Really Flirty Girls and attention *****s


Don Juan
Apr 28, 2006
Reaction score
At my school, there are a lot of Alpha males. There are also these type of girls that flirt with everyyyoneee. And because they are so flirty they get a lot of guy attention which they just suck up. I hate these girls.

So these guys are always being real alpha around them, teasing them, grabbing them, kino'ing them .etc. I am friends with the alphas though, but I don't do the same thing when they are doing it right in front of me, ganging up on them. I just stand back and act like I could care less.

Now some of these girls are hot as ****. I want to game them, and have in the past a bit, but I am hesitant to because I'll just look like another one of the many guys who do stuff to them.

How do I get these type of girls, who are so used to getting alpha attention that they don't immediately jump into your hands when you show them you aren't beta like most girls do.


Don Juan
Jan 22, 2007
Reaction score
i kno exactly how you feel
i use it to my advantage tho
i sit right next to the alphas and watch what they do and study their technique.
its excellent. it is frustrating tho and i hate it, but what you can do is give the hot betch (girl)a little attention (when not receiving attention from other alphas)then goto another girl that is not flirted with often (not so good looking gal or w/e) and talk to her and tease her. 1st off it will brighten the ugly's day. 2nd it will bring the hottie to you to want more attention and make her jealous. 3rd im sure the ugly has hot friends and your name might get around.
good lucK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2007
Reaction score
First off, most guys mistake friendly girls for flirty girls. Remember: guys talk to girls to flirt and seduce; girls talk to guys because girls like to talk.

Personally, I don't know why you'd want to be with a girl of the stereotype you claim to hate, but here's a general rule that will get you far with women (and life on the whole): treat all women with respect and kindness.

I don't mean "be AFC". I mean, think of how you would talk to a hot girl, how you might open a door for her, laugh with her, smile at her, etc, and do this with all girls, even (and especially) girls you don't find attractive. It builds your character and reputation in a good way, and trust me, women notice kindness.