Anytime you wonder what the future has in store all you need to do is look at the past.
Look at our last terrible economic bust, the
Great Depression. It was also a massive ponzi scheme which milked the 20's, an era of great prosperity for America. How did we ever recover from that? Oh yeah, it was
World War II and all of a sudden the gov't had billions of dollars to infuse into the system. Funny how they can do that. Sure wish I could just
print up money whenever I needed to pay for something *shrugs*
The only problem now is that we can no longer print more. The dollar just can't take that kind of beating. It's already being reconsidered as a standard global currency - having about 10% of the value it had 70 years ago. If we keep printing then America could face a similar situation to Zimbabwe, where a stick of gum cost $200,000.00, and people were using money as KINDLE.
The only way out for the US is
1. A massive war the likes of which human civilization has never seen
2. Destroy the dollar and unite currencies with neighboring countries (Amero?)
3. Responsible financial planning at all levels of government (haha, sorry I can't even type that sh*t with a straight face)
#1 and #2 are obviously band-aid solutions to a massive gaping wound, definitely not long-term solutions.
My guess is that they will continue to inflate the dollar as long as they can - maybe for another year or two tops until they either go #2, or get us into deeper water which will necessitate a #1.
It's not all doom and gloom though. Some countries are recovering at an astonishing rate. Both France and Germany are no longer in recession and continue to pick up steam. Both countries got out of it by cutting gov't spending while decreasing their dependence on imports and employing more people locally.
America would have to make huge lifestyle/cultural shift to do the same. There's definitely no room for Walmarts or Targets in such an economic model, can the American people give up their addiction to ridiculously low prices in favor of supporting themselves and their communities? They haven't done such a great job so far.
The real shooting star right now is China, no surprise since they are the kings of cheap labor. They are seeing explosive growth in all sectors and already outperform our richest citizens -,8599,1930337,00.html. China also recently granted America a loan for military spending in the Iraq War. That's right, project Desert Freedom may be all-american, but it's paid in China now.
You know, considering our options I have to wonder if we can liquidate that debt buy declaring war against them? That would sure kill two birds with one stone!