rate this convo, help me improve


Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
ok ive read quite a few posts and articles and tips. i may hav misinterpreted a few. tell me if this conversation is good? im looking to sleep with this girl. im tosh, lol means laughing out loud. a few typing errors

Victim: heya
Victim: ?
Victim: alrite kt?
Victim: mmmmf
Victim: i feel a little gross
Victim: u?
Very Amature DJ: feel a bit hung ova
Very Amature DJ: y u feel gross?
Victim: just a general urgh from the night before
Victim: how was ur thing with the producer guy ?
Very Amature DJ: was alrite
Very Amature DJ: jus lisened music and chatted
Very Amature DJ: met sum of his ms
Very Amature DJ: wat u get up babs?
Victim: went shopping
Victim: good for my health
Victim: got quite ****ered avec the girls
Victim: slept at ninas
Victim: lol and then went to waitrose for my
breakfast cos i stil had the munchies in the morning and i
got sooo many dirty looks!!
Very Amature DJ: lol
Very Amature DJ: wat u do avec la girls
Victim: no had any money so we just stayed in
Victim: got leeeeeeeeeeeaan
Victim: so u dint see emily?
Very Amature DJ: yeup
Very Amature DJ: onli hrs tho
Very Amature DJ: i had ditch her!!!!
Very Amature DJ: well not ditch her but leave
Victim: im sure you broke her heart
Very Amature DJ: nah corse not
Very Amature DJ: lol i dnt think shes that delicate
Victim: lollers
Victim: so wht are u upto today?
Very Amature DJ: ummm not much
Very Amature DJ: u?
Victim: working
Very Amature DJ: wer?
Victim: in my room
Very Amature DJ: o no pay?
Victim: no
Victim: courseworking and homeworking
Victim: long gone are the days when i have money!!
Very Amature DJ: lol
Very Amature DJ: ye i bst b doin
Very Amature DJ: v same
Victim: ive been mustering up the strength to start
for like an hour
Very Amature DJ: hows the ass goin lol
Very Amature DJ: ye same here i bin meanin do it since thurs
Victim: lol
Victim: the ass is bad
Very Amature DJ: lol aching?
Very Amature DJ: u bin doin the thrusts
Victim: no i havent actually
Victim: as im still not totally definite on how to do
Victim: you're not tht great at describing lol!
Very Amature DJ: lol
Very Amature DJ: ok do it now
Very Amature DJ: crab position
Victim: lol ok
Very Amature DJ: wiv u fore arms flat on the floor
Victim: but isnt the crab like when you have ur hands
flat on the floor?
Victim: and ur bodys in an arc
Victim: and ur facing upwards?
Very Amature DJ: ye but dis is ur fore arms flat
Victim: uh huh
Very Amature DJ: actually nah
Very Amature DJ: arms flat on the floor
Very Amature DJ: so ur lying down wiv u legs bent
Victim: ok so lying on the floor with legs bent
Victim: ass on or off floor?
Very Amature DJ: well das the point
Very Amature DJ: u raise ur ass up and down
Victim: oki
Very Amature DJ: lol
Victim: oh! i get it!!!
Very Amature DJ: dis is jokes
Victim: i know
Very Amature DJ: u feel it
Very Amature DJ: u feel the burn?
Victim: im not actually doing it now you fool
Victim: im feeling half dead
Very Amature DJ: lolok
Victim: i may go a run tho
Very Amature DJ: im not sure but i no dis works fro arms
Very Amature DJ: for arms#
Victim: a run*
Very Amature DJ: while u sitting down jus constantly tense ur butt
Very Amature DJ: it works if u jus constantl yense ur arms on and
Very Amature DJ: constantly tense#
Victim: o god my whole healthy thing is so buggered
Victim: i was so bad this weekend!
Victim: it was munch city
Very Amature DJ: lol
Very Amature DJ: how much u eat?
Victim: dont even go there
Victim: i dont know
Victim: i cant remember!
Victim: oh bollocks
Victim: that probably means a lot
Very Amature DJ: LOL
Very Amature DJ: ur belly still nice?
Victim: my money is gone
Victim: my belly was never nice!
Victim: but i imagine no, its not
Victim: im not daring to look tho
Very Amature DJ: lol
Very Amature DJ: u got flab on ur arms?
Very Amature DJ: like sum earthquakey **** that skakes wen u move ur
Victim: how rude
Victim: no i can be proud of my arms!
Victim: they quite tight from working in a
Very Amature DJ: too bad, dat reeli turns me on
Victim: shucks
Victim: hahahha yep wht a turn on
Very Amature DJ: flabby arms mmm
Victim: lol :p
Very Amature DJ: ill take u the gym summer and ill help u wiv ur
Victim: you will
Very Amature DJ: yup
Very Amature DJ: favor lol
Very Amature DJ: i gtg nowxx
Victim: then we can go to the cafe afterwards and put
it all bak on!!!
* Very Amature DJis now Away
* Very Amature DJhas changed his/her name to Very Amature DJ{havin a bath}
Victim: oh Very Amature DJu know u wanna come with me dont try
and pass it off s a favour :p
Victim: as*
Victim: cya xxx
Said he's go: hey
Very Amature DJ: hey kt
Said he's go: my dads just come over to my mums and been
sick everywhere
Said he's go: thts a scene u dont see everyday!
Very Amature DJ: eurgh
Very Amature DJ: he drunk?
Said he's go: shes not very happy
Said he's go: he was
Very Amature DJ: lol
Very Amature DJ: awww i wish my dead did that
Said he's go: lol why?
Very Amature DJ: id b able say "im jus tryna b like u daddy"
Very Amature DJ: as an excuse
Said he's go: its a lot of fun for me
Said he's go: i was just running about in glee between him
puking and my mum being like 'Michael!!!' :mad:'
Said he's go: heh heh heh
Said he's go: tres amusant
Very Amature DJ: lol
Very Amature DJ: ive neva thrown up
Very Amature DJ: i no its weird
Very Amature DJ: i think its coz im betta than evry else
Said he's go: i know
Said he's go: im jusrt not sick
Said he's go: i can mix dif types of drinks, weed
altogether and stil b fine
Said he's go: its super
Very Amature DJ: ye u mus b betta than evry else like me
Said he's go: oh, no doubt
Very Amature DJ: lol
Very Amature DJ: wat song is that?
Said he's go: midnight train to georgia
Very Amature DJ: ye thats it!!!
Very Amature DJ: choo choo
Said he's go: yaman im listening a tthe mo
Very Amature DJ: u lyk dat?
Very Amature DJ: gladys knight?
Said he's go: love it
Said he's go: yup
Very Amature DJ: me
Said he's go: i think we must be soulmates then
Very Amature DJ: lol mayb or mayb ur jus pretendin b myn by sayin u
lyk the same music as me
Very Amature DJ: llol
Said he's go: and maybe you're jsut a bit gay
Said he's go: i dont like the same music as u
Said he's go: just some of the better stuff u like
Very Amature DJ: lol
Said he's go: dont worry
Said he's go: i could never b soulmates with someone who
likes tomato juice
Very Amature DJ: i dnt like tomato juice
Very Amature DJ: i h it
Said he's go: really?
Very Amature DJ: ye
Said he's go: am i getting confused
Very Amature DJ: lol
Very Amature DJ: orange juice, mango juice, and carrot juice
Said he's go: ah tht was it
Said he's go: carrot juice
Very Amature DJ: lol
Very Amature DJ: well my soulmate wud obviously b gorjus, likes some
of the same songs as me, nice, easy to tlk to, nice chest
Very Amature DJ: and BIG ASS
Said he's go: dont cast aspersions on my butt
Said he's go: i cant help it!
Very Amature DJ: lol
Very Amature DJ: dnt woz if i wer squint my eyes i cud say ur ass is
Very Amature DJ: jk der aint nuttin rong wiv an ass wiv no
Very Amature DJ: dey r lovely:p
Said he's go: lol
Said he's go: why does ur soulmate need to have a nice
Very Amature DJ: dint say dat
Very Amature DJ: wud b i deal if they did tho
Said he's go: nice chest, big ass
Very Amature DJ: wud b ideal#
Said he's go: wouldnt it be absolutely spiffing to actually
find ur soulmate!
Very Amature DJ: yes spiffing
Very Amature DJ: but nothing i want find soon
Said he's go: why?
Very Amature DJ: still wud like hav fun wiv the ideals lol
Very Amature DJ: the big chested nice assed
Very Amature DJ: so i can appreciate my soulmate wen i find her
Very Amature DJ: but neways
Said he's go: sorry
Said he's go: im writing some media
Very Amature DJ: how u no all dese classics?
Said he's go: cos im well educated
Said he's go: my mother and father
Very Amature DJ: yeeeeeah
Very Amature DJ: my dad
Very Amature DJ: my mom a bit but she tries hard b young
Very Amature DJ: we do hav a bit in common dnt we
Said he's go: uh huh
Very Amature DJ: mmm
Said he's go: its all gravy baby
Very Amature DJ: uh?
Very Amature DJ: gravy lol
Said he's go: lol dw
Said he's go: yup
Very Amature DJ: ok im actualli busy
Said he's go: so dont be on here if u dont want me to tlk
to u?
Very Amature DJ: nah coz im busy u but not otha ppl
Very Amature DJ: :Djk
Very Amature DJ: how rude
Said he's go: my thoughts exactly
Very Amature DJ: nah im stayin on coz i no u want me , and it wud b
tite if i jus neglected u lyk dat
Said he's go: dont
Said he's go: go
Said he's go: im not staying on for you
Very Amature DJ: ok thnx takin that burden off my shoulders
Said he's go: please do not feel that u have to stay online
cos i want u to tlk to me
Said he's go: bye
Very Amature DJ: bi

