Refusal To Say Hello First Is Hurting My Game


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2011
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How do you do DJ's? Long-time member here just checking in for a little advice. I 'm a senior citizen DJ who is being spoiled rotten on social media, by old ho's, around my age, who have been consistently showing high interest and competing over my attention. In real time, my game is still spot on golden with ho's always making the first approach. I have been spoiled by them lol, because online, it isn't happening until I make contact first, which I stubbornly refuse to do. Some old ho's flirting with me online are fine though...damn.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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This is interesting.

Older men who are dating older women start to gain a bit of a ratio advantage at some point. It seems realistic that an older guy (55+) might get some older women (55+) to make the first move, even if a 55-60 year old woman was raised in a time where women were resistant on the ideas of initiating interactions due to traditional beliefs surrounding gender roles. Many women who are 45+ and find themselves singles (often for the first time in a long time) mention how they feel invisible because they are not approached in real life. A woman who feels invisible might decide that she needs to initiate more.

You should be able to initiate, both in real life and online if you want to do that. Saying hello first is not that big of a deal in either setting. Most younger men still have to initiate first because younger, visible women aren't going to initiate first. Younger women don't need to do this because of their abundance.