Redefining Fame: The Power of Community Impact


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2024
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I used to think that becoming famous meant being a footballer, public figure, actor, or politician. While these individuals achieve worldwide fame through a combination of luck and social advantages, and really time and hard work, there are other forms of fame that are more accessible to the average person, or at least, the only way to do it.

Many people aspire to "impact millions," but we should focus on our immediate communities instead. For example, gardeners who care for a neighborhood or, local builders in a small town of 20,000 people can be quite famous and respected within their communities. Similarly, those who provide essential services—like condominium administrators, public employees, city politicians, and teachers—can also gain recognition.

This perspective highlights that while having good looks and resources can enhance one's social market value, what truly matters is how the community perceives our importance and relevance, and the role we have in the community must be something that is not repleaceable.
Essentially, it’s about being a big fish in a small pond, which is how we achieve recognition, at a local level.

So, in the age of social media, why are we not taking in consideration of becoming someone for our city of choice?