Master Don Juan
I think it's warrior that says this about reformed christian woman finding jesus after they have gave up on everything else.
what has always irked me about these women is that, most of the time it's false. they found god after everyone else has given up on them. they don't have a choice at that point. then they turn around and use that newfound belief as a blank check to get you to do things that you would not otherwise do and forgive them for past transgressions.
There is this woman I'm doing some non profit work for. Now, in this regard, there is zero doubt in my mind that she is genuine. that's not my beef with her. the non profit in question that she is trying to get off the ground I do believe that she really believes in. but she just found god like 2 years ago and now she wears her religion on her sleeve. she isn't an ugly woman but not what i would call hot. early 40's. she's been down through there. drugs, prison, prostitution, the whole bit. Anyway she needed some help and reached out to me specifically and I helped.
She's always wearing her religion on her sleeve and stuff which I mean if that's your thing that's cool but... okay last week she wanted t o show me some changes she wanted to have made to the stuff i was going for her and i was like okay i can meet you at starbucks and she was like no that's fine you can come to my house and i can show you :nervous: I didn't want to make an awkard situtation any worse so i call my wife just to give her a heads up and let her know what's about to happen my wife knows this chick, ro at least has seen her and knows she is under no danger of me doing anything that i should not be doing, but still that's just the thing to do when you are married
so i get there and she's tryhing to find reasons for me to stay and **** and i basically have to be rude and just leave. I mean i'm a married man. I want to help your non profit and all but come no don't put me in that postion
and ever since then now she be texting me and **** calling me her boo :crackup: :nervous:
she calls me like everyday now lol. My wife thinks it's funny. she told me at the beginning "backbreaker this girl wants to fvck you i'm teling you" and i was like look babe you are wrong this girl is hardcore christian she isn't like that. my wife had her pegged dead to rights. One thing I like about my wife is that she at times knows she's right about something and will let me eventually come around to that conclusion myself without being a ***** about it. she had this one nailed and I honestly didn't see it.
now that i'm done she's hell bent on cooking me an authentic mexican dinner (she's mexican) and like this broad won't take no for an answer. so today everything came to a head, i had to drop something off at the church she works at (seriously this broad is hard core) and we were like the only 2 people there and she wanted me to follow her to her house, i was like for what lol she was like you will see when you get there lol. at this point i had to draw the line i was like look babe i see where this is going and i dont mind helping you but i'm happily married. **** you've met my wife. and even now she like is looking for reasons for me to come back over her house. like damn woman starbucks do you go there.
what really irks me about this entire ordeal is that hypnotically speaking if i had slept with her, she would have said that was the devil doing that, and any new sap that was interested in her would have to deal with it no questions asked because that's what good Christians do. it's like a licence to *****
these women are all christian and **** until they get the inkling that they can get waht hey want then all inhibitions are gone to the wind.
what has always irked me about these women is that, most of the time it's false. they found god after everyone else has given up on them. they don't have a choice at that point. then they turn around and use that newfound belief as a blank check to get you to do things that you would not otherwise do and forgive them for past transgressions.
There is this woman I'm doing some non profit work for. Now, in this regard, there is zero doubt in my mind that she is genuine. that's not my beef with her. the non profit in question that she is trying to get off the ground I do believe that she really believes in. but she just found god like 2 years ago and now she wears her religion on her sleeve. she isn't an ugly woman but not what i would call hot. early 40's. she's been down through there. drugs, prison, prostitution, the whole bit. Anyway she needed some help and reached out to me specifically and I helped.
She's always wearing her religion on her sleeve and stuff which I mean if that's your thing that's cool but... okay last week she wanted t o show me some changes she wanted to have made to the stuff i was going for her and i was like okay i can meet you at starbucks and she was like no that's fine you can come to my house and i can show you :nervous: I didn't want to make an awkard situtation any worse so i call my wife just to give her a heads up and let her know what's about to happen my wife knows this chick, ro at least has seen her and knows she is under no danger of me doing anything that i should not be doing, but still that's just the thing to do when you are married
so i get there and she's tryhing to find reasons for me to stay and **** and i basically have to be rude and just leave. I mean i'm a married man. I want to help your non profit and all but come no don't put me in that postion
and ever since then now she be texting me and **** calling me her boo :crackup: :nervous:
now that i'm done she's hell bent on cooking me an authentic mexican dinner (she's mexican) and like this broad won't take no for an answer. so today everything came to a head, i had to drop something off at the church she works at (seriously this broad is hard core) and we were like the only 2 people there and she wanted me to follow her to her house, i was like for what lol she was like you will see when you get there lol. at this point i had to draw the line i was like look babe i see where this is going and i dont mind helping you but i'm happily married. **** you've met my wife. and even now she like is looking for reasons for me to come back over her house. like damn woman starbucks do you go there.
what really irks me about this entire ordeal is that hypnotically speaking if i had slept with her, she would have said that was the devil doing that, and any new sap that was interested in her would have to deal with it no questions asked because that's what good Christians do. it's like a licence to *****
these women are all christian and **** until they get the inkling that they can get waht hey want then all inhibitions are gone to the wind.