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Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
I was pondering something recently. I wondered if maybe the advice I gave, or whatever I deem shareable to you guys, is unworthy.

I contemplated this, due to perhaps my arrogance in finding posts of lesser-quality (in my mind) receiving an extravagantly higher response.

What I came to conclude, was that the people who actually take the time to read, scrutinize and respond to the majority of the articles and posts here, are the people looking to change.

I see a thread (hypothetically) saying “Turn from a loser to a winner! I read it, it says some stupid bull**** about “turning your life around” by following his “10 steps to success”. I sort of chuckle to myself, and then scroll down a bit, my god! There are 50 responses!

You AFCs here, if your even still ****ing reading my post. I want you to realize you’re taking the easy way out. Like I’ve said before, you are denying yourself of reality because you find it more comforting.

You want to change? Then why the **** are you reading up on how the **** you should be living your life. Do you honestly think you are incapable? Why do you want to do this easily, why do you want your 10 steps to success? Why can’t you grab your ****in balls and live your ****ing life?!

For Christ’s sake! I’m gonna say it again! This is not complicated at all. All these things about improving your game, going from nothing to everything, the way you gaze into her eyes, it’s all bull****.

I am going to give you the fundamental grounds to proceed with your life. I am not going to tell you what to do! I’m sick and tired of seeing people tell you mindless bastards looking for help what to do!

You’re as good of a person as me, and you better believe that. ****, I guarantee you’re a better person then I. You don’t even know who I am, and I’m not going to tell you. Maybe I will someday, when I think someone here is respectable enough to hear it.

So, you’ve read this far. I’ve pretty much torn down your petty existence on this forum, huh? The fact that you are here proves you’re a step above your peers.

People don’t like my posts is because the thought processes I’m breeding are difficult ones.

I am going to shell-out something new, something you’ve never seen before.

As I said, I am going to give you the ground for your plant to grow-on. I am not going to tell you what you need to do, but only what will help you get to where you want to be.


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2002
Reaction score
Anger is a form of deniel, from what it sounds like reading this post is that your denying something about yourself, whether its the fast that you couldn't change something about yourself, or something you don't see but someone else can.

One day my math teacher had an in depth conversation about insults, compliments, and help. It started off by someone being insulted by the things he was saying. He is a very intelligent man and he answered it very well. He said "You can't change other people", The more and more i thought about this the more and more i realized it was true. People feel like what they are doing is right, other people may tell them they are wrong, but as long as the person feels they are right absolutely nothing anyone else does can change their mind. The person need to find out for themselves that they are wrong. People will only change their life if they want to change it, nothing they read can make them change if they don't want to.

The purpose of the "Better youself" posts is because people want to change, but its like looking for a lightswitch in the dark, you might eventually find it, but if someone opens the door for you and brings light into the room, it is much easier to find the switch to brighten your life.
When someone gives advice on ways to better thenselves they are reporting on things they read that gave them help or things they did. People are often confronted with the fact that their life is not what it is in their mind, they have their goals, but the road their is unfamilar and they need help. People rationalize things a lot and use excuses even more, thus people blaming genetics for weight problems or fast food companies, it all is the persons responsibility but its easier to blame others. People can blame others for why they are a certain way (looks, size), so they are looking for change without feeling pressured to much or too quick.

People need help every so often, and the people on this site, more or less, give them help, remember next time before bashing someone that they are looking for the switch.


Master Don Juan
Dec 7, 2001
Reaction score
Lol, well said Smooth, your series is good.


Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2002
Reaction score
Do I sense some indirects here?

Well, I see you have noble intentions, but what basically are you trying to do?
How else can you stir changes in people, other than using stories or provoking self-evalution?

See Pook, a very respected poster. What does he do?
He tells stories, quotes and ask questions, intended to spark the thoughts in the readers' heads.

I respect you a lot, but myself, as a poster, and someone who knows a thing or two about writing, still haven't found a way to reach people in such special way !



Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by Brazilian_Blues_Boy

See Pook, a very respected poster. What does he do?
He tells stories, quotes and ask questions, intended to spark the thoughts in the readers' heads.
Pook is the person who changed my life with his posts, if it wasn't for him and my friend i would still be a reject. Posts are good, don't feel like your way is the best for everyone cause it isn't always.


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2003
Reaction score
I'm all for both kinds of posts. A "how-to" guide is nice for those AFCs who need a place to start, as there is a wealth of information to absorb right away.

But I tend to favor the posts Smooth is talking about, that discuss living life for yourself instead of fitting into a pre-fabricated reality. That's what being a Don Juan is all about imo, not giving into the AFC illusions all around you in life everyday and fighting for your goals, doing what you want and knowing why your doing it.

