So last couple of weeks I've been sort of forcing myself to do things differently. Not everything, but get out of this comfortably flabby comfort zone I'm in.
I"m feeling like I've had some success. Yesterday was pretty good. I went to this meetup of C.A.F.E. ( Canadian association for equality) deals with mens issues. Had 4 guys speaking, one was a dating coach, another a mytho poet? a MGTOW guy and a guy who was the first openly gay journalist in this city.
Good to get my brain going, chatted up this Korean art therapist women who was there and we went for a cup of tea after and got her number. ( she says shes in a loving relationship so phuk knows why shes giving her number out or if she'll ever answer)
Also joined a different gym, this one has lots of exercise classes and things you can do with other people. They have 5 aside soccer a few nights a week, yoga and kick boxing and all kinds of stuff. I played 5 a side soccer with these Brazilian and Asian guys in there 20s and I dont think my heart and lungs have had to work like that for a long long time!

but it felt great!
After I thought to myself that I really have to ask a different question, I have to ask what kind of work can I be doing that will enable me to do more of this, instead of being to tired from exhausting renovation work.
I've been riding my bike a lot which is good exercise to and also doing some things to tune up my health including getting a test to see how much free testosterone I've got in me.
I gave things a lot of thought and identified areas in my life that are a problem. One thing for sure is that my life is pretty lonely, and I live in a city I wasn't born in and thats notorious for being cliquey and aloof. In summer time I can got out and it's OK.... but once November hits and its rainy and dark, I get really down.
I'm still not sure what to do about that one. Going to that cafe meeting last night was an eye opener, got me thinking again what Ive been thinking for a while, and that is that I have no tribe here, maybe I can change that , but I have to put in the time and I can't be overworking like I have in the past.
So I'm going to continue to give myself a kick in the pants and shake things up a bit more. I'm going to be doing some travel and making changes at work, I'm going to be thinking about life and death and where did my brothers go when the went before their time.
Another big one I came across this last week or two is that, even though I'm 54 I don't really know what I'm looking for with women. I mean I know vaguely what I want and what I don't want.
It's like I know I'd like to screw some primo young AZ puzzy , but I dont really want to screw her 50 year old BBW friend etc... and if I go out and look enough I probably could hit one or two up. But on the other hand hardly going to be someone you can talk to about your life so far if she's under 30.
I've posted on here before about how when I've been to s.e. Asia, particularly Philippines how you can find a nice younger women who is into you and would be an asset to you. I'm not talking bar hookers of which there are plenty! I know 2 guy that were/are dive instructors there that both met babes younger and that would have been out there league here. Both now have a kid and seem quite happy.
I probably wouldn't do that but myself I think a guy could do a lot worse.