Really? Really? Cb me like that?


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2009
Reaction score
Hey, what's up DJ? New here. Not new to the field. Checked stuff out, decided to register.

Anyways, I have a problem. I game all day, but recently im honing in on this one chick, L. Its not any oneitis, I am indifferent to the outcome. Really. Couldn't care less. Yet, it would be cool to date that chick. She's hot. But I have options.

Well, im pissed off. I am truly getting my ass AMOG'd out every day. How do I claim my throne back in the social scene?

As an example: There's this one fool, his name is B. This guy B does nothing but be an idiot. He walks into the room and screams. Pokes a chick in the waist. Ad libs some lyrics. Screams and jumps. Constantly. He takes the light. He takes the spotlight on him. Its irritating because I can be gaming this chick and she's all in my arms like putty, until B walks in. Then she runs off with B.

Another example: There's this other kid, his name is T. This kid is a football player (albiet C team), a redneck-y guy who is really too nice for his own good. So he's chillin and L (hb8) walks in. Ignores me and talks to him. He does nothing but soften up to her. I am thinking its just her h2g scheme. We really had some chemistry, we still do. But its gay because I can't work my magic with this prick in my way. I think he's the provider and im more the lover. Yet, it seems so intense, its like there going out. In the traditional, courtship sense.

Any tips on how to reclaim the throne?


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
You only lose the alpha feeling as you think you do. No one can actually see the Alpha orb floating from one guy to the next. They only see the man. So you should ignore their game and focus on your inner self. This guy by the name of Snowman, Snowplow, something like that had a series of posts about the Alpha mindframe...Basically, it came down to the mental state. The alpha in the group is always mentally in that state.

An examle would be...this movie was on last and the furious..personally, i thought all the racers were immature and stupid kids that couldn't make it in the system so they turned to robbing electronic equipment and pissing others off to survive....but vin diesel was obviously the alpha...calm disposition usually...happy guy that liked to joke a lot..and serious when he needed to be...that's usually how the alpha is...james bond that guy...don't be the guy that will do anything for attention...


Don Juan
Apr 7, 2009
Reaction score
Wow. I read your first sentance then put my phone away and it really clicked. I finished reading your post and I will check out that Snow___'s posts. I totally was about to let T game me out, but I took charge after reading your post. It worked out. I definitely put in some sexual tension, I slapped her ass randomly. We were talking and I just busted a move lol. Thanks man for your help.