was the convo good? what do i need to do?
Tunnel, ELti


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
summarise, learn not to purely copy and past and learn how to use paragrahs.

Sorry mate, but even though i skim read, i saw this AIM convo and couldnt be bothered to read all of it. Try reposting a summary of it in the same thread or editing it down


Don Juan
Apr 24, 2005
Reaction score
you have to realize the conversation to you is extremely interisting....i mean you flirting..but looking from the outside we all see it as boring ass ****....so give me the clifnotes of your friggen novel and then ill comment.


Master Don Juan
Dec 20, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by Used
you have to realize the conversation to you is extremely interisting....i mean you flirting..but looking from the outside we all see it as boring ass ****....so give me the clifnotes of your friggen novel and then ill comment.
cliff notes are for lazy people who can not read

Mr. Debonaire

Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2004
Reaction score
in front of my computer
Originally posted by Used
you have to realize the conversation to you is extremely interisting....i mean you flirting..but looking from the outside we all see it as boring ass ****....so give me the clifnotes of your friggen novel and then ill comment.

for some reason, I actually DID read it all, and i saw.....

nothing overly important (or dj) was really said

bust her on her big butt

ps she's ALOT funnier then you. work on that :p


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2004
Reaction score
say things like "S.Y.S.P.H."..."Shut your stinkin' pie hole"...that will make conversations funnier.


Master Don Juan
Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
jacksonville, FL
Read alot of teencraft's posts, he is a pretty funny guy. He could teach you a thing or two.