Recovery time after training


Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
I have the problem that my muscles take a long time to recover from being sore after a workout, that I can't even manage a consistent 2-day split (Eg I can't work out on the same weekdays every week). It takes my body 3 days until I feel no more soreness. Am I doing something wrong? I read others who do 3 or more day splits, and I wonder how the hell you manage it? I've been training properly for about 4 months now, and it hasn't gotten any better. Not worse, but no better.

If this is any help, here is my 2 day split:

Shoulders/Back Day:
3 sets Deads
3 sets BO Rows
3 sets rows
3 sets shrugs
3 sets upright external rotation
(also like to add chins/pullups to this)

Chest/Leg Day:
3 sets squats (the most soreness is experienced in my legs)
3 sets flat bench
3 sets incline bench
3 sets skulls
also ab exercises


Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
Yes, you're simply doing too much. Rows AND deadlifts AND bb rows on back day? Far too much! And you want to add chinups to that?

Your body doesn't need a huge incentive to grow, and your workout obviously is far too taxing.

My advice: If you want a 2-day split, then make one day upper body minus biceps, and the other day lower body minus biceps, one exercise for every body part (for back use one width (eg pulldowns) and one mass exercise (eg rows)), maximum two sets, in an 8-10 rep range (maybe higher for calves and biceps/triceps).

Try training two days a week with this split, Mon-Thu or Tue-Fri should be fine.. then experiment and see if you can train more often, maybe three times a week.

Remember you can still train on days which other bodyparts are sore, eg you can train legs on leg day if your chest is still sore.

Another factor to consider is food intake, make sure you're eating enough for your body to recover properly - also some light cardio can help to aleviate soreness and speeden recovery.

See how you go with this..


Don Juan
Mar 9, 2005
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
thanks for the help Warboss, I didn't know light cardio could help aleviate soreness (I don't do any cardio yet). I may not be getting enough food either, although I have been growing well and gaining strength since I started training. Probably could do better though.

One more question, if I don't do standing rows, what exercise will hit my lateral delts strongly enough?

Warboss Alex

Master Don Juan
Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
No-one's diet is perfect, everyone can do better.

Heavy shoulder presses and heavy deadlifts with correct form will take care of all your delts. Only if you're in a very advanced stage do you need exercises to target specific bodyparts, e.g. rear delt raises or dumbbell flyes, until then well-chosen heavy compounds will give you a comprehensive, all-round growth.