Relationship before emotions


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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There are many guys that will see or meet a girl, think she's hot, get to know her a bit, and then they spend their time thinking about how and when they should ask her out. During all the time they spend getting to know her, they develope emotions for her because they're constantly thinking about her. They then want to start a relationship with her.

This is the worst way to land a woman. This is also one of the biggest problems with the Average Frustrated Chump.

By investing your emotions in a woman before the relationship starts will set you up to get hurt. Now, you've wasted all this time getting to know her, now you need to waste more time trying to deal with the rejection.

The way to solve this is to first establish some kind of relationship with her. I don't mean a romantic relationship, I mean a dating relationship. If you see an attractive woman, meet her, get the digits, and set up a date with her. If you get rejected, you won't have to deal with being hurt emotionally because you haven't had the time to invest any emotions in her.

As your dating relationship progresses (in other words, a Short Term Relationship) you will start to learn more about her. Then your emotions will get involved. True, you may end up getting dumped, but at least you invested your emotions in a woman who was at least willing to date you rather than investing them in a woman who was never interested in you in the first place.

It is much more worth your time and energy to develope a relationship before you emotionally invest in a woman.


Master Don Juan
Aug 3, 2004
Reaction score
Good pointer there, Nova :) That's why dating multiple women helps in this sense. You couldn't be thinking just about one, but have to be thinking about many. Just saw "Don Juan DeMarco" (a date movie), where he lands in a harem of 1500 young hot babes. At first he would rather die than be unfaithful to his one love miles away, but soon he finds otherwise ;)