Armed with that knowledge, you could do anything. This is why I pity the AFCs.


Master Don Juan
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Good luck smooth, im looking forward to whatever your planning.

I don't blame people for being so shallow in trying to find an answer to life and relationships because it comes naturally to us as men to want everything simple. The want for a simple answer or technique is natural, and i expect EVERY AFC that comes here will be intending to find this simple answer, they are shocked when they find it doesnt exist and decide to sit around and wait for this "magic answer".

Well the fact of the matter is life and relationships are complicated and this site has taken something complicated and stripped it down to something more simple, but none the less it is still complicated. However, an AFC has the tendancy to make something simple really complicated, thats the difference.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 12, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by P.I.M.P.
I'm all for both kinds of posts. A "how-to" guide is nice for those AFCs who need a place to start, as there is a wealth of information to absorb right away.

But I tend to favor the posts Smooth is talking about, that discuss living life for yourself instead of fitting into a pre-fabricated reality. That's what being a Don Juan is all about imo, not giving into the AFC illusions all around you in life everyday and fighting for your goals, doing what you want and knowing why your doing it.

Armed with that knowledge, you could do anything. This is why I pity the AFCs.

I was very tempted to just shred this post of yours to micropieces, but i won't. PIMP, you are very, VERY, V-E-R-Y, wrong.
Djism is bullshyt, AFCism is bullshyt, they are both fabricated reality and both illusions. It's great that you are able to see different "realities" at such an early age, but to be without illsions, you would need to be without everything, and i do mean EVERYTHING. No dj, no afc, no pimp, no nationality, no mindset, no nothing. Just as those 4 or 5 years old kids that run around without caring for a thing in the world. That is what being really free looks like, and not "being" anything.


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2003
Reaction score
That is being 'free', at least as far as being free allows a small child growing up and devloping can be. They have a natural curiosity to life, are eager to explore new things and experience every detail around them.

There are AFCs out there. There are illusions of how men should act everywhere in the movie. You note my age, yes I do notice it. I'm pretty interested in philosophy. Everyday I see some new nonsense about how women think women should be treated (as princesses), while when I open my eyes I see nothing but sluts who want to be put in their place.

I never claimed DJism was a religion. Nor do I think it doesn't exist. There is no actual fabricated reality. There is merely the world we exist in, and everyone perceives life differently than the next guy. And thanks to this site, I have realized that there are two different breeds of men. AFC and non-AFC, be it natural DJ, jerk or a DJ from this site. Society has taught men to worship women so long they just don't know any better.

However, there is still that percentage of men who somehow know this isn't right, this isn't what is meant for them. They want to excel in their life, and take whatever they want, because they know each man is free to mold his own destiny to whatever he pleases. This is what attracts women to him. Women know they will not control him, because he is in control of his own life.

And biologically? Well that just makes them wet.

No one can ever truly be 'free' and curious like a child once they grow up, however that is the point of learning to give up women as the focus of your life. Focus all of your attention on those things that make you curious and interest you, and have a love for them. And watch as the chicks fall in love with you because you don't even know they're there.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 12, 2001
Reaction score
Well, kick me in the as* and call me Charlie! If this was written by a 16 years old... pimp, you've got a promising future ahead of you.
Here's what i think of what you just wrote:

Originally posted by P.I.M.P. That is being 'free', at least as far as being free allows a small child growing up and devloping can be. They have a natural curiosity to life, are eager to explore new things and experience every detail around them.
Goddang right they do, such a curiosity which also includes absolutly no need for any fame, stardom, pride, honor or any other kind of other bullshyt that this world is built upon. They don't wear any masks. They are what they truly are.

Originally posted by P.I.M.P. There are AFCs out there. There are illusions of how men should act everywhere in the movie. You note my age, yes I do notice it. I'm pretty interested in philosophy. Everyday I see some new nonsense about how women think women should be treated (as princesses), while when I open my eyes I see nothing but sluts who want to be put in their place.
Well, here i'm going to write something else, instead of answering to what you wrote.
You have perception, yes. But i'm fycking curious what it's going to be like in a few years time.
But about the opening your eyes part... well... let me just tell you, that as long as you DO see something, either a bytch or a queen of a woman, that is still an illusion. Being illusionless is seeing nothing, just percieving things like mother nature made them, without any kinds of society inflicted bullshyt.

Originally posted by P.I.M.P. I never claimed DJism was a religion. Nor do I think it doesn't exist. There is no actual fabricated reality. There is merely the world we exist in, and everyone perceives life differently than the next guy. And thanks to this site, I have realized that there are two different breeds of men. AFC and non-AFC, be it natural DJ, jerk or a DJ from this site.
Well, there is a LOT more then just being AFC or a DJ. Seeing just those two is, again, very limited perception. And that fact, that we all see differently, is again blindness. The "we are all so different" bullshyt actally means "we are different in blindness and illusions," or to say it differently, we are all sick, just everybody in a different way.

