him... all the girls said was, "Why did you guys do that?" It was a sad thing to watch, this kid. He cared so much about people... but it seemed like no one gave a damn about him.

I'll never forget the day he lost it. I never seen this kid angry or sad, but it seemed like he was just both @ the same time... I think that he was just pushed over the edge or something. After years and years of being nice and no one caring... I guess he just couldn't take it anymore. He tried to end his life, and even end mine's along with it. As fortune may have it, he and I both survived. He was never the same after that though... he just seemed so angry all of the time. He told me that he was angry because of the way people treated him, and I think that he began to realize that there are two kinds of people in this world: The people who get run over... and the people that are in the cars that run them over. He began to change the last two years that I knew him... he was no longer a doormat for his peers... but this kid was still a sucker for dames though.

Unfortunately, that last heartbreak was the straw that broke the camels back... it was sad because it was just before our HS graduation too. He tried to kill himself again... and this time he was successful. I'll never forget that kid... I remember his name too:

Julian Richard Gibbs a.k.a. The Matrix: Reloaded

I remember his name, because that guy was me... the old part of me, and the person that would be typing this is his better half. "That guy" died eight months ago, he died because he decided that he just couldn't be the way that he was anymore... and I frankly do not blame him. I have attempted to end my life before. I remember being the riducle of every single person that knew me... no one respected me... in any capacity. I remember being a lost cause. Hell, I even remember coming off of the worse school year of my life (freshman year of college) but through all that was mentioned above... and even some of the stuff that's happened lately... I'm still here, and I'm still going.

Moral: Never give up in this game or in life. A lot of guys when they IM me, tell me that my posts are awesome... well that's because it took three years before they got that way. I know a lot of guys may be frustrated with life, school, women... etc. Keep going... always keep going. I'm telling you, it will be worth it... it may not seem like it now... but trust me... it will be worth it No one every got anywhere in life, by quitting... so never quit.

Dedicated to: All of the graduating senior (congratulations!!) and to everyone else who may be mad that they haven't been able to digest all of this Don Juan stuff yet, and the girls aren't lining up by their doors. And to anyone else, who just may be simply frustrated with life in general...

Heh... I know it's long, but...
There is no spoon...

The Matrix: Reloaded