Really Interested in a Much Younger girl


New Member
Jun 16, 2006
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I actually posted a topic about a a few weks ago and I know there is a similar one on the boards right now. I posted a new one because I don't want people to have to read through the whole old topic to get the idea, so I'll just post a summary here.

Alright so I'm 17 and will be a senior in high school when school starts up. Anyways, I met this girl, Heisel, at an end of schoo party. She's only 14, and she will be a freshman in high school. Well we started talking a bit and smehow I got her AIM SN and her number and we ended up talking a lot.

She is just an awesome girl. She "get's it" like I can joke around and be sarcastic all I want and she just get's it instead of it going over her head like many other girls. She looks great and she is a very fun person. I know this might seem like oneitis but I don't know why that would be. I talk to so many other girls(most my age) and many show interest in me but they are just not that interesting to me. I'm "talking" to a few other girls that like me but I just don't feel the connection. It's like they don't match up to Heizels awesomeness. She is just a great person.

We see each other quiet often since she is the sister of one of my best friends' GF. Before anyone asks, my best bud and his GF would really mind us going out since they know I'm a good person(mostly).

Well Heisel told me she liked me about two weeks ago and I told her she was an awesome girl and all, but that we needed to keep this between us. A few days later, we got into a talk about how she's never been kissed before because her 2 Exs were wussies. Anyways, I told her I would take it upon myself to make her 1st kiss an awesome one. She says she couldn't wait. So a few days ago I went to her house and when no one was around for a second I grabbed her and gave her a kiss.

So the deal is taht I really really like this girl, but the 3 year difference does seem like a big gap. IMO, I think it might work out, since she's pretty mature for her age. Then again, she will be a freshman while I'm a senior... But I just don't know. It's crazy that I've turned down two girls(one my age one a year younger) because I want to see if things could work out with her(Heisel).

So any comments, ideas, or suggestions?


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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hyphy bay area, ca
FROM MY EXPERIENCE, Id tell you it's not worth it. She don't know how to please a guy, she's 14.

You'll soon discover that it's gonna be even harder once you turn 18 and if something comes up, she can say u raped her and your ass is done. Girls pull that **** all the time. Be careful!

However my friend, if you really feel like you can connect, I'd say give it a try. You might be pleasantly surprised =) Give it a go, but take it slow and make sure that you're ready for it.


Don Juan
Jun 24, 2006
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Man, you seem to be making a bigger deal out of this than it really is. You'er gonna be a senior in high school so freshman chicks are like shooting fish in a barrel using a missile launcher. I think you should continue your relations with this chick for the rest of the summer and by the time school starts you will have a much bettr idea of what you want to happen and how to do it.


Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2003
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hyphy bay area, ca
Alex_1987 said:
Man, you seem to be making a bigger deal out of this than it really is. You'er gonna be a senior in high school so freshman chicks are like shooting fish in a barrel using a missile launcher. I think you should continue your relations with this chick for the rest of the summer and by the time school starts you will have a much bettr idea of what you want to happen and how to do it.
I second that.


New Member
Jun 16, 2006
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yeah maybe I should give it a try. But it's kinda compkicated... Heisels older sister, my friend, has this friend (JEnny). Jenny and Hesiel's older sis hang out all the time so Jenny is always at Jess' house and they are also good friends.

Well it get's complicated because Jenny likes me too. SHe IS my age though. She's also a cool girl and pretty attractive. I just like Jess more though. if they wern't friends I'd so date one and then if that didn;t work Id go for the other but since they are friends I can't do that.

Oh and btw today I went to Jess' house and they both(Jess and Jenny) were there. I act normal(and lightly flirt) with both around other ppl but when Im alone with either, be flirt big time. Oh and I told Jess that I was never gonna kiss her unless she initialized it(I want her to get ober het shyness haha) and she was very nervous but ended up doing it! We ended up making out and it was her 1st time XD.

I know Im kinda leading her(Jess) on in a way with what me kissing her and all but I really like her. The only thing stoppinbg me from going out w/ her is the age difference. Also, Jenny is a great girl but it wouldn;t be very nice of me to go out w/ her since we'd be at Jess' house a lot(cuz Im very good friends with her sister). It would prolly crush her heart to see me and Jenny going out and kising and all.

So thats my situation... dealing w/ these two girls at least. Any advice?