Originally posted by P.I.M.P. Society has taught men to worship women so long they just don't know any better.
Oooooh man, am i curious what you are going to say, when you, not find out for yourself, but feel for yourself, what all else has society taughts us, that is also incorrect.

Originally posted by P.I.M.P. However, there is still that percentage of men who somehow know this isn't right, this isn't what is meant for them. They want to excel in their life, and take whatever they want, because they know each man is free to mold his own destiny to whatever he pleases. This is what attracts women to him. Women know they will not control him, because he is in control of his own life.

And biologically? Well that just makes them wet.

Originally posted by P.I.M.P. No one can ever truly be 'free' and curious like a child once they grow up, however that is the point of learning to give up women as the focus of your life.
Pimp, ma' boy, you just hit the nail on the head. You are soooooo very wrong about this one, but it is good that you are. Because If you keep up your mindgrinding like up to now, you will soon find our for yourself that you CAN be free and exatcly as curious as all the kids you see when they are only few years old. You will see, trust mey YOU WILL. And it's a goddang shame that i won't be around to see your opinion of it...

Originally posted by P.I.M.P. Focus all of your attention on those things that make you curious and interest you, and have a love for them.
For a 16 years old to be saying things like this... well, i hope you are doing it like you are saying it, really i do. Because there are not a lot of people that are that way. Well... at least of all i know, there are a very few of them like that.

Originally posted by P.I.M.P. And watch as the chicks fall in love with you because you don't even know they're there.
Oh yes, that works. In both directions. I have felt the powers of a girl being a challenge and oh MAN, does it work like a charm.

Keep that fine mind of yours broiling boy, you'll get far one day with it.


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2003
Reaction score
You bring up some very interesting points Titus. You have indeed gotten the gears in my head moving, thinking about several things.

I find it hard to believe that it is possible to return your mindset to that of a small child, content merely to exist and discover new things every day. It is through discovering and existing that we become the people we are today, due to our discoveries and realizations of the world as it is around us. This is is why there are so many different people, everyone grew up and perceived things in a different way, and formed their own opinions and morals and such.

I believe there is a lot more to being an AFC and a DJ as well. No one person can just be classified in one group, it is their actions that make them. Myself, I pull off some pretty pimp game sometimes, and at other times I feel myself slipping back to AFC actions. There is a way around this, and I believe it is to somehow get in the proper mindset of being that carefree, curious natural being.

Hard to believe as it is, it is still possible I suppose. And I understand enough about how the game works to see why this would work. If you are constantly carefree and content just to exist in the world around you, how could you not be one happy mofo? Mix a little ambition, conversation skills and self-improvement into the arsenal, and you've got everything you'll ever need to exist and live the life many men would envy.

I'm curious to find a way to achieve this carefree mindset though...looks like I've got a lot of experimenting ahead of me. :D

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Crucify the ego, before it's far to late :)

Look into Carl Jung, you may find him interesting.

If you want to go more hardcore checkout "The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life". Good books.


Don Juan
Apr 27, 2003
Reaction score
P.I.M.P. and Titus, I just thought i'd say that neither of you, or anyone else in this world, has any true understandings of reality. you think too much about things like that. tell me, what would you do if you found the answer? do you really think it would be that big of a deal to know anything about reality? as far as i'm concerned, you're both talking like what you're saying is the truth, when nobody knows anything about the truth. it is pretty much impossible to prove anything to be true, so don't bother. just take it as it is, and don't spend too much time worrying about why it is.


Don Juan
Jul 22, 2003
Reaction score
I'm not trying to talk like I have the be-all-end-all-knowledge. I just think it's fascinating to see why children are so carefree and content while most grown people are stressed, tired and depressed with the current state of their lives.

I went out again today and realized a few more things about this topic, I'm doing a post up now on it.

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by chronus
P.I.M.P. and Titus, I just thought i'd say that neither of you, or anyone else in this world, has any true understandings of reality. you think too much about things like that. tell me, what would you do if you found the answer? do you really think it would be that big of a deal to know anything about reality? as far as i'm concerned, you're both talking like what you're saying is the truth, when nobody knows anything about the truth. it is pretty much impossible to prove anything to be true, so don't bother. just take it as it is, and don't spend too much time worrying about why it is.
You are an ignorant, blind, man. I'm gonna cut-out all the psuedo-philosophy I would typically respond to this with and give it to you straight no-bull****.

