Relationship Dilemma


New Member
Apr 29, 2003
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How do you maintain your macking skills while you're having an exclusive relationship with a girl? I've got the girl I really love, but every relationship has an end, unless you marry her. The key to DJing is action, but how do I retain my knowledge without hitting on girls left and right?


Master Don Juan
Jun 29, 2003
Reaction score
Cut your DJ skills by 25% especially those involving games.

Being honest and deep with feelings. This matters in relationships that you know that's going to go beyond 6 months. Be more of a friend to her.. like be there for her.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
It's time for maintenance mode since you are in a relationship. All you need to do is continue the same level of macking with your GF, that will keep her interested.

The other thing you should do alter your macking skills with other women (yes, you still mack to other women) but not with the goal of hooking up. Focus on just making women feel good about themselves. In other words, be charming.

Have small talk with them and give complements that are personalized toward each one. Do everything but close. The goal is to get a smile out of them. This will add to your popularity but be careful because it may make your GF jealous. Don't hide your actions because she will think you are cheating on her.

To work around this, make sure that you keep up your full DJ skills with your GF including the close. If you do this well enough, she will become even more interested in you since so many women are interested in you but SHE is the one you are dating.

Oh, one last thing, don't give in to the temptations of the other women. It will mess up your entire game.


Master Don Juan
Mar 10, 2002
Reaction score
Vancouver, BC
Originally posted by atlas
How do you maintain your macking skills while you're having an exclusive relationship with a girl? I've got the girl I really love, but every relationship has an end, unless you marry her. The key to DJing is action, but how do I retain my knowledge without hitting on girls left and right?

I hate to break it to you... but you are screwed. Once you fall in love with a girl, your emotions have gotten the better of you and you cannot function like a true P.I.M.P.

The key is, don't fall in LOVE!

Love is an emotional state that YOU put yourself into. It has little to do with the girl. You cannot truely exhibit the "I don't give a f*ck" attitude if you are in love with a girl.

The only advice I can give you is to keep being a challenge. Make the girl think that you could leave her at any second and never tell her how you feel about her. This will keep her eager and interested.