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REJECTIOn Week -- The lousiest week EVER! soo many bad things feel low..


Senior Don Juan
Aug 18, 2002
Reaction score
Beverlly hills
I have to share with all! My game is usually very strong in the clubs,Malls, And everywhere but these week has been a Distaster..Iam trying to tell myself its just my skills how can my game drop soo much? I made alot of bigginer mistakes !!!

It all started.. When i went clubbing!

Said hi to this cute little blonde walking holding hands with her friends.. and she smiled but she continued walking with her friends..

after awhile I see her again.. and motion her to come over with me but then she stops looks at me then looks at her friends walking away .. And for a split second She was coming but she went with her friends...

that sucked..

REJCTION Mistakes..? I didint grab her hand or was more agressive

then I approached like 4 girls after that and started with the regular stuff but they snuffed me up..

but after that . I

Saw to ladies one was a hottie.. they were talking.. and i said to them can I interrupt.. They said sure and the hot one put her hand out like to introduce herself.. This by itself threw me off!!

after that I ask a few dum questions .. Where you go to school and.. so on.. then who knows what came over me.But after like 1 minute of talking i just start kinoing her arm and she moves it away..

after that I asked some more questions wich she answered.. I didint ignore her friend.But I didint ISOLATE.. her and after awhile she just gives me the peace sign.. and says peace "now leave"

OUCH! MISTAKES I made.. Kino too soon,,DIDINT ISOLATE,,I was serious and not funny

but that was one of the hardest rejections I have had in a LONG TIME.!!!


and the same thing happends the next club night that week..

But worse I saw a girl i was macking like 2 weeks earlier very good.. And she was almost giving me her # and everything .. But i lost her in the crowd..

but I SAW her frenching this other guy!!

but i approached 8 girls that night all Rejected me..

then the next day I went to the mall to get clothes.. ANd approached 3 girls 2 girls said "thats ok" when i asked for there # and 1 said "I cant"

I DONT KNow but I dont care about rejection but now it seems hard because theres 2 nights consecutive with nothing ...

has anyone eles been through this and what should I do! I feel down

by the way I got some questions

1. Should you grab a girls hand tight or not soo tight when you ask for a dance and she agrees and your taking her to the dance floor..

2. If you dance and feel up a girl one night and you get her # and you see her another night at the club .. What should you do .. continue.. or seek more??


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2003
Reaction score
yeah, I went out Saturday night and caught a very rare (HB10) at least in my book eyeing me and she smiled. so my wingman builds up my confidence to go talk to her and I just can't concentrate on anything but how beautiful she is. She smiled ant me and I smiled back. So I start to make my way out onto the dance floor (I can't dance to save my life) and her friends are just eyeing me, so I ask her if she graduated from ___ high school and she's like no, I went to ____ and smiles, I froze up and asked where she was from and she said here....and then I just sat there looking like an idiot and she gave me a confused look like are you going to say something else......and I just stood there and after about 15 seconds, she turns around and starts talking to her friends again.....the same night I hit on a girl and a girl that is with her looks pissed and she says sorry this is my girlfriend......another girl tells me she'll get back to me, and then the last girls, just plain out says sorry, I think my confidence dropped on the HB10 and killed my chances with all the other ones...that night sucked.....but every day is a new day right?


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2003
Reaction score
2. If you dance and feel up a girl one night and you get her # and you see her another night at the club .. What should you do .. continue.. or seek more??

Depends. if u see better girls go for them. IF not, go for the old one


Senior Don Juan
Jun 3, 2003
Reaction score
Portland, OR
Dude, trying to pick up at a club is like trying to hit a Randy Johnson fastball: it's just going to make you look stupid.

You pick up on chicks at the mall too? Damn, i don't know ANYONE that has successfully picked up on a chick at a mall.

It's as if you like the challenge of these places. With that in mind, i wouldn't feel so bad if i were you.


Jul 30, 2003
Reaction score
Stormwriter, whats wrong with picking up girls at the mall? Or at a club? Hell i got this hb 7 girls number at the mall last week.

Anyway, to the original poster. Dont sweat it man. Your game is off and your acting a fool. Dont make these mistakes again. Everyone has sh1tty days anyway.


Master Don Juan
Jul 3, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by stormwriter
Dude, trying to pick up at a club is like trying to hit a Randy Johnson fastball: it's just going to make you look stupid.

You pick up on chicks at the mall too? Damn, i don't know ANYONE that has successfully picked up on a chick at a mall.