These guys aren't looking at trying to understand reality. They are discovering themselves. You should try it.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 12, 2001
Reaction score
Originally posted by P.I.M.P. I find it hard to believe that it is possible to return your mindset to that of a small child, content merely to exist and discover new things every day.
Oh, it is possible. But it is not really a "mindset" of a little kiddo. It's just his way of seeing the world, while still having the brains and thoughts of a grown up. Or to say it differently, you are the same as before, but it takes a lot less things to make you satisfied, make you truly happy. A simple bird, tree or a stream do it all the way. No need for being accpeted by anybody, feeling no fear, no anger, no need to be famous or have lots of material possessions.

Originally posted by P.I.M.P. It is through discovering and existing that we become the people we are today, due to our discoveries and realizations of the world as it is around us.
Oh, yes, but what is it that we discover? I'd say something that is not good, if it takes all the child hapiness away from you... What do you think it is?

Originally posted by P.I.M.P. This is is why there are so many different people, everyone grew up and perceived things in a different way, and formed their own opinions and morals and such.
Yes, true. But alas, it is in too much situations that is all also cloggs us up. The morals, the society, the teaching... we become society domesticated... well, that is a lie, we already are like that.

Originally posted by P.I.M.P. I believe there is a lot more to being an AFC and a DJ as well. No one person can just be classified in one group, it is their actions that make them.
Of course. But classifing people is also the pointer that we are domesticated and society blinded.
Classification of everything is actually own own fear. We like to think that we know something of the pople we see all around us, because it gives us a feeling of safety and no need to explore any further. Stick a lable on him and he's done! We know enough about him to feel safe and secure! But all hell breaks loose when we meet somebody who isn't everydayish to us. We don't understand what makes him tick, because we haven't met enough of his kind yet, so we can't take him for granted like everything else. And that makes him a threat, a wierdo, a crazy or any other kinds of labels that we put on the ones who aren't know to us enough, to take them for granted (because that way, it is safer to assume something then to admit, no! I don't know jackshyt about him! He could be a priest or a serial killer for all i know.)

Originally posted by P.I.M.P. Myself, I pull off some pretty pimp game sometimes, and at other times I feel myself slipping back to AFC actions. There is a way around this, and I believe it is to somehow get in the proper mindset of being that carefree, curious natural being.
Wellll... yes are quite close to it, but not in the center. The "mindset," or as i have called it before, "society domesticated," itself is what makes you unable of being happy and carefree. When you have NO mindset at all, you will be like that.

Originally posted by P.I.M.P. Hard to believe as it is, it is still possible I suppose. And I understand enough about how the game works to see why this would work. If you are constantly carefree and content just to exist in the world around you, how could you not be one happy mofo? Mix a little ambition, conversation skills and self-improvement into the arsenal, and you've got everything you'll ever need to exist and live the life many men would envy.
I am not so sure of this pimp, m'boy! I think it would be the other way around. Sound wierd? I'll try to explain.
You see, the world (or at least 98.9 % procent of it), actaully, it's people, are not so carefree, loving and happy as the little kudos which we mentioned earlier. They, actaully me, you and the rest of the world, are not fully "awake," as Anthony De Mello called it. We are used to suppressing our emotions and hiding, wanting, needing and groping for more and more. And that is a society standard. But if you were to put somebody happy as a little kiddo without a reason, with no actual ambitions or wishes, besides waking up everyday and seeing the sun shine, in the middle of those ambitious, takeallyoucanget, neversatisfied people, or in other words, us, i'll bet my old worn out and stinking slippers that we would percieve him as wierd. Because we would not be used to seeing somebody like that

Originally posted by P.I.M.P. I'm curious to find a way to achieve this carefree mindset though...looks like I've got a lot of experimenting ahead of me. :D
You do, without a doubt. But you are seeing all of this in the wrong light. What i am talking about is the opposite of what you have been doing all of this time. You have been tought all of your life to have more, more and more (money, knowledge, power...), while i am asking you: "Are you ready to leave all of that? Are you ready to live without any ambitions, wishes, no wanting to be better then anybody else? And are you ready to throw away all that you "think" you know, all of your so called "knowledge"? Are you ready to admit that you are nobody, that you mean nothing and that in truth, you never will be able to be anything?
Once you do accept all of this, you will be on you way.

Good luck!

Smooth as Anything

Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2002
Reaction score
Ricky Fitts: It was one of those days when it's a minute away from snowing and there's this electricity in the air, you can almost hear it. And this bag was, like, dancing with me. Like a little kid begging me to play with it. For fifteen minutes. And that's the day I knew there was this entire life behind things, and... this incredibly benevolent force, that wanted me to know there was no reason to be afraid, ever. Video's a poor excuse. But it helps me remember... and I need to remember... Sometimes there's so much beauty in the world I feel like I can't take it, like my heart's going to cave in.