Re: Day game and what openers to use


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
I'm done with my ex-girlfriend; in fact I broke up with her about a month ago.
It took me a whole month to get over her and now I've freed myself of that metal ball I had attached to my ankle.

Now, I've been out of the game for 30 months due to my LTR. I used o be very shy and I developed my game at night clubs; the issue with night clubs is there isn't many (if any) quality women in those places, so I'd like to meet a high-quality girl/woman. I would like to meet her in a casual place (other than a night club or social event) such as school for example.

I've been in LA for some time and never made a move on the babes because of my monogamy to my ex. I'm prepared to approach and I know there will be some rejections and I'm still up to the plate; however, I often find myself in a situation where I find it difficult to come up with openers. In night game, it's more about sexuality and seduction, but I'd like to use day game and meet a girl in the street or on my way to class (looots of them in sight).

What are some good day-game openers I could use for these places? :

-The street
-The supermarket
-A coffee shop
-A library
-A restaurant (ie: subway)

Thanks in advance for your detailed responses, guys!

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
How about: "Hi" for starters. Then ask a question relating to the place you're in and evetually ask how their Valentine's day was. You'll find out if they're single or not. Pretty simple. No PUA DJ ninja tactics needed.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
Naughty Ninja said:
How about: "Hi" for starters. Then ask a question relating to the place you're in and evetually ask how their Valentine's day was. You'll find out if they're single or not. Pretty simple. No PUA DJ ninja tactics needed.
I'm not trying to use any crazy techniques; I simply want some fresh ideas on what I can use to open. I would obviously say "Hi" before anything.

J Roc said:
end of thread
Dec 7, 2007
Reaction score
Marvin Gaye said:
Search "Alex Coulson" on YouTube, he's pretty real when it comes to day game!!
:rockon: :rockon:

:trouble: :wave: :) :( :rock: :yes: :whistle:
He is pretty good as you say. He uses opinion openers all the time, so if you want to magically start talking with nothing to talk about (as the above guys are saying) I don't know how you go about it. Simply saying Hi only gets you a blank stare. So will "How is it going?"

Marvin Gaye

Senior Don Juan
Dec 22, 2010
Reaction score
Negative thoughts down the drain just relax, let t
AreYouSingleFemale said:
He is pretty good as you say. He uses opinion openers all the time, so if you want to magically start talking with nothing to talk about (as the above guys are saying) I don't know how you go about it. Simply saying Hi only gets you a blank stare. So will "How is it going?"
Here is a non-opinion, non-indirect, totally DIRECT video.

Right off the bat, he drops some fun lines, teasing, playfulness. Dominating the situation!

I really like the part, she shoots a test at him, "Do you come to the opera house often to try and pick up tourists?"

"No, I don't really come to pick up anybody, I just like to talk"

I really suggest watching the video. He's helped me a lot, and better yet he's not a PUA guy trying to scam anyone for money, he a laid back dude keepin it treal. :cool:

The video I posted is great as well; short sweet and to the point.

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
What are some good day-game openers I could use for these places? :

-Campus- ask about the worst professors. If she answers tell her that's your mom or dad. Then tell her you already know to avoid them at all costs.

-The street- tell them they look lost. If they tell you to get lost tell them that's impossible as you carry your GPS device in your pocket and they should try it sometime.

-The supermarket, coffee shop, restaurant- Tell them you're new to that type of place and were wondering how it works. (Like a salad bar, ice cream place, sandwich shop, sushi, coffee shop, supermarket.) Ask something ridiculous like that and tell them with a serious face. Then break into a regular conversation letting after them know you were busting balls.

-A library- tell them you're thinking about doing a project on Facebook or online dating and you're trying to find more information on what posseses people to join either of those sites. Most have either been on one or both and would volunteer info or help.

Those are off the top of my head. Usually I'll just say whatever comes to mind. There's no magic opener with everyone.


Master Don Juan
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
"Hi. I like your (hair/eyes/dress/tits). Give me (your number/a kiss/a *******), and maybe we can go out sometime."


Senior Don Juan
May 16, 2009
Reaction score
Approach girls that reciprocate direct eye contact as you walk up to them and both of you guys will know exactly what is going on and you won't have to do anything fancy or worry about what you're saying. She'll be happy that you said hi. She'll be happy to fluff talk a bit with you, and then you can grab her number no problem.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
Reaction score
Naughty Ninja said:
-Campus- ask about the worst professors. If she answers tell her that's your mom or dad. Then tell her you already know to avoid them at all costs.
Hahaha, I like this one! "Hey, that's my dad!!!"

Here at the University I work at, I use situational conversations.


Don Juan
Jan 22, 2012
Reaction score
I'm new here and this is the 4th thread that I read.. I can't believe all the good info that I was missing, it seems each thread is better than the next one!


Master Don Juan
Jan 4, 2012
Reaction score
I am kind of partial to the direct openers like "Excuse me, but I just noticed you over here and wanted to find out more about you" or "I think your really pretty and I wanted to find out more about you" or "You seem to have an interesting vibe going on over here and I just wanted to find out what it was"

I believe Ross Jeffries was big on direct openers and also have seen some videos with AFCAdam and his students, and Vince Kelvin using them(that dude cracks me up)


In every single one of those situations, I usually go direct with the same line. It goes something like this:

Try to get eye contact first

"Hey" (Pause - if you don't already have eye contact, establish it) "I noticed that you are very beautiful and want to get to know you. I'm on my way to X (or some other time constraint) and don't have time to talk to you right now. Give me your number and we'll get a drink sometime"

I've approached a lot of girls that way and have only ever had 2 not give me their numbers. What I've found is that most guys just don't have the balls to execute something like that. Girls realize this and respond accordingly. I can't tell you how many girls have told me afterwards that they don't give their numbers out to guys but gave it to me because they don't see guys acting that bravely.

You could really say anything, but I don't see the point in trying to go through the back door or wait around to get to the point. I don't have time to pretend like I'm lost or that my parent is a bad professor :p. I think she's pretty and want to bang her. That's really about all I know and I don't make pretentions about anything else. If a girl likes me, it's not going to require a magic trick or some other PUA tactic. If she doesn't like me, those probably won't help.

I've found it best just to be direct.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
Wow, I cannot believe how much my life has changed in about a year. I was terrified to approach back then. Today, it is another story. I love it when someone resurrects a random, good thread. It was my thread's turn to come back this time!

Rubato said:
In every single one of those situations, I usually go direct with the same line. It goes something like this:

Try to get eye contact first

"Hey" (Pause - if you don't already have eye contact, establish it) "I noticed that you are very beautiful and want to get to know you. I'm on my way to X (or some other time constraint) and don't have time to talk to you right now. Give me your number and we'll get a drink sometime"

I've approached a lot of girls that way and have only ever had 2 not give me their numbers. What I've found is that most guys just don't have the balls to execute something like that. Girls realize this and respond accordingly. I can't tell you how many girls have told me afterwards that they don't give their numbers out to guys but gave it to me because they don't see guys acting that bravely.

You could really say anything, but I don't see the point in trying to go through the back door or wait around to get to the point. I don't have time to pretend like I'm lost or that my parent is a bad professor :p. I think she's pretty and want to bang her. That's really about all I know and I don't make pretentions about anything else. If a girl likes me, it's not going to require a magic trick or some other PUA tactic. If she doesn't like me, those probably won't help.

I've found it best just to be direct.
Haha, the tables are turned in this thread?