Red Flags??

Long Duck Dong

Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
Outside your window
Alright, so lately i've been seeing this girl for a lil over a month now. She is new in town and i met her out on the streets one day. Now for about the first 3 weeks we were just friends because she has a boyfriend. But, he lives in another state. Then a few nights ago she has been sending me text messages telling me she likes me or wants to get more intimate with me and so on. Lets not forget the fact she has a boyfriend. So one day I met her at her house and we starting fooling around (You guys can figure that out yourself.) Anyways, we have been messing around now for a few days but her mom, sister, and brother don't know that. They think we're just friends and nothing else. Also when her boyfriend calls she lies to him saying im not with her but tells him that she loves him. It seems to me so far that we are just f$ck buddies. Finally, during the beginning of this summer her boyfriend is gonna send her money so she can fly back to live with him. But she tells her family it will probably only last about 2 months then she will move back here.

My guess is that in the end she will most likely stay with her boyfriend. So i'm wondering if i should have fun while im with her now? Or move on to a different girl? I'd like to know what you guys think about this situation.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 2, 2007
Reaction score
Do both. See other girls. it will help you stay unattached to this one


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2003
Reaction score
Long Duck Dong said:
Alright, so lately i've been seeing this girl for a lil over a month now. She is new in town and i met her out on the streets one day. Now for about the first 3 weeks we were just friends because she has a boyfriend. But, he lives in another state. Then a few nights ago she has been sending me text messages telling me she likes me or wants to get more intimate with me and so on. Lets not forget the fact she has a boyfriend. So one day I met her at her house and we starting fooling around (You guys can figure that out yourself.) Anyways, we have been messing around now for a few days but her mom, sister, and brother don't know that. They think we're just friends and nothing else. Also when her boyfriend calls she lies to him saying im not with her but tells him that she loves him. It seems to me so far that we are just f$ck buddies. Finally, during the beginning of this summer her boyfriend is gonna send her money so she can fly back to live with him. But she tells her family it will probably only last about 2 months then she will move back here.

My guess is that in the end she will most likely stay with her boyfriend. So i'm wondering if i should have fun while im with her now? Or move on to a different girl? I'd like to know what you guys think about this situation.

If you get attached in this situation you'll be the chump boyfriend 6 months from now. She's CLEARLY showing you that she is incapable of being faithful and is a liar. If you choose to ignore this HUGE red flags and get emotionally involved with her, you'll be the one getting played big time.

You can't see her or even talk to her everyday, that's how you get attached. These are the types of w-hores you chit-chat with just so you can go fuvk 'em when you feel like busting a nut. If you recognize a girl for who she is, then you'll never get played. But if you try to make a ho' into a house wife your dust.

Bottom line: Lay off this chick for a bit and go out with your buddies. Fuvk her and leave, don't get all mushy with her and what not. And lastly, don't tell us we didn't tell you if you get attached. I can see you coming back in 2 months posting about how your in a relationship with this slvtbag and should've known better.



Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
I love the user name. That movie character was a foreign exchange student whose only English was, 'What's happenin, hot stuff!"

Fuvk her and leave

Yep. I'd also suggest making a list of things you'd like to do to/with a girl but have not as of yet, and start getting those things done. She is temporary fun, nothing more.