It's as if you like the challenge of these places. With that in mind, i wouldn't feel so bad if i were you.
if you don't pick up in clubs nor malls, where, may i ask, do you pick up women? seems like you are limiting yourself for stupid reasons.


Master Don Juan
Jun 5, 2003
Reaction score
New Zealand
Suck it up :)

Don't sweat it man , the difference between a Dj and an AFC is that a D macks on 50 times as many chicks as an AFC and therefore hasta be hard enough to suck up 25 times as much rejection as an AFC (cos he gets jacked half as often :) )

Good on you for gettin in the game.


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2003
Reaction score
I love the mall....all you do is find is a girl sales person, let her try to sell you something while you chat her up a little bit, then.....see if she still talks as much after she sees you haven't decided to buy anything....then you just ask for her number or whatever....if she's not interested she'll probably quit talking after she knows you aren't buying anything.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 18, 2002
Reaction score
Beverlly hills
good news

This little post I found in the dj Tips.. Ironic as it sounds .. because i never go to the tips board barely .But since I was soo down because of all the weak game I was putting out and no results .. I read every tip on the dj tip and this was the BEST!!

BY Von Neuen

Originally posted on

I’ve probably read more seduction material than most of you. I know almost all the styles, all the “big players”, and of course I know all the lines. But I’m not a master – not even close. So what gives? Well, I believe reading online is like taking a bartending course. You know how to make everything and maybe you’ve even done it a little. Yet if I were to stick you in a packed bar you won’t do a great job until you get that one magical component called experience.

A business term I learned a while back is the point of diminishing return. It is a point beyond where if you put more work in, you get less than a proportional increase in output. For instance, imagine a factory making widgets. They have people all over the assembly line making one thousand widgets a day. Now say we were to double the amount of workers in the assembly line. In theory you want to think we should make two thousand widgets. But of course this isn’t the case; overcrowding and production capacity will increase production by a much smaller amount than we expect. I like the PODR concept because many people wonder they feel to realize their goals even if they “try harder”. It’s because they reached the PODR and additional trying doesn’t achieve additional gains.

Seduction has a PODR as well. There is a base level of knowledge you need to succeed, and anything additional won’t help as much. I’m sure many of you have read some amazing articles on women, but your overall game hasn’t really changed the weeks after. Not to mention we tend to forget 90% of what we read, and it makes me think if we should even read anything at all. The past six months my game has been refined quite a bit, but it’s more minor tweaks than major changes. Unless you change your behavior in a profound way, it’s hard to all of a sudden see major gains. I believe the first year of a pick-up-artist-in-training is when the real change occurs. Then you get stuck until something else pushes you to a new level of success. This does open up a can of worms though, such as how much does your environment limit you after you “know everything.” For instance I live thirty miles from the city, making it harder for spontaneous stop-overs at my place.

I’m drifting off but I do have a point. I think that a guy should learn the mindset and only a handful of solid ideas to use with women. Then he should go out there and approach hundreds of women to get that experience. He must find out what he’s lacking and fix that before he worries about advanced techniques, such as how to give a girl eight consecutive orgasms. I don’t need to post advice about women because everyone here already knows in their mind what they have to. It really is just a matter of doing it, nothing more. I can tell you all day the best way to get a number but if you don’t go out and try dozens of times, then it won’t do anything for you. It’s easier to read about women then pick them up.

It’s hard to be great at something unless you use your own imagination. If I were to study Tom Clancy and let him teach me, I might be a great writer, but I would not be greater than him. Study these seduction gurus online and you might be as good as them, but not greater. You must use your mind to apply the correct beliefs, such as ‘always be a challenge’, to develop your own lines that are congruent and fit your style. For instance I remember learning very early on that it’s good to get a girl self-conscious and doubting herself in your presence, and to make herself prove her worth. I thought about that, and came up with saying “You’re sorta cool” when it was time to close. It works great for me because it fit my style, which was automatic since I came up with it. Since it was an “in-house” line I never get tired of using it.

Someone could write a seduction book that is the size of the phonebook but I guarantee that wouldn’t be the definitive guide. Seduction is mostly within you and how you apply what you know. It really does take creativity and persistence to get good at this.

RATE IT the best because it is one of the best piece of advice you can get.. s=&threadid=34877

Iam going to as the muscle freaks say .. "let my muscles repair themslefs"
iam going to Let my GAme repair itself.. and sleep and I guess not read anymore for a day or 2 ? ANY recomendations your GAmE needs to regain its strength.