I'm going to tell you all you need to know, follow these easy to understand yet hard to follow steps and you will be happy and succesfull in all the walks of life you wish.
Step 1: Realisation
I've read it alot around this site "You are capable then more you could possibly imagine, you can get tonnes of girls, you can become rich, you can fulfill your every hearts desire" or something along those lines.
You know what i say to that? No your not, you don't know what your capable of, if you get hit by a bus and become paraplegic (sp?) picking up girls isnt going to be the easiest task in the world especially if you have uncontrollable acne.
We judge ourselves on what we believe we can become, we keep telling ourselves that we can be rich, that we will have that HB one day and not that jerk, let me tell you now: EVERYONE BELIEVES THAT.
Your not better then anyone, people just tell themselves that they will be up the top someday to make themselves feel better because they have nothing.
As i said before, we judge ourselves on what we believe we can do. However, others judge us on what we have all ready done, remember that, you might be a DJ in your mind but in reality, your not and you know it deep down inside.
So now you realise that you aren't anything special, thats good now you are miles ahead of everyone else, what you have to do is not accept it, dont accept the fact that you have no idea of who you can become. Don't accept the lies you have been giving yourself (get mad at yourself), go out there and FIND OUT what your capable of.
Step 2: Procrastination
"Procrastination is the thief of time" - Edward young
"You never know what results will come from your action. But if you do nothing there will be no result." - Ganobi
If you cant act towards your goals RIGHT NOW, then you will be nothing for the rest of your life, you will never be fulfilled. Let me explain, every time you put something off, you are making things a little harder. So if you cant do it now then it will be harder to do it tomorrow, you have to work your way out of the whole you have dug and then begin building a mountain.
You want to know how to reach your goals? I will tell you:
If you dont know how to train like a champion then READ, read the DJ bible to learn how to train like a DJ, read books written by millionares to train like them and train like a bodybuilder to look like one.
It's so simple yet people STILL HAVE PROBLEMS!
Something that might help you: One day at a time, dont ruin the present by worrying over the future or you will just end up having a ****ed up future.
Tomorrow is the consequence of what you do TODAY, RIGHT NOW!
Step 1: Realisation
I've read it alot around this site "You are capable then more you could possibly imagine, you can get tonnes of girls, you can become rich, you can fulfill your every hearts desire" or something along those lines.
You know what i say to that? No your not, you don't know what your capable of, if you get hit by a bus and become paraplegic (sp?) picking up girls isnt going to be the easiest task in the world especially if you have uncontrollable acne.
We judge ourselves on what we believe we can become, we keep telling ourselves that we can be rich, that we will have that HB one day and not that jerk, let me tell you now: EVERYONE BELIEVES THAT.
Your not better then anyone, people just tell themselves that they will be up the top someday to make themselves feel better because they have nothing.
As i said before, we judge ourselves on what we believe we can do. However, others judge us on what we have all ready done, remember that, you might be a DJ in your mind but in reality, your not and you know it deep down inside.
So now you realise that you aren't anything special, thats good now you are miles ahead of everyone else, what you have to do is not accept it, dont accept the fact that you have no idea of who you can become. Don't accept the lies you have been giving yourself (get mad at yourself), go out there and FIND OUT what your capable of.
Step 2: Procrastination
"Procrastination is the thief of time" - Edward young
"You never know what results will come from your action. But if you do nothing there will be no result." - Ganobi
If you cant act towards your goals RIGHT NOW, then you will be nothing for the rest of your life, you will never be fulfilled. Let me explain, every time you put something off, you are making things a little harder. So if you cant do it now then it will be harder to do it tomorrow, you have to work your way out of the whole you have dug and then begin building a mountain.
You want to know how to reach your goals? I will tell you:
If you dont know how to train like a champion then READ, read the DJ bible to learn how to train like a DJ, read books written by millionares to train like them and train like a bodybuilder to look like one.
It's so simple yet people STILL HAVE PROBLEMS!
Something that might help you: One day at a time, dont ruin the present by worrying over the future or you will just end up having a ****ed up future.
Tomorrow is the consequence of what you do TODAY, RIGHT NOW!