Red man group #22 w/ Elliot Hulse


Master Don Juan
Dec 24, 2017
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Great video. Highly insightful.

Points that stood out to me:

  1. Men need purpose
  2. Boy and men need "a rite of passage"
  3. Lift heavy
  4. Man needs a older mentor
  5. Man needs to trust in men
  6. Priorities take precedent over women
  7. Man needs a Father
Peterson spoke of the Father as in, the father who made you, and "the father as such." As in, the archetype of the Father, the symbolic element of the aspect of order.

It aggregates me when I see the disrespect over Twitter towards fathers and more girl power promos attacking fathers.

One aspects I agreed with Elliot was the mention of "the elders nurturing." These men would heal a boy after fire ants and "the rite of passage."

Here, I disagreed with Rollo disputing man's ability to nurture. This herein lies why the court's continue to steal a mans children away (assuming no cucking lol) and extraction of Male resources.

I disagreed with Rollo disputing Jungian psychology. His argument was male testosterone lol when both men and women have it as well as estrogen. Clearly, Jung pointed out the anima and the animus. Its pretty deep topic but, I get his frustrations with the over bearing pedaling of gender neutrality. Its futile in a sexual polarity LTR. He's off the mark.

Rollo was very disingenuous with Peterson's 12 rules. I don't know if its due to his book out performing. The point is that, the message resonates to "the lost boys." If you have no aim, you can go nowhere, and fast. I prefer the following over the incel GTA mini vans.

I don't know if Rollo was in a bad mood but, he seemed off.

The vid was pretty good regardless of your perspective. Its apparent the need for solitude from women and women during a rite of passage.

All the men agreed with trauma leading to